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The life of the party!

The world isn’t big enough for you, so you escape it. You want more. More dancing, more parties, more joy, more hours in the day, more drugs, more sex, more friends, more gossip, more music, more drinks, more clothes, more feasts, more extravagance, more fast cars, more excitement, more memories, more laughs, more adventures, more cigarettes, more dimly lit spaces, more strangers, more late nights splashing in the public fountains, more one-night stands, more lights, more admirers, and most of all, more fun.

It’s not easy pursuing so much fun. You have to give up everything else, but you’re willing to make the sacrifice. You won’t do anything that isn’t a party. You don’t work, you don’t commit to other people, and you don’t let yourself get bogged down. Drudgery, persistence and ambition are all part of the big buzzkill, and you’re not going to let them bring you down.

You are the perfect extrovert. You live for the next party. You need to be surrounded by people to be at your best. You brush lightly along a hundred different lives a night. You share their joy, and their relaxation, and their good times.

You started doing what you do to escape from the sad, sorry suckers of the working world. Let them have their shackles – you prefer freedom. You can barely remember the terrible working world you’re escaping, but don’t let that bring you down. Keep partying harder so responsibility can never catch up with you.

Generate a minor charge: Party! Spend at least four hours at a social engagement of some kind. You can only gain two minor charges per day: one during sunlight hours and one at night.

Generate a significant charge: Be the party! At a party of at least a hundred people, you must get positive attention from over half of them, simultaneously, for over ten minutes.

Generate a major charge: Spread the party! Change a major social institution into a social event. You must transform a world-known non-recreational event or activity into a purely recreational event, with no practical value. Dosing the House of Commons with MDMA and getting them all dancing might do it. So would getting everyone in the U.S. to spend April 15 getting drunk instead of doing their taxes. Whoever turned Fat Tuesday into Mardi Gras could have gotten a major Revelomancer charge for it.

Taboo: Work. Exerting yourself, or doing any services for money, causes you to lose all charge. Gifts and gambling are okay, but anything you do to earn money, or anything strenuous (besides hard partying), drains away your magic.

Symbolic Tension: Revelomancers immerse themselves worldly sensation while fleeing from the world.

Random Domain: Denial and immersion. A Revelomancer can fully immerse themselves in a situation (especially a social situation) or can withdraw from it. Most Revelomancy effects end at dawn.

Blast: Revelomancy does not have a blast.

Charging Tips: It’s pretty easy to get two charges a day, every day, but you’ll also probably be spending charges quickly. Typically, you’ll gain about 7 charges a week. The tough part isn’t gathering charges – it’s paying rent. If you’re lucky enough to be on a trust fund, you’ll need to keep away all responsibility, and ignore any conditions of the fund. If you’re with the rest of us, you’ll probably need to mooch, steal or gamble to keep going. Stripping, bartending or begging could make you money, but sadly they violate your taboo.

Starting Charges: Six minor.

Minor Formulas

Bed of Roses
1 minor charge
Make a place physically comfortable until the next dawn. Lying in a dumpster is like sleeping on silk and goosedown, and you can crouch in an uncomfortable hiding-spot all night without back pain.

2 minor charges
You can no longer perceive one object, person or situation of your choice, though you can still see indirect results. This can be used to see through a wall, block out an uncomfortable sight, or just ignore someone completely. Lasts until the next dawn; you can’t cancel it.

3 minor charges
Usable during a social gathering of ten or more people. You acquire the communication habits (including accent and even language) shared by the majority of parties. Depending on the nature of the gathering, you might find yourself chatting about ecstasy, making physics jokes or swapping bake sale recipes. Lasts until you leave the gathering.

Hold Court
3 minor charges
Usable while giving a speech. Your tone will be confident, your points well-phrased, and you won’t slip up or misspeak at all. You can use your Revelomancy roll in place of Charm, Lie or Public Speaking skills, but only for one-way interaction for a single speech. Ends when you pause talking, even for a moment.

Wired for Fun
3 minor charges
You can ignore the undesirable effects of any drug or poison in your system. You can ignore alcohol penalties, undesirable hallucinations, shakes, insomnia, or even whiskey breath. You still experience pleasant effects. Lasts until the next dawn.

Significant Formulas

Food and Drug Administration
1 significant charge
This creates enough food, alcohol and recreational drugs for an entire social gathering. The food and drugs will be of extremely high quality, in appropriate containers. The feast will be appropriate to the type of party: you can make a wonderful tea service at the country club, and you can make bottled water and Ecstasy at a rave, but not vice versa.

Let Loose
1 significant charge
A single target immediately seeks whatever kind of simple pleasure appeals to them, ignoring safety, propriety, long-term effects, and other goals. Lasts until dawn.

Maenad’s Feast
2 significant charges
Usable during a social event with ten or more people. Everyone at the party celebrates your actions (no matter how extreme) as part of the fun. If you directly hurt someone, they (and anyone who cares about them personally) will object, but bystanders will still think of it all as wonderful good fun. Everyone regains normal perspective the next dawn.

Party People
2 significant charges
Discorporate into a crowd of a hundred or more – usually a social gathering, but any crowd will do. No one notices you appear or disappear. You can perceive anything that ten or more people in the crowd can perceive, and you can use Revelomancy formulas (and gather charges), but you have no body and cannot affect the world directly. Lasts until you end the effect, or until the crowd disperses. Rumors of Revelomancers dissolving into 24-hour parties and staying there for years occasionally surface but are not confirmed. When the formula ends, you appear anywhere within the crowd.

I’m Your Pusher
3 significant charges
Usable on a single target who’s enjoying something sense-related you give them – food, art, sex, drugs, whatever. The target is incapacitated with intense and exquisite pleasure for at least a minute. Furthermore, it’s addictive. To resist seeking out further stimulation, the victim must make a Mind check with a result higher than your original skill roll – after three such checks, the victim is considered free of addiction. When someone’s already addicted, it costs only a single minor charge to use this formula on them.

Major Effects
Change fate so a single misfortune never affects you. Stop aging. Stay awake for the rest of your life. Become inhumanly attractive. Undo an event in your past.

11 thoughts on “Revelomancy

  1. TedPro says:

    I’m operating under the theory that if it’s a teenage cry for help, it should be an adept school.

    This one is a little close to Dipsomancy in flavor, since partying and drinking often go together, but it’s different.

    I had cynical, dissolute club kids in mind when writing it, but not exclusively. A Revelomancer could be an upstanding society matron who gets power by hosting tea parties. Or a clown (unpaid) for kids’ birthdays. Any kind of social gathering could fall under this domain.

  2. Caesar Salad says:

    Revelomancers, AKA Bacchants. All partying, all the time. Clubs are the new orgies, X is the new wine. Pop a pill, grind against the nearest person, and give your life up to Dionysus.

    Nothing says post-modern like stealing from the past. =D

  3. Qualia says:

    Good school. My only minor gripe is that Let Loose should offer the chance of a Self check to break loose of the effect, especially given the potentially extreme effects (participants in a firefight just getting up and wandering through the crossfire looking for a beer, for example)

  4. stange_person says:

    Great formula names.

    LOL … Problem Solving. Fits perfectly.

    I would probably call that first sig formula Loaves&Fishes, but that’s just me.

  5. Chris G. says:

    Reminds me of a humorous description of Aries people I read once:
    “If you can drink it, sniff it, snort it, or drive it at 200mph with a naked blonde in the passanger seat, you’ll like it!”

  6. Lilliana says:

    Just a quick note: It seems to me that the Symbolic Tension is actually: It’s really a lot of hard work to have a lot of good fun. Most don’t understand how much you go through to make life look this enjoyable.

  7. Wiretrippa says:

    I love it!

    I wonder, however, if you could side-step taboo via barter system, for example, being a professional ‘party-starter’ bartender in return for accomodation and meals.

  8. Caesar Salad says:


    I’d say no, because if you’re working, even as a bartender, you’re not partying.

  9. TedPro says:

    Thanks for all the comments!

    Qualia, your suggested change to Let Loose makes sense. Maybe a Self-7 check or some such?

    Lilliana, that’s an interesting symbolic tension! I made the rules around the escape/immersion tension, but I dig the “fun is hard work” tension too.

    Wiretrippa, I think that’d work. As long as you didn’t do anything strenuous or worklike like washing glasses or cleaning the counter, you could totally sing for your supper.

  10. stange_person says:

    The tricky part is, you might be able to make money, but having any kind of fixed or formalized salary would definitely break taboo. Basically, you’ve got to renegotiate every time you get paid.

  11. Kirby says:

    “Blast: Revelomancy does not have a blast.”

    I fell out of my chair laughing at this. That is the ultimate paradox.


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