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Cell #57 Argentine Texas Prison Key

“You will perish in flames”

Theres a new artifact wandering the occult underground and its worth killing for. Let me start from the beginning. A few weeks ago there was another Texas prison fire. Which happens more and more come to think of it…anyway this fire was hotter and more terrible than anything before it in this area. See these inmates had an idea. Start a fire, then take off once they were forced to evacuate. Sounded good and most want out so bad that anything was better than sitting there rotting. So they set the plan into motion. The guy in #56 snuck into #58 and passed the materials. Who in turn prepared it for #59 who actually set the fire. The plan started to go into affect and more than likely would have worked if it wasn’t for the person in #57. He had over heard the plan and figured he better keep his nose clean if he wanted to make parole. So he told the guards who prepared a special treatment for this cell block. They locked the doors and disconnected the alarms from that area. When the fire got out of control the guards rushed in to try and look surprised. Everyone was already dead from smoke inhalation and of course burns. #57 was gone from his cell, which was totally burned out. Some say he burned up, nothing but ash mixed in with what was left of his bed and books in his cell. Others say he ascended as the avatar of the Snitch after his information put all those men to death. Everyones story is different except for one piece. When the guards tried to open his cell it wouldn’t budge. It seemed the fire in his cell was hot enough to melt the lock so they tried other things to get his cell open for investigation. Crowbars, saws, blowtorches, nothing worked. They were about to give up when a young deputy decided against all odds to use the key for his cell. Upon entering the lock the door opened right up.

So the skinny is that this key apparent makes whatever it locks unbreakable. You want to keep someone inside something this key is the ticket. Even weirder, it works on any analog lock. No ones ever tried it on a digital…yet. Everybody and their sister is looking for this damn thing. Everyones got there reasons but most people are looking for it to keep major players at bay while they make their attempt for god-dom.

7 thoughts on “Cell #57 Argentine Texas Prison Key

  1. Insect King says:

    Great stuff. Freaking nifty!



  2. theDevilofWormwood says:

    Interesting Artifact. So who which win in a contest between the two – the Key, or an Avatar of the Messanger?

  3. CriticalFault says:

    I specifically designed this for an anti-Dermott weapon. My players discovered how powerful he was and claimed he was unstoppable. I wanted to make sure they knew that no one was untouchable.

  4. stange_person says:

    A Messenger might, for example, slide a note under a locked door, but would be unable to damage or disable the door itself.

  5. Basilisk says:

    Perhaps, instead of being the Snitch, the prisoner ascended as the Model Prisoner–the repentant criminal who submits completely and totally to the forces of law (though not, necessarily of Justice). This went all the way to the point of not attempting to escape his cell even though it meant his death. As such the artifact became the ultimate “Lockdown Key”–a symbol of the ultimately crushed spirit.

  6. Insect King says:

    Perhaps the prisoner just died in the fire and his totally consumed body and soul powered the key’s ability.

    Not every artifact needs an ascension, sometimes they just are… there.


  7. Jaculi says:

    Forget ascension, think renunciation. Cell #57 was part of the House. The key doesn’t lock doors, it opens the back door to the House of Renunciation.


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