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Get ready, sports fans!

This world is not godless. Gods and heroes walk the world, more beloved than ever. They are champions and Olympians, athletes who put their strength to the service of excellence.

You are not one of them. You’re a fan. You collect statistics, watch the commentary, pick favorites and cheer them on. The most beautiful part, though, is to watch. You feel a sense of awe at their strength and grace. They are what you could never be.

And that is what gives you strength: knowing that there is someone in this world who’s stronger than you, and seeing living proof.

Generate a minor charge: Spend three hours watching athletic competition of any kind.

Taboo: Athletics. You lose all charges if you use any Body or Speed based skills. You’re allowed to walk around, and to drive, of course, and to make initiative checks, but anything more physically strenuous is forbidden. Dodge and Struggle are right out.

Symbolic Tension: Athletomancers are devoted to physical activity, but never physically active.

Random Magick: Enthusiasm. Athletomancy can enhance someone else’s physical activity, or just increase enthusiasm for another person.

Starting Charges: 4 minor.


Physical Therapy
1 charge
Give food, drink or medical assistance to the winner of a physical competition you just watched. (Yes, a fight counts.) The winner heals damage equal to the sum of your dice roll. Once once per competition, and only affects wounds that happened during the competition.

Cheer On
1 charge
Usable when you watch someone use a Body- or Speed-based skill (in person or by live television). If the subject succeeds, the result counts as a matched success. If the subject fails, the result counts as a matched failure.

Same Team
2 charges
Open your mouth and start talking to someone. You’ll name the most passionate interest you share in common – if possible, a sports team. You can use your Magick skill in place of a Charm skill. You can only use this formula on a given subject once.

Armchair General
3 charges
Give someone a minute’s worth of advice about a Body or Speed skill. The subject gets a +20% to the next time they make that check, but only if they follow your advice.

3 charges
Give a trophy (any keepsake or memorable item will do) of some kind to the winner of a physical competition you just watched. (Yes, a fight counts.) The winner gets a +5% to the skill they used, or a +1% if they already have trophy from you. If the winner is also an Avatar of the MVP, they get a +1% to their Avatar skill too. Lasts until the winner gives up the trophy or put its away out of everyday sight, or until you give someone else a trophy, or until you see them lose a physical competition of any kind.

What You’ve Heard
Two rival Athletomancy cabals both operated out of Kentucky, following the horse races. One cabal worshipped the jockeys, and another worshipped the horses. Rivalries have reached the point that each side tipped off the bookies of the local mob. The bookies assumed it was nonsense, but now they’re suspicious.

3 thoughts on “Athletomancy

  1. TedPro says:

    This is a “minor school”, so it doesn’t generate significant or major charges, and it’s designed to be pretty simple.

    They’ve got healing spells and a bunch of buffs. They’re like D&D clerics, but with beer bellies and tailgate parties.

  2. Caesar Salad says:

    No dodging? They’re like targets, man.

  3. TedPro says:

    They’re totally targets. In a fight, they’d do well to stay in the sidelines, watch, and cheer their side.

    Maybe with a big oversized #1 finger on one hand.


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