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Yesterday keeps changing.

The confession of a man with more memories than days to account for them.

Let’s say it now. I am not having a groundhogs day moment. Every day is different and new. Unfortunately so is yesterday. It started on June 23rd. I was out having a few brews in my new local. Midnight struck and suddenly I had two identical sets of memory about June 23rd. Lots of it was similar I still woke up at 9:30, I spent 8 hours at work but in one version I took the train and on another I caught the bus. The Bus was early and I spent six hours in the pub. The train was late and I spent five hours in the pub. I thought it was simple confusion and went home.

When midnight struck on the 25th I had four memories of the 23rd and two memories of the 24th. It’s July 1st now that’s 8 days that have passed and I feel like I’ve aged a year.

The really weird thing is that some of the people i’ve killed. They’re still around. They just have varying levels of transparency. Some people talk to them and some people dont.

I’d ask for help but I’ve got 12 memories of the attempt. I’d ask for a bullet but I’ve got twenty odd suicide memories as well.

This is really just a warning. If you wake up tomorrow and find you’ve got two yesterdays act quickly. I just wish I could give you a solution.

One thought on “Yesterday keeps changing.

  1. Unknown_VariableX says:

    I used to have that problem. Then I started double-lacing my shoes.


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