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Three Cabals For Use

A short collection of organizations within the Occult Underground, one for each level of playing.

The Red Eye Society – Nine P.M. flight. Departure from O’Hare, arrival wherever you are needed.

The Red Eye Society begins like this. Two men sit next to each other on a red-eye flight. One is headed home after a long business conference. The other, an ex-police officer, is headed to a security expo in the same town. The businessman and the ex-cop converse for a while, and the subject of local crimes comes up. The businessman had heard about a tragic hit-and-run incident, in which the suspected driver disappeared and couldn’t be found. The two men arrived at their destination, and exchanged phone numbers.

Four days later, the suspected driver runs into a police station, his arms bound in electrical tape, and taser markings all over his body, and confesses to the officer on duty.

The businessman reads about this the next day, and then makes an unsettling connection. The security expo ended the morning of the man’s confession. As he thinks about this, his phone rings. On the other end is the voice of the man he sat with on the red-eye flight five nights before.

“You’ve been inducted into the Red Eye Society. You have skills which may be needed by someone close to you on a red-eye flight. If you help them, you’ll be a stranger in a different city, a different state, a different country, and thus be above suspicion. Thank you for your help, from the Red Eye Society.”

Misery & Unhappiness Therapy Group – People are miserable, unhappy, angry with the ways in which their lives turned out. But to express this anger is forbidden from civil society.

Don’t you just want to scream at them? Don’t you just wish they’d shut up? Don’t you want to hit them, make them cry like you do? What if you could become more powerful by making other people angry?

The Misery & Unhappiness Therapy Group isn’t like most anger-management therapy. Oh, it helps to silence the physical rages. It works very hard to look like it works. Many people come out of M&U looking happier, more in control, and less angry.

Until they spread their anger and frustration on to someone else.

Misery & Unhappiness Therapy is an Irascimantic recruitment office. Oh, the rage mage in charge doesn’t recruit everyone who comes to the meetings. Some people aren’t cut out for the real pulsing hostility that makes up a furies’ day. Some people just can’t make the breakthrough from the hate in their heart to the hate in others’.

But some do.

And they want you to join them too.

The Architects of the Superego – A cult dedicated to the ascended archetype of the Confessor, consisting of clued-in psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic patients and Freudian thinkers.

They maintain an outlook which says that the Confessor, as the healer of emotional and mental pain, is best suited to the task of ruling the statosphere (which is born of universal emotions and thought) and providing a new and better world when the Invisible Clergy fills up. As such, the cult works to empower the Confessor and disempower its rivals in the Clergy such as the Healer, the Judge, or the Mother.

The cult is, however, fully willing to dirty their hands in the process of disempowering the Confessor’s rivals. The crimes they commit will be consumed by the ascended archetype once it is in full control of the universe. And once it is in control, they, its worshipful cult, will be the ones in power once and for all.

4 thoughts on “Three Cabals For Use

  1. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    Good stuff. We need more write-ups of Archetype cults, street-level normal-people oddness, and mid-level strangeness where people don’t take their dollop of supernatural power quite like you’d expect.

  2. Patkin says:

    I quite agree.

    Personally, I’ve had the latter two jumping around my head for a while (I like Irascimancy and the Confessor), and made up the Red Eye Society on the spot to fill out the post.

    I hope these short ideas will be helpful to anyone starved for cabals of their own.

  3. MessiahDave says:

    I like the idea of a bunch of psychologists getting together to analyze, predict and influence trends and how they relate to the Invisible Clergy like a bunch of political scientists.

  4. Harbone says:

    Hey, thanks. This kind of post makes me wish I got on this site more often. I’m particularly fond of the Irascimancy recruitment office, that’s campaign worthy enough right there if I can just find enough angry players!


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