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The Blade

The Blade is one of the more terrifying of the Avatars, although not necessarily the most dangerous. Because of the atrocities and horrors which sentient being has committed upon sentient being for so long, it has given rise to an archetype to take the thoughts and nightmares of these people.

Attributes: The Blade is both victim and victimizer. Akin to the Twins in this respect, he is both sides of the coin, primarily because the most common phenomenon amongst the perpetrators of these atrocities is the cycle of abuse. Often, those who abuse others were themselves abused at some point; those who committed atrocities often once had atrocities perpetrated on them. The Blade takes on both persons, encompassing the pain of both, the rage, the helplessness and the hurt and in the victimizer’s case, the inability to empathize or to rid himself of ego long enough to stop himself from assaulting the other person.
The Blade is never stable, never has been, no matter how sane or rational or lucid he may seem. He can think for himself, often he can function at a basic level within the society, arousing no suspicion from those around him. He keeps to himself because his social skills are not up to a lengthy conversation with anyone whom he would have to relate with on a scale, in a field he is not used to. Too, he must maintain control of himself and his surroundings, creating an almost pathological need to dominate any situation he is in. Despite this, the Blade can be controlled by one more intelligent or more socially adept than he, or more aware of his strengths and weaknesses. Blades are called such both because they are fond of personal and intimate weapons, such as knives, and because they themselves are often used as weapons.

Taboos: A Blade’s warped view of the world defines him. He must always have both the aspects of victim and victimizer within him. Depending on the original cause for his becoming a victim he must have at least one failed notch in Self, Isolation, or Helplessness. He must also have at least two hardened notches in Violence.

Masks: The Corinthian (Sandman)

Symbols: The eight of swords, blades, torture implements, child abuse pamphlets

Suspected Avatars in History: Jeffery Dhamer

With a successful Avatar: The Blade roll the Blade is able to channel the essence of the victimizer for up to an entire scene. He no longer has to make Violence checks and all who see him should make a level 2 Violence check (fear of being harmed). All acts of victimization (emotional or physical) can be flip-flopped. If the Blade is in a situation where he can victimize someone and it does not go against his noble stimulus he must make a Soul roll to combat the desire.

With a successful Avatar: The Blade roll the Blade is able to channel the essence of the victim for up to a scene. He appears to everyone around him as the ultimate victim. This differs with who is looking at him (a mother might see him as a “child at heart” who is in need of care, a mugger will see him as an oblivious but wealthy man, a sexual predator will see him as helpless and incredibly desirable.) Depending on the type of person who sees him others will automatically try to either help him (the mother might give him food or try to comfort him) or take advantage of him (the mugger will try to rob him, the sexual predator will attempt to rape him). To resist this is a level-10 Self check.

At this point the Blade has become so close to the collective ideas of the victim and victimizer that he is able to intuitively see aspects of the victim or victimizer in another person. With a successful Avatar: The Blade roll he can find out one fact of the GM’s choosing that would give him an insight about which role (victim or victimizer) that the person has. Alternatively he can choose to find out one fact that would help him better victimize the subject.

Wound Reflection:
The Blade has now become so integrated with the ideas of victim and victimizer that when he is victimized he will automatically become a victimizer. Half of the damage that another person inflicts on him will also be inflicted on them. The wound will be in the same spot and of the same type (knife wounds will suddenly appear, bruises will erupt etc.) Having this happen requires a level-7 Unnatural check on the part of the person who wounded the Blade. This ability does not extend to other Blades.

One thought on “The Blade

  1. vagina = fun! says:

    I like the concept a lot, but I think your first two channels are a bit powerful. I would change the first channel to “ The Blade may use his avatar skill in place of another skill when using it to victimize someone” or “With a successful avatar check, the Blade may ignore any stress check resulting from his victimizing someone”

    For the second channel, I like it, but I would remove the level – 10 self check to be based off of the 10’s place on an avatar check. This makes it less powerful but also makes it based off of skill and a dice roll.


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