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The Twins

Two sides of the same coin, both the same and different…

Attributes: If there was singularity in the beginning, the moment the first choice was made duality was created. The twins are representative of that duality that springs from oneness and is so close to it that they can and often do move as a single unit. They are the clichés manifest, two sides of the same coin, opposites attracting, etc. The patterns that govern one often govern the other, and what affects one is always mirrored in some way in the other.
The most common form of twinship in popular media is that of equal opposites. Good and evil, light and dark have fascinated us since we first discovered the difference. How can a thing, a person, or an environment look so different by such a simple act as turning on the light? Twins are the manifestation of that difference, the same in every other aspect but with one fundamental change, one thing flipped onto its other side.

Taboos: Directly causing emotional or physical harm to the other twin.

Masks: Gemini, Castor & Pollex, Apollo & Artemis

Symbols: a coin, yin & yang, Gemini zodiac sign

Empathy (Soul):
The Twins are able to sense each other’s emotions at all times, including if they are in danger or in pain. With a successful Avatar: The Twins roll one of the twins can send a short, simple message telepathically to the other twin.

Synergy (Speed):
With a successful Avatar: The Twins roll the Twins can flip-flop any roll in which they are working together. (Example: Bob is trying to fix his car, if Linda (the other half of his avatar) helps, their rolls are flip-flopped).

Skill Sharing (Mind):
At this point the two parts of the Twins Avatar have become so connected that they can tap into each other’s skills. With a successful Avatar: The Twins roll one twin can use the skill of the other for a turn. If the task they wish to use the skill for is one that would take a longer amount of time more than one Avatar: The Twins roll must be made.

Two Are One (Body):
At this point the connection between the Twins has become so strong that they can become one entity. With a successful Avatar: The Twins roll the two bodies combine into one for a maximum of a one scene. This takes from one to three hours and a significant bonding event. The resulting person has all of the skills of the two and the highest of the Mind, Speed, Body, and Soul stats. To separate both halves of the Twins must make a level 10 Self check. If one or both succeed they can separate. If they both fail they cannot separate and must try again. (This does not cause hardened notches for Self but will cause failed Self notches.)

11 thoughts on “The Twins

  1. Stephen Alzis says:

    Hmm, so does this mean that there’s a seat in the Clergy filled by two people?

  2. madpawn says:

    I was just thinking about this idea the other day. “You know,” I said to myself, “I’m SURE there’s a Twins archetype. But one? Or two?”

    I decided on one. The perfect representation of Twins would be as one mind.

    Though that does leave a spot open for The Evil Twin, something I’m planning to write.

    Another mask: the Indian deities The Ashwini.

  3. chimera says:

    I made this avatar for a game I’m in right now (the characters are actual twins, but male and female, strong and weak, academic and practical, etc). The main idea is that as the two people become closer and closer as they go up in Avatar skill they effectively do have one Self. I assume that the Clergy for the Twins is a being that often morphs from two to one and back often.

  4. Stephen Alzis says:

    The Freak must have been a little pissed to hear about this ascension.

  5. chimera says:

    The Mystic Hermaphrodite is one person who can be two things, the Twins are two people who can become one. Similar in some ways, but in essence still very different.

  6. madpawn says:

    Nah, I don’t think The Freak would be that annoyed—this avatar is the “manifestation of difference” in between all dualities, and The Mystic Hermaphrodite is the manifestation of the togetherness of opposites—that the difference between the dualities is an illusion.

    Come to think of it, this is the polar opposite to the Hermaphrodite. Perhaps he would be pissed.

  7. Chris G. says:

    Dammit – I can’t remember their names, but they are the founders of Onieromancy (detailed in PoMoMa…)
    Twins who are effectively one individual.

    They should be BIG TIME channelers of this Avatar…

  8. Stephen Alzis says:

    The Rayab.

  9. TedPro says:

    In a UA LARP I was running for a while, I had characters who were twins and wanted related powers.

    I faked it by making one of them a True King and not telling the players. It turned out to work just right, and the players were excited when they found out.

    This is a neat archetype. Defintiely interesting and well-done.

  10. Tom Tit Tot says:

    This is so wrong…

    Why do I now see Mary Kate and Ashley as Godwalkers in a struggle for ascension against the current ascended twins, Romulus and Remus?

    Damn you!

  11. Mattias says:

    I would swap the first and second channel. Just to make it possible for low-level avatars to be unaware of it. “We work well together” is more mundane than “My brother is getting laid, and the laying is GOOD”.


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