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True Pornomancy reversion 2.0

Power through sex and lust, not through mimicry.

Original works Copyright thanthos and original works used in this version still copyright to him.

Variation done by Piotyr and not copyright to no one
(AKA Attention Whores)

The Sect of the Naked Goddess are all fools. They think that they’ve gotten true power by mindlessly copying what the Naked Goddess has done; they think that they can ascend, as She did, just by doing what she did.

Idiots, every one of them.

You know better. It’s not mimicry that gives you your power: it’s the power of lust, that burning passion in every one of us, The white-hot aching that drives men insane, That smoldering heat, stirring in their loins as they look upon the object of their desire, You.

Doing what you do on film, and knowing soon hundreds, maybe even thousands of people will be watching, and LUSTING after you is where the Naked Goddess got her real power. It’s not how she did something its WHAT she did.

You are still following the way of the Naked Goddess; you are just doing it in your own way. The RIGHT way.

The central paradox of the true form of Pornomancy is that you strive to perform an act that brings you so close to someone yet you work so hard to keep everyone far, far away.

Pornomancy Blast Style
The same as the original Pornomancy blast skill

Generate a Minor Charge: Have sex with a complete stranger on film for at least an hour and release it on the Internet. Giddy up!
Generate a Significant Charge: Have sex with a complete stranger on film, get paid for it by a major pornography ring and have it become popular (certain number of sales in a store/hits on a website GMs discretion). Giddy up in front of the world!
Generate a Major Charge: Become a renowned porn star. Ron Jeremy and Jenna Jameson come to mind.
Taboo: Having sex with someone more than once, having sex with someone off camera, associating with someone you know has seen and lusted over your work. Note: Multiple “Scenes” count as one time.
Random Magick Domain: Desire, or its absence.
Starting Charges: Newly created Pornomancers have four minor charges.
Charging Tips: Get a camera, pretty yourself up, and go for a night on the town! For the more powerful stuff find a pornography ring and set up an interview! This means something big not just any place that sells porn for money. Also it’s got to be something people want to see. If you make some kind of boring sex video with no money shot no ones going to be lusting after you, and you can’t channel lust that’s not there now can you?

Pornomancy Minor and Significant Formula Spells

The same as normal Pornomancy only each formula requires 1 extra charge to cast.

Pornomancy Major Effects
Drive someone insane with lust, draw together a group of people to a particular location “because they want to”, make yourself as physically desirable as you want to be permanently…

2 thoughts on “True Pornomancy reversion 2.0

  1. Piotyr says:

    Note I like this think this could be the form pornomancey takes when Erin Serna finishes her research. It does need a bit more tweaking but I think it fits.

  2. Bicornis says:

    I actually liked the old version’s major charging more, with one exception though. I think it should work like Cliomancy (and the Sect version of Pornomancy): the _first_ ‘mancer to have sex with a big star gets the major charge.
    The idea of major magick as a worldwide non-renewable resource creates interesting plot dynamics, and also helps to explain why adepts are so picky about who they teach their craft to.


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