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The Birthday Scissors

A way of “taking someone out of the picture”

Right this is my first submission ever so bare with me folks

The idea in the scissors is that some unknown sourse avitar, adept or other has created these scissors that, if you cut somone out of a picture taken on there birthday everyone else (animals included) will forget the person exsisted, and all documentatin belonging to those people realting to the person will dissapere also. For instance if you cut out Laura from the picture of her at her 18th birthday surrounded by Mum and dad and Lucky (the dog), Mum, Dad And Lucky will forget she ever exsisted, this can be done from any picture from any Birthday so long as the da has happend (tricky folk who bring things from the future wont be able to use the scissor for there effect if the birthday hasent happend yet)

The Scissors are your od fashioned alll metal one and are becoming slightly stuck but are still perfectly usable

You can cut yourself out if you like….but why would you want to do that?

If cutting someone out of a picture that is not on there Birthday there will be noeffect at all….none….

The downside to usuing the scissors is that the person knows you…and knows you did something to them…but there not realy sure….but there determined for you to make it all better

8 thoughts on “The Birthday Scissors

  1. Zompire says:

    Gah sorry for some of the spelling mistakes, and also im only a player and as of right now havent actuly read the book….but i thought this was a cool idea that people might be able to pick up and run with

  2. Chesterberg says:

    Creepy artifact. It might be a better twist that everyone forgets about the person sheered, INCLUDING YOU. So now you have a completely anonymous person stacked with Isolation stresses out there that you know nothing about, and they know YOU have something to do with it.

    Could be something good to spring on a player character.

  3. Zompire says:

    Thats a pretty cool idea…but the idea i had was that it was an effective assaniation..without killing if you knwo what i mean…in respects to there loved ones anyway cause thats normaly who are at your early birthday partys anyway…critocism and suggestions are always welcome though as i said im only a player so im just putting the out to evolve as it likes

  4. Zompire says:

    Oh yeah reading over it now as well (god im the person who has posted the most on it how sad) I think i need to highlight that it is only the people in the picture with the person who forget them…not everyone…few of my mates who were reading it read it liek it meant that everyone forgot them

  5. johnboy says:

    Of course, having only your family and close friends forget you is probably *more* stressful than having everyone forget you.

    I likes it.

  6. bennzbub says:

    Theres an evil bastard called Rorje who had those for a while. He used to use the scissors on the print outs of ultrasounds. Apparently it works before your birthday as well. I just cant figure how he timed it. I’ll tell you this though. it invariably produced the most troublesome demons when the mothers flesh reabsorbes the child. You couldnt talk to them you couldnt reason with them. You could feed them though. we learned that much when we found Rorje.

  7. bennzbub says:

    Oh and another thing. If you cut a dead person out on the day of thier death then they manifest. Once a year i manifest Rorje so i can feed him to one of his demon fetuses.

  8. lllithid says:

    Hmm. Seems like it might have an addtional trick to it.

    If you cut out someones picture from a photo taken on you mentioned, 18th birthday. People forget about that person, but only in so far as the photo. They still remember the person, but suddenly everything after the photo was taken is gone. Evidence shifts such that the person apparently ceased to exist at the exact moment the photo (which was cut up) was taken.


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