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Iconomancy Idol – Leon Trotsky

“Trotskyism is not a new movement, a new doctrine, but the restoration, the revival of genuine Marxism as it was expounded and practiced in the Russian revolution and in the early days of the Communist International.” – James P. Cannon in History of American Trotskyism.

Born Lev Davidovich Bronstein, Leon Trotsky was an influential Bolshevik revolutionary, Marxist thinker, and early Soviet Union politician. As the People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs, founder and commander of the Red Army and People’s Commissar of War, Leon Trotsky was often suspected of being the successor to Lenin before a power struggle with Josef Stalin led to his expulsion from the Communist Part, his deportation from the USSR, and his eventual assassination in Mexico by one of Stalin’s agents.

With the demise of the Soviet Union, Trotsky’s life and death can almost be seen as a microcosm for the Russian Revolution, and it is this legacy that inspired a few Iconomancers of a revolutionary bent to make sacrifices to this Idol. He can be invoked in order to grant bonuses to oratory, direction, revolution and betrayal.

For two minor charges, Vanguard Party, the adept can convince a person with whom they share ideology that the adept is at the forefront of the struggle and should be listened to.

For three significant charges, the adept can impose Permanent Revolution, directing the anger of a working-class crowd at a selected group (the bourgiose, the Republican Party, the New Inquisition) who are likely to be perceived as oppressing the lower classes. The mob will set off a citywide riot in search of members of that group.

In his negative aspects, three minor charges will bring to life Trotskyist, which causes a target chosen by the Iconomancer to be unreasonably distrusted by the target’s friends or allies

For one significant charge, I Will Not Survive This Attack, Trotksy’s last words before his death following the attempted assasination by Ramon Mercader, does damage as a standard significant blast to a target.

2 thoughts on “Iconomancy Idol – Leon Trotsky

  1. Mattias says:

    Nice! Very nice even. Permanent Revolution might be a bit overpowered, but over all, very nice.

  2. Patkin says:

    Yeah, I had been worried about Permanent Revolution, but I figured the limitations (working-class crowd as target, directed anger at a selected group likely to be oppressing said group) made it worth three charges, since Gandhi’s version of the riot idea is only worth four sig. charges and can target anybody.

    I Will Not Survive This Attack, incidently, probably looks like a series of icepick/ice axe attacks on the target’s body.


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