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How on MMORPG will oneday destroy the universe?
I mean who would you rather be. Bob the accountant or Ragor Proudroar defend of Azeroth

(possibly nessary disclaimer: i do not own or have any right to World of Warcraft of anything connected to Warcraft. Thats all Blizzard’s)

World of Warcraft is the most popular MMORPG in the world. Thousands of people log in day. Small children in china work in sweatshops to make gold to sell for real currency. There are proffessors study the economics of Warcraft, with grants.
Addiction to WoW is become an increasing problem for people of all ages. There are even support groups.
How could something this huge, this absurd not be a comsperiacy?
Absolutely right.
There’s one man behind WoW, an adept infact. His school unique. No one knows the taboo, but he gets a minor charge each time someone creates a character. A significant every time someone new makes an account, or reaches level 60 (the effect of the expansion on this is not yet know), and a major charge every time a server becomes full of level 60 characters.

Only one spell is known, and the charge cost must be huge for it has not been cast yet.

End of World/ Beginning of the WoW
the universe is recreated as in ficiton of Warcraft, the souls of those currently alive are reincarnated as the populous. Who ever cast the spell determines who will be reincarnated as what.

God help us all.

3 thoughts on “WoWmanic

  1. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    40 sigs per person on the planet plus a minor for most pieces of equipment that correspond to in-game equipment and a major or ten to get all the animals and scenery.

  2. PRIMER says:

    More likely 4 sig per person, thats what it takes for Videomancers to trap a soul.
    Also that assumes he, if it is a he, wants to transfer ever person, thing and animal.
    Quite a lot might be lost along the way, unless (s)(t)he(y) has a truely massive amount of charges.

  3. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    But this isn’t just the soul, it’s the full body, plus translation plus addition of new skills, plus infusing them with magic. Plus he has to make them able to recorporate when they’re dead.

    Maybe it’s an all-or-nothing deal. It IS MASSIVELY multi-player and a whole world and etc. He doesn’t need every thing, just the things that correspond (guns, clothes, etc.) and only a few. I imagine that animals and scenery wouldn’t each require their own expenditure, they’d just be all bundled up in one larger expenditure.

    Man, he has a truly massive amount of charges. And if the trucker from To Go ascends…

    I bet the taboo is ridiculously limiting. He’d have starved to death long before if it wasn’t for that /pizza command they built in…


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