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The Murdoch University Society of Gamers

There are strange games being played at an Australian university…

NOTE: This entry is fiction. While there is an actual Murdoch University, the organisation below is not supposed to be based upon any real student club nor are real people related to this fiction in any way beyond the coindental. Please take your pills and relax. Thank you.

Organisation and Structure

The club was started in the year 2004 by five of the university’s top students, who would eventually become the leaders of the club’s five ‘divisions’ – the five seperate categories of games (tabletop RP and war games, board games, card games, video and computer games and miscellaneous games) that each founder would pride him- or her-self on being both a fair and masterful player in addition to providing fair moderation on to members of the club.

This ‘first generation’ of the club would eventually estabilsh itself as the elite authority that acquired, appropriated and kept the club funds, set the rules of the club, handle relations with other societies and the main student guild, monitor the membership applications and control any official and unofficial move that the club made. In later years, they would become increasingly shadowy and impersonal to outsiders and lower level members.

The second generation of members were to become the buffer between the newbies and the founders, whose duties are to provide the public face of the club ‘higher ups’, report all internal problems to the founders and generally ensure any inconvient truths and lies about the club were soundly ‘discredited’. The founders, unbeknownest to most people, often refer to them as ‘the enforcers’. They joined club as close friends of the five founders and are deeply loyal to them and their secrets (and by extension, to the club as well).

The third generation of members are nothing more than the expected eccentrics who hang out at the club for the sake of meeting new people, having fun and playing their respective game type of interest. They know next to nothing of the club’s leadership or privy details.

The Leaders

Henry Erran, the tabletop RP and war gaming division leader. He’s technically the oldest of the five (exactly 2 months and 5 days) and it shows. A student of sociology, Henry often speaks in cultured tones, having studied several modern European languages to the point of near-fluency and is often seen as the main intellectual weight of the club – suggestions he approves of are often the ones made into implementations. He’s often wearing the usual ironed white shirts and three-quarter pants with neatly trimmed hair (facial and on top) and no jewerly. He’s a tall Causcian fellow, not very attractive but still quite authorative and charmisatic. Give him several Hardened notches in Helplessness, Self and Unnatural and two Failed notch in Unnatural. Mind and Soul stats are both above 65, with appropriate General Education (30-40%), Lie (30-45%) and Commanding Prescence (45%) skills. The appropriate skills related to his gaming division must all be above 25%. May be an adept, the only one in the first generation if so.

Terry Noland, the board games division leader. Implusive and opinionated, Noland is often the centre of any current conflict within the first generation. Everyone of the other four leaders has had at least one standoff against him, with rumors heavy among the second generation of a conspiracy to throw him out. He’s studying (half-heartedly) Biological Science with a focus on genetics. He leers at this world through blue, steely eyes and seems to disagree with most of what he sees and gives off the appearance of a bitter suburban white boy, already bored with the middle class Aussie life. All that ever makes him smile is a good board game, Clue and Scrabble being his favourites. Give him Hardened notches in Unnatural, Self and Isolation, Failed notches in Helplessness and Unnatural. Mostly average in Mind and Body, a Soul stat of low forties or high thirties and a Speed stat about 35 points above the lower of Mind or Body. Biggest stats are related to playing board games, all at 35% or higher. General Education is at ~35% with a Struggle stat at 25-30%. Knows a moderate amount of occult knowledge and spells, mostly relating to chaos magick. Not actually an adept though.

Charles Linck, the card games division leader. The most overtly weird one of the five leaders, Linck dresses in a style halfway between Perky Goth and Sugar Sweet Meterosexual. He’s the youngest of the first generation by a few months and is currently studying Radio Production. He’s also the one with the most experience in matters of the unnatural, knowing several adepts in Fremantle who owe him favours. He’s made a few friends of minor avatars in East Perth as well. He’s quite attractive, coming from an Italian background with impeccable manners. He’s gained considerable standing with the other four recently just by staying out of the politics and keeping up appearances. Give him Hardened notches in Unnatural and Helplessness, Failed notches in Unnatural and Isolation. Soul and Mind stats are both 60-75%, with Speed higher than Body. High Notice skill, General Education is 35%, Charm is 50% and has the highest Struggle skill of the five. Conceal stat 35%. The most clued-in to the occult underground AND mainstream.

Marcus Haydes, the video and computer games division leader. The tech head of the group, studying Game Design and is fluent in several types of programming languages. Often shy and timid, he looks up to Erran as a ‘people person’ and values his opinion greatly. Has a crush on Yamozaya and Linck (he’s bisexual) but despises Noland as a brutish ingrate. Maintains the club databases and servers (both public and otherwise), with a severe love for hacking that treats the activity like the computer equilvalent of exploration and free-running. Less amount of Hardened and Failed notches in the first generation, most of both in Unnatural and Isolation. High Mind stat, all other stats average. High computer-related stats, all above 35%. Notice and General Education stats ~25-30%. Second worst in terms of occult knowledge.

Erica Yamozaya, the miscellaneous games division leader. Japanese-Australian and the only female (not to mention Asian) of the five leaders. She’s doing Law and Asian Studies at the moment, mostly out of pressure from her parents then anything else. Her involvement in the club activity has grown noticably over the years, further aggravating her public reputation as a cold, unsocial woman. In truth, Yamozaya is merely lonely and is often held in the grip of anxiety over whetever or not she can make a good impression. She now apparently has accepted Haydes, Linck and Erran as her only close friends. Ironically, no-one but Noland, who begrudgingly respects her as an intelligent woman (despite thinking of her as his main rival within the group constantly), considers her able to cope with much of any occult power the five leaders have access. as such, she has the lowest skills related to such areas. Most Failed notches, spread across Isolation, Helplessness and Unnatural. Few Hardened notches, spread thin across all meters. Above average Body and Mind, both ~60%. Speed stat is lowest. General Education ~45%, Charm 20%, Struggle 20% and Lie at 30%. Good variety of Mind skills such as Photographic Memory, Debate, Computer Use and Organisation.

2 thoughts on “The Murdoch University Society of Gamers

  1. Basilisk says:

    Pretty damn cool. The only thing left out (perhaps deliberately?) is the group’s interaction with the Occult Underground and their motivations for doing so. Aside from a few vague references (adepts in Fremantle owe Charles Linck favors, etc), there’s no indication of what they’re doing or where they’re going. Pretty cool.

  2. Michael Keenan says:

    Sigh. I know, I know. Sorry.

    To tell you the truth, I wrote this entry when it was late at night and I wanted to sleep and my bed was too cold and…

    Never mind.

    I suggest you bring this cabal in as NPCs that are somehow linked to whatever guys your PCs are investigating. That way, you’re essentially filling in the blanks.

    And as for motivation, just remember that they’re all university students. I’m sure that can give you some ideas.

    I also recommend that the PCs be students at Murdoch who are joining the society and slowly but surely catching onto what the leaders are doing, similar to the Call of Cthulhu campaign Shadows of Yog-Soggoth.


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