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The Collective Anthem

A living embodiment of music. Is it a Godwalker? A mass of wild magick? Or just a tune in your head? (Cosmic or Gobal only)

NOTE: The follwoing stats are suggestions only. If you may, you devise whatever extra details for this concept you may, since it is a VERY subjective concept indeed.

Personality: Curious, eager and weirdly oblique.
Obsession: Music of humanity and the universe.
Rage passion: Silence.
Fear passion: Deafness (Isolation).
Noble passion: The art and science of music.

Body 70 (Strong Backbeat)
With Karate I’ll Kick Your Ass 40
Jumpin’ Jack Flash 50
Can’t Stop The Rock 45

Speed 80 (Fast Tempo)
Greased Lightning 80
On The Road Again 35
You Got Another Thing Coming 60
Happiness is a Warm Gun 45

Mind 80 (Complicated Lyrics)
Schooled By a Strap Across My Back 40
A View to A Kill 30
This is the Greatest Song in the World…Tribute 75
Conceal 30

Soul 99 (Supreme Embodiment of Music)
We Are the Champions 25
Shine Like Thunder 30
I See the Light Surrounding You 45
In Other Words 45
What I Like About You 45
Hear My Name 50

Madness Meters
Unnatural H10/F0
Helplessness H3/F2
Violence H4/F2
All others H0/F0

Meeting the Collective Anthem is a Intensity 5 Unnatural check. It may or may not appear human but will speak any human language fluently.

What You Hear

You summon him/her/it by spending three Minor charges while you’re singing (or playing an instrument to the tune of) your favourite song backwards. If the being manages to hear you , it’ll mysteriously arrive and join in somehow (by singing, playing an instrument or cheering in the crowd). but only if it likes the sound, otherwise it’ll just walk out at first oppertunity.

That guy…girl…thing apparently managed to convince Kurt Cobain to kill himself. Why, I can’t imagine. Maybe it demands sacrifice for the service of keeping music alive in our world.

Jimi Hendrix and The Collective Anthem were best buddies back in the day. The tragic death of the famous musician inspired the CA to get others to clean up their acts and quit drinking, smoking, shooting up and stuff. Just say no, kids.

4 thoughts on “The Collective Anthem

  1. Zompire says:

    I liekeit, I realy do its a quirky weird thing that youve left ambiguouse enough to have most any motivaion the GM sees fit for it to have.

    I do think the ritual should be a bit more…more if you know what I mean? I mean do you just have to sing the words backwards if your going that route? or do the sounds have to come out backwards? I could see summoning this thing as a Mistake (maybe they think therew summoning something else) would be a good way to put this into a Street level game as a “road to the rest of the world” kinds thing to ump them into Global level awareness

  2. krisovitch says:

    Perhaps “You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away” as a Conceal skill?

  3. Michael Keenan says:

    Dang, that’s great, I should’ve thought of that! *Sighs* Ah, well…

  4. Cobra's_fang says:

    I’m just reading through this… although I’d never give it a solid form, a massive, nigh-immortal imbodiment of music seems like a great medaphysical powerhouse…


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