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Revenant : The Denied

So determined to be proved right.

“Remember that couple you saw on that Ricki Lake repeat yesterday? The woman took that lie detector test to prove she wasn’t cheating? Well, even after that the husband never stopped accusing her. No matter what she did, she could never convince him. Well, she died about a year after that episode was filmed. Still follows him around though, trying to prove her innocence. Dude never sees her though, ‘cept when he’s had a few too many. Even then he doesn’t remember when he wakes the next morning.

And there was a kid down in Tallahassee. Some kind of math prodigy, they said. He got the whole math community excited about this proof he’d found. Something about P and NP or whatever. Not my field. Anyway point is, it was wrong. Some guy found a flaw in it somewhere, and this kid couldn’t take it. Spent like three years trying to find a fix for it before some mugger turned him into another murder statistic. Anyway, I got this bookworm friend down there, really into math books – God knows why – and he says this kid still checks books out of the library sometimes.

Hear about that boxer got killed in a fight in Seattle? ‘course you didn’t. He was no-one famous. Spent his whole life trying to prove he could make it as a fighter and never got anywhere. Well, I heard some duke is keeping that kid around, putting on fights for him. Apparently, he’s pretty easy to beat long as you don’t shit your pants at the sight of him.”

The Denied are revenants who spent their last years alive trying to prove themself right to an uncaring world. To anyone with 60+ Soul they appear much as they did in life. Anyone with less than 60 Soul in the presence of a Denied may find themselves caring far more than usual what others think of them. The Denied cause Unnatural stress checks, with ranks related to the situation. For example, realising the drunk guy in the bar can’t see the woman crying over him might cause a rank 2 check, while having the Denied boxer take a swing at you would likely be a rank 5 check.

Revenant: The Denied (Minor)
Proved dead wrong
Points : 29 + a percentile roll (1-100)
Body : 0
Speed : 10 – 40
Mind : 10 – 80
Sould : 10 – 40

One thought on “Revenant : The Denied

  1. Novander says:

    Sorry, that should be 20+percentile roll points


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