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You have 333 New Messages

People will say things to machines that they’d never dream of telling to a person. After all, it’s not like MessageBank is really listening…

There’s a website – it’s kinda like YouTube – that shows you a video of your death. Go to and follow the links from there.

The Lanh Thuc Demons captured a god back in the late 80s. They keep it buried at a crossroads somewhere near Oodnadatta, but every time they teleport a little bit of it escapes.

Astral parasites lay their eggs in human pineal glands. It’s one of the major causes of migranes.

There’s a ritual going around the Mak Attax list that turns an animal into your familiar, and lets you store charges in it. Trouble is, there’s a couple of very similar hoaxes going around as well. You can tell the dukes that have the real one, though. They really do grow a third nipple.

You know Cat Piss Tracksuit Guy, right? Well, back when he wasn’t so batshit insane he used the Great Big Juice to rewrite history. I guess he liked the idea of an English-speaking Australia a bit better.

The kids of two avatars of the same archetype are mystically attuned to that archetype. If you keep breeding them, you’ll eventually get a child who’s a pure incarnation of it. This is what the Pharaohs were trying to do with the Resurrected Man.

The key to defending yourself from magick is an empty mind. Just a few hours a day contemplating an empty box can protect you from a lot of blasts. Don’t believe me? Try witching out a Zen monk sometime.

Real humans don’t have chakras. Those are where the power sources for the androids used to be, back before they evolved.

Everyone who’s ever been killed by magick is now working for the Sleepers.

There’s a town in Switzerland that’s been powered by a perpetual motion machine since 1534. I think its name was something like Jus-Saint-Alma.

2 thoughts on “You have 333 New Messages

  1. Qualia says:

    Sorry about this – some things from my own campaign made it in here. Serves me right for trying to do a quick post at work.

  2. Mattias says:

    Hey, it’s still all good!


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