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Naked Pictures of Your Mother

How do you defend yourself against deviant thoughts and emotions? By being a deviant!

This ritual only works for males–though a variant may exist for female ritualists.

Cost: 5 Significant Charges

Ritual Actions: Like the title says, it all starts with a picture of the ritualist’s mother, naked. This can be from the porno spread she did when she was young and naive or Kodak photos taken of her in the shower last week. Both her face and privates must be visible in the picture and the photo must have been taken while she was living–no posthomous photo-shoots are allowed, sicko. Slipping mom some roofies is fine, though.

Next, this picture must be pasted to the back of a picture of a woman that the ritualist holds to be of political or spiritual importance (both the Virgin of Guadalupe and Eleanor Roosevelt work great for this–though, again, the ritualist must believe in the importance of the woman). The glue is a mixture of powdered mandrake root, powdered ginseng, the ritualist’s blood, pig feces and airplane glue. These two pictures must be pasted together back-to-back so that neither image is marred and only one is visible at a time.

The ritualist must then place the glued-together photos at the center of a design drawn on bare earth in yellow and red ochre and recite a poem that emphasises both his mother’s purity and virtue and her unparalleled sexual beauty and proclivities. This last step must be as heartfelt as possible–doing it right involves a Rank 5 Self check.

Effects: This ritual creates a permanent amulet against spells and offer supernatural effects that affect the caster’s mind and emotions–up to and including demonic possession, astral parasites and entropics. This takes the form of an automatic flip flop on any roll to resist such affects as long as the ritualist keeps the amulet on his person.

The downside is that everybody knows ritualist is some kind of pervert–take an automatic 15% off any Charm, Lie, Authority or similar skills as long as the amulet exists. Friends and relatives will behave strangely towards him, strangers will avoid him and gangs of children may throw rocks. This amounts to a fair number of Isolation checks. Just hope that nobody thinks to steal the amulet–doing such would deny the ritualist its benefits while forcing him to live under its negative effects for as long as the amulet existed.

3 thoughts on “Naked Pictures of Your Mother

  1. Insect King says:

    Amazing. I just love Fire by Electric Six. Too bad their subsequent albums just sounded like suburban versions the their first.


  2. Dungeon Maestro says:

    This is just so wonderfully wrong and twisted, I’m dying to use it in my game.

    Hats off to you, sir.

  3. Basilisk says:

    As an added bonus, if you decide to make another amulet to replace the one that was stolen from you, all penalties are cumulative/i>.


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