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The Organ Boys

It’s a family buisness …

The Organ boys are in actuality the Morgan boys, but it’s easy to see where the mix-up originated. Every one of them is a son of Arthur Morgan, an ancient man businessman with many a dark secret.

A long long while back Morgan (then an influential English banker) discovered a way to rejuvenate himself through the consumption of an elixir distilled from human organs. This was mighty handy of course, and it’s the reason he’s been in business for some two hundred odd years. Unfortunately it also came at the price of a powerful addiction, particularly to those harvested from his own blood.

The feed his hunger he began fathering sons and various women in far flung towns. He would return later when they had grown and lure them away with promises of riches and an easy life in the city. Once they were safely away he would make his harvest and devour their organs one at a time.

This went on until a cleverer son proposed a deal. Instead of going to all this trouble why not keep the next few sons and let them do the dirty work fathering the offspring? Morgan was rich, all he had to do was give his son some funding and he promised he’d woo every women from coast to coast. Surprisingly Morgan agreed. Even more surprisingly his son didn’t just disappear with the money.

The deal worked successfully wherever Morgan chose to offer it. His (mostly teenage) sons got paid to have sex with women of their choice, and Morgan got a steady supply of organs while barely lifting a finger. When the sons weren’t fathering offspring of their own they grouped up and used their pa’s money track down people they believed the world could do without. Criminals and vagrants of all sorts, they Organ Boys killed them and brought dear old dad the goods.

Of course the deal has its prices. Besides that first clever son not one of the Organ Boys has ever been permitted to raise a family. On top of that they’re employed by a man who thinks their insides are all manner of tasty and has little tolerance for failure. The only thing saving the Organ Boys from the dinner plate is their usefulness. This makes them very eager to succeed.

Now it’s the modern day. Though entire family moved to America mid-WW2 old Arthur really hasn’t changed much. If anything he’s gotten worse. He currently has eleven sons (and a twelfth that doesn’t know it yet) and they’re still running around sparking urban legends in the service of dear old dad.

Arthur Morgan, Addict (Age: 199, and there’s a big party planned for 200)
Summary: Morgan began his career as an London banker a little over two hundred years ago, when he inherited a small chest from his estranged uncle. The chest contained a hand bound leather volume and three bottles of murky liquid. Morgan flipped through the book and found that it was instructions on the creation of a rejuvenation potion. Morgan, dying of consumption, was by this point willing to try anything. He quaffed the liquid from a moments curiosity and temptation and woke up feeling more alive than he had in twenty years.

Reading through his uncle’s ledger in earnest Morgan was horrified to discover the elixirs secret ingredient (no, not love, human organs). He quickly justified it to himself however. After all, the donators were long gone and it would be a shame to let their sacrifice go to waste, wouldn’t it? Everything returned to their relative norms until a few weeks later when Morgan found himself sleep-quaffing a second elixir.

His addiction only worsened from there. Soon the last elixir was gone and all Morgan was left with was his uncle’s ledger and a rapidly decaying moral code. Becoming a less picky version of Jack the Ripper, Morgan hunted prostitutes criminals and vagabonds, harvesting their organs for distillation into his elixir. One dark night his craving grew unquenchable, and having no ready elixir he murdered his son and ate his heart and liver raw. Morgan learned a powerful lesson then, the innards of the common man were totally inferior to those of his own flesh and blood.

Abandoning his livelihood for a time Arthur Morgan traveled the country, seducing every women who’d have him in a bid to create more offspring. He wrote careful notes as to their location before returning to his now floundering bank to wait. When they were grown he’d return and lure his children away with promises of an easy life an education and a place in his will.

Every twenty years he’d repeat the cycle. This went on until he met the first Ben Morgan, (not “Big Ben”) and the fateful deal was struck.

Left free to tend to his business ventures, Arthur has entered the modern era a rich man (he’s currently a stockbroker). He lives in a classy top floor apartment outfitted with a fancy mundane security system and some potent magickal defenses.

Arthur is surprisingly clueless when it comes to the occult underground. He knows there are weird people out there and they can do weird things. Honestly, he wants nothing to do with them, but he knows that it’s inevitable that paths will cross at some point. To prepare he’s had Rich do some research into occult defenses. So far they haven’t come up with anything better than horseshoes and seasalt.

Personality: Magnetic powerful and insidious. Arthur has the stuff that it takes to bend people to his will, and he has no compunctions about doing so until they break.
Obsession: (Eat Horrific Things Without Vomiting) Devouring the innards of human beings.

Body 40 (Rail Thin)
Struggle 15% General Athletics 15% Eat Horrific Things Without Vomiting 40%
Speed 40 (Deliberate)
Dodge 25% Drive 20% Initiative 20% Last Resort (Firearms) 20%
Mind 80 (Razor Sharp)
Immortal Knowledge (Gen. Education) 40% Notice 20% Play the Stocks 40% Secure Human Organs Through Questionable Channels 40% Brainwash 30%
Soul 80 (Powerful Presence)
Charm 40% Lie 40% Commanding Presence 40%

Fear: (Helplessness) Morgan is terrified that he’ll be shut off from feeding his addiction.
Rage: People that hurt his boys. Only he can do that.
Noble: Morgan actually retains great affection for his sons (he’s still technically human after all). He would never hesitate to kill them himself, but he’d be willing to make great sacrifices for their sake.

V(H8) U(H1 F2) H(H5 F3) I(H5 F1) S(H5)

Benjamin Morgan, “Big Ben” (Age: 36)
Summary: Big Ben Morgan is the oldest biggest and smartest of Morgan’s living sons, making him his fathers de-facto right hand man.

He’s also an oddity in that not only is he his father’s son, but he’s great-great-grandson as well. The original Ben Morgan was the son that convinced Arthur to put his offspring to work for him. As a reward for that bit of wisdom and many years of faithful service Morgan granted his boy the right to a single family of his own. The first Ben’s line continued unmolested by its origins until Arthur’s great-granddaughter Eliza was born. Morgan coveted Eliza from the moment he saw her, and after she had born him a son he devoured him and raised (*cough*brainwashed*cough*) the boy himself (a rarity, normally Morgan lets the mother have them until they come of age).

In appearance Ben is a massive strapping man, about six and a half foot tall. He has a bristly red-brown beard and harsh suspicious eyes. But anyone who assumes that big means stupid is in for a nasty surprise. Beneath Ben’s jovial good-natured exterior lies a man who is nobodies fool, and is determined to succeed no matter what.

Ben is a member of the Morgan Boys out of an obsessive brainwashed loyalty to his father. He’d die for the old man, no questions asked.

Personality: A boisterous live-for-the-moment attitude with a canny suspicious streak hidden underneath.
Obsession: (Clean Your Clock) His father. Ben lives for the old man’s approval.

Body 70 (Strongman)
Gen. Athletics 30% Clean Your Clock (Struggle) 40% Hold His Liquor 30%
Speed 60 (Quick Enough)
Dodge 25% Drive 15% Initiative 40% Firearms 40%
Mind 50 (Sharp)
Gen. Education 25% Notice 25% Small Unit Tactics 30%
Soul 40 (Daddy’s Boy)
Charm 25% Lie 25% Commanding Presence 20%

Fear: (Isolation) Dying alone.
Rage: Questions to his authority, or his father’s.
Noble: Arthur Morgan. Ben loves the old man (in a zealous brainwashed sort of way) and would do anything for his approval.

V(H5) U(H3) H(F2) I(H2 F1) S(H2)

Gram Morgan, Faithful Son (Age: 33)
Summary: Gram was always a quiet child, and he’s grown into a quiet adult. Sensible down to earth and full of a quiet wisdom, he serves as the Organ Boy’s networking specialist. Gram is charged with the difficult task of keeping tabs on a web of funeral home directors, shady doctors, and Chinese organ smugglers. In an unofficial capacity he’s also a stoic voice of common sense, which often puts him in conflict with hotter heads like Napoleon Jack or Zackary.

Gram is also in it for his father’s approval. Of the current Organ Boy’s he’s the second oldest and has a lot of quiet rage pent up over being the neglected younger brother. Secretly, he hates Ben with a cold undying passion. Gram is far to cautious to ever act on this of course … unless the circumstances were absolutely perfect.

Personality: Quiet contemplative and full of soft-spoken wisdom and common sense.
Obsession: (Networking And Coordination) Gram wants his father’s approval and recognition.

Body 50 (Plump)
Gen. Athletics 15% Struggle 15% Work Without Rest 50%
Speed 40 (Slow)
Dodge 15% Drive 20% Initiative 20% Do Two Things At Once 35%
Mind 65 (Wise)
Gen. Education 30% Notice 25% Networking And Coordination 55%
Soul 65 (Stoic)
Charm 25% Lie 30% Grace Under Pressure 40%

Fear: (Helplessness) His father’s anger.
Rage: His brother Ben’s arrogance (Gram works hard to suppress this passion)
Noble: Gram doesn’t like to see people left out of the loop or neglected.

V(H2) U(H1) H(H6 F4) I(H4 F4)

Desmond Morgan, Disgraced Doctor (Age 30)
Summary: Desmond is one depressing guy. Even back before he lost his medical license he had no bedside manner (“Sorry pal, ‘fraid your ass is grass.”), and now that his livelihood has been pulled out from under him he’s positively morbid (ironically he didn’t lose his license over harvesting human organs but from a malpractice suit that was honestly not his fault. Ironies a bitch ain’t it?). Not the most comforting doctor to be sure, but he knows his trade at least.

Desmond is a member of the Organ Boy’s because he’s deeply and terribly afraid of dying. Being a member means that he’s not in immediate danger of being tracked down and eaten, plus he might eventually get a chance to snatch his father’s immortality ritual (though he’s neither to hopeful about his chances nor happy with the idea of becoming addicted to innards. Still, better than dying).

Personality: Morbid in the extreme, with just a dash of dark humor.
Obsession: (Medicine) Mortality.

Body 40 (Unhealthy)
Gen. Athletics 25% Struggle 30% Stomach Seeing Horrific Things 25%
Speed 60 (Dexterous)
Dodge 25% Drive 25% Initiative 30% Firearms 30% Darts 10%
Mind 70 (Keen)
Medicine 40% Organ Transport 45%
Soul 40 (Depressed)
Charm 20% Lie 20% Depress Everyone Nearby 30%

Fear: (Helplessness) Dying.
Rage: Being accused of something he hasn’t done.
Noble: The dying. Even if Desmond doesn’t candy coat the truth, he’s the sort that’ll sit by someone and hold their hand until the final breath.

V(H5) U(H1) H(H7 F1) I(H3) S(H2)

Wallace Morgan, People Person (Age: 26)
Summary: Wally loves people, always has and always will. The reason Wally loves people is simple. When he was a child his mother would lock him in a dark room and not let him out. She told him it wasn’t safe, it was for his own good. Then his father sued for custody and Wally was brought into the light. He developed a keen appreciation, more like an obsession, for the human contact he had missed out on. At first his people skills were non-existent (being imprisoned in the basement will do that to you) but Wally’s sheer determination on out. He talked to everyone he met, read books by Freud and Jung, took acting lessons. Whatever it took. By the time he had graduated college Wally had become a grade-A people person.

When the Organ Boys need to use diplomacy or subterfuge Wally is the man they send. He loves the thrill of his work, even if he finds the whole “organ eating thing” to be a little disturbing.

Wally is a member of the Organ Boy’s because his family was the ones who brought him out of the darkness and accepted him before he knew how to connect with people. If that’s not a bond to be cherished Wally doesn’t know what is.

Personality: People person.
Obsession: (Charm) Connect with people. While his father is obsessed with what makes people tick in a literal sense, Wally is more interested in the metaphorical.

Body 50 (Athletic)
Gen. Athletics 25% Struggle 30% Careful Good Looks 25%
Speed 50 (Average)
Dodge 25% Drive 20% Initiative 30% Firearms 30%
Mind 50 (Quick On The Uptake)
Conceal 20% Gen. Education 25% Notice 20% Psychology 30%
Soul 70 (Magnetic)
Charm 40% Lie 40% Disguise 20%

Fear: (Isolation) Being alone or, almost as bad, in the dark.
Rage: People who don’t respond to him. He’s put a lot of work into his charming demeanor, and it pisses him off when it fails to work.
Noble: Wally believes that everybody should have somebody and is happy to lend a hand to those on their own.

V(H1) U(H1) H(H3 F2) I(F3) S(H1 F1)

Jack Morgan, Better Than You (Age: 26)
Summary: Jack loves the thrill of being superior. He’d never call it that, but that’s what it is. When he pulls the wool over someone and they never know it, that makes him better than them. When he passes right under somebody’s nose and they never suspect, that means he owns them. It’s a power trip, pure and simple.

Jack is a member of the Organ Boys because he feels that being in an exclusive semi-occult conspiracy is a great proof of how much better he is than common folk. He’s also fairly directionless and honestly doesn’t know what he’d do with himself otherwise.

Personality: Stealthy trickster with a superiority complex.
Obsession: (Conceal) Proving his innate superiority to himself.

Body 50 (Thin)
Gen. Athletics 25% Struggle 30% Running 25%
Speed 60 (Light-Footed)
Dodge 25% Drive 20% Initiative 30% Sleight Of Hand 30% Firearms 30%

Mind 60 (Quick)
Conceal 40% Gen. Education 15% Notice 20% Breaking And Entering 30%
Soul 50 (I’m The Man)
Charm 15% Lie 30% Recount Dramatic Stories About Himself 35%

Fear: (Self) That his superiority is all a façade, and deep down it is him that is inferior.
Rage: Being found out.
Noble: Jack will often show mercy to those who are obviously completely inferior to him (and remember to act the part).

V(H2 F1) U(H1) I(H2) S(F2)

Richard Morgan, Brain (Age 25)
Summary: Unlike many of the Morgan Boys, Rich grew up in a perfectly normal loving home. From an early age he showed an interest in technology and with smarts drive and old fashioned hard work he earned his way to a tech school. That was when his father came for him.

At first Rich was pleased, if a little angry and confused, when the father he had never known approached him. But the old man won him over bit by bit, and b efore he returned to his business he told Rich that when he graduated there was a job waiting for him in the family business. Of course Arthur neglected to specify exactly what the family business was. They had no contact for a year, though Arthur kept close tabs on his boy.

After Rich graduated he decided to take his father up on the offer of a job. He could have easily gotten work elsewhere, but the idea of a family he had never known was just to tempting for him to pass up. So he made his way to his father’s residence and had a touching meeting with his half-brothers, which was quickly cut short when he figured out what was going on.

Rich had never been the most willful fellow, but here even he drew the line. Arthur nodded smiled and told him that that was perfectly alright, so long as Rich understood he could never have children lest Arthur feel the need to devour them. Naturally Rich then threatened to call the police. Arthur responded that he owned the police, and that if Rich proved a problem that he would have no trouble tracking him down and arranging a quick bloody accident. Rich was actually naive enough to believe it.

See, Rich had a girlfriend named Denise who had never actually met Arthur.
Denise had been with him for nearly year and was by that point hinting about an engagement ring. Rich loved Denise with all his heart, but he knew that she would want kids. Rich left the meeting scared shitless that one day his father would come to check up on him and find her instead.

Arthur knew all this already of course, and quickly instructed his son Ben to blackmail Rich with the information. Their deal was this, Rich did his work well and without complaint Ben won’t tell their father about Denise (though of course he already knew). Denise has no idea about any of this, and has actually been led to believe that Ben (calling himself “Art”) is Rich’s father (Ben can pass as being far older in a pinch). Meanwhile Rich is constantly scrambling to keep a secret that he’s already lost. He and Denise have been married two years and their first kid is on the way.

Personality: Overly enthusiastic brain.
Obsession: The practical applications of his knowledge.

Body 50 (Doesn’t Get Out To Much)
Gen. Athletics 15% Struggle 15%
Speed 40 (Slow On The Uptake)
Dodge 25% Drive 15% Initiative 20% Speed Typing 30%
Mind 80 (Brainy)
Conceal 15% Gen. Education 40% Notice 15% Computers And Technology 40% Forgery 30%
Soul 50 (Overly Excitable)
Charmingly Geeky (Charm) 25% Omit Truth (Lie) 25% Hunches 30%

Fear: (Violence) That he’ll be found out and his organs eaten.
Rage: Denise threatened.
Noble: Rich wants to (somehow) create a good life for his future children.

V(H1) U(H1) H(H2) I(F1) S(H3)

Zackary Morgan, Wheelman (Age: 24)
Summary: Zack came back from Afghanistan with a nasty twitch and an adrenaline addiction, which soon evolved into a serious need for speed. In confliction with his daredevil driving style (which he reigns in when needed) and other life as an illegal street racer, he’s also a nervous twitchy worrywart, with enough nervous habits to drive a person mad. When he’s worried Zack raps his fingers, nods his head, whistles tunelessly, and taps his feet. All at once. Still, he’s the sort you want behind the wheel (so long as he’s not cutting loose that is).

Zack is a member of the Organ Boy’s because they help him deal with his addiction and because at the moment they’re all he really has. He could probably find new friends if he wanted to, but Zack’s never been much of a people person and honestly is afraid to try.

Personality: Nervous and twitchy.
Obsession: (Drive) The need for speed.

Body 50 (Short And Scrawny)
Gen. Athletics 25% Struggle 30% Endurance 25%
Speed 60 (Jumpy As Hell)
Dodge 25% Drive 40% Initiative 30% Firearms 30%
Mind 60 (Surprisingly Focused)
Conceal 15% Gen. Education 20% Notice 20% Car Repair 35% Army Protocol 25%
Soul 50 (Worrywort)
Charm 20% Lie 20% Army Buddies 20% Street Racing Contacts 20%

Fear: (Helplessness) Zack drove trucks in a war zone, and ever since he’s been afraid of dying by a hidden explosive.
Rage: Zack really hates bad drivers (even though he qualifies). Sure he breaks the rules as well, but he knows what he’s doing!
Noble: Zack looks out for his family, and loves them dearly.

V(H3 F2) U(H1) H(H4 F2) I(F2)

Morgan Morgan, Killer (Age: 23)
Summary: Maybe it’s just the fallout from his name, but Morgy is one stone cold bastard. Until Arthur took him in he was raising himself in a bad part of LA, eating out of trashcans and beating the living crap out of anyone who dared come near his sleeping place. Along the way local Urbanomancer used him as a Ragged Warrior a few to many times and old Morgy became a bit of a repressed psychotic. Now he’s found a channel for all that pent up rage working as the Organ Boy’s chief legbreaker. Typically he’s teamed up with Napoleon, who he silently wishes would learn to stop talking.

Morgan is a member of the Organ Boy’s because it gives him plenty of opportunity to “express himself” and get away clean. Beyond that he just doesn’t care much.

Personality: Ominously quiet.
Obsession: (Firearms) Express childhood trauma through violence.

Body 60 (Chiseled)
Gen. Athletics 30% Struggle 40% Endurance 20%
Speed 60 (Fast)
Dodge 25% Drive 15% Initiative 40% Firearms 40%
Mind 50 (Withdrawn)
Conceal 25% Gen. Education 15% Notice 25% Live Of the Streets 30%
Soul 50 (Silent As The Grave)
Charm 15% Lie 25% Criminal Contacts 25% Intimidation 30%

Fear: (Helplessness) Mind control, particularly the Ragged Warrior spell.
Rage: Morgy freaks out when people touch his stuff.
Noble: Morgan desperately desires to express himself. Through violence.

V(H8) U(H5) H(H4 F3) I(H3) S(H7)

Napoleon Morgan, Driven Man (Age: 21)
Summary: Napoleon has had an easy ride. He was born to an upper-middle class mother who gave him plenty of love and a great upbringing. He went to the best of the local schools and was presented with the best opportunities. He blew them all.

Nap washed out of high-school, got in with the local drug-culture, alienated his mom, and generally went about making a mess of everything life had ever given him. Why? Depression mostly, coupled with a sheer lack of caring. What did it matter anyway? We live, we die, who cares what happens in between? Better to spend it all in a drug-induced haze.

Then his mother got in a crash with a drunk driver. Arthur Morgan came for him soon after. At first Nap was skeptical, he refused dear old dad’s offers of power sex and money pointblank. Then dear old dad demonstrated on a few of Nap’s pals exactly how unacceptable that was. Sadder and crazier, Nap signed on out of fear.

Since then Nap has found something that he thought was beyond him. Purpose. It turns out the threat of having your innards devoured does wonders for one’s work ethic. Nap cleaned himself up, switching his addiction from drugs to his work. He’s not even sure if he likes what he does, but he knows it keeps him going. And for Nap that’s more than enough.

Nap is usually teamed up with Morgan, who makes a great straight man/bad-cop combo. He’s a bit scary though.

Nap is a member of the Organ Boy’s because it gives him a sense of purpose, even if the purpose himself isn’t something he cares about. He’s also terrified of his father and would never betray him out of fear.

Personality: A cruel witty bastard. Cracks jokes as he cracks kneecaps. Loves to talk.
Obsession: (Firearms) Keep going. He’s never going back to his earlier meaninglessness.

Body 60 (Works Out)
Gen. Athletics 30% Struggle 40% Good Looking 20%
Speed 60 (Quick)
Dodge 25% Drive 15% Initiative 40% Firearms 40%
Mind 50 (Witty)
Conceal 25% Gen. Education 20% Notice 25% Procure Narcotics 25%
Soul 50 (Cruel)
Charm 25% Lie 25% Cruel Jokes 45%

Fear: (Self) That he’ll lose all sense of purpose.
Rage: People who make him feel ineffective and pointless.
Noble: Dumb kids making a mess of themselves. Nap’s been there and he can relate.

V(H6 F1) U(H1) I(H2) H(H4) S(H2 F1)

Tracy Morgan, Lovable Lay-about (21)
Summary: Whereas most of the Organ boys are skilled in some specific field, Tracy’s only real skill seems to be being an agreeable loafer. An all around nice-guy Tracy sees to the Organ Boy’s more mundane and legal tasks. Like making sure the getaway car has a full tank and tires, buying the snacks, cleaning the bloodstained weaponry. Small stuff.

One could ask why such a good person would ever be involved with the Organ Boys, and it’s a good question. The answer is simple. Tracy’s is lazy shrewd and likes living. He knows working for his dad is the easiest path through life he’s going to get, and he knows that refusing it means he may be eaten. Tracy like life, a lot, and he’s not ready to go by any stretch of the imagination. He still harbors a great deal of repressed guilt over his involvement however, and with proper motivation he might reluctantly turn on his family.

Tracy is a member of the Morgan boys for two reasons. The first is survival. Tracy has no illusions when it comes to his fathers hunger, and knows that betrayal might very well end in his death. The second is laziness. Tracy knows that he has an easy ride with his father’s patronage, and is reluctant to give it up. Tracy does harbor some serious repressed guilt however, and with the right motivation he might be convinced to turn on his family.

Personality: Charmingly lazy.
Obsession: (RnR) Loafing.

Body 50 (Couch Potato)
Gen. Athletics 15% Struggle 15% Heal Fast Through Rest 30% Survive On TV Dinners 35%
Speed 40 (Lazy)
Dodge 25% Drive 20% Initiative 20% Video Games 10%
Mind 65 (Shrewd)
Conceal 20% Gen. Education 25% Notice 20% Find Creative Ways To Avoid Work 45%
Soul 65 (Likable)
Charm 30% Lie 30% RnR 35%

Tracy can use RnR to reroll a stress check he made earlier that same day, using his RnR skill. Success takes away that one hardened or failed mark. He can only use it in this capacity once per gauge per day.

Fear: (Violence) That his father might deem him useless and devour him.
Rage: Being confronted on his responsibility for the more gruesome deeds of his family.
Noble: Despite his involvement with the Organ Boy’s Tracy is still a nice guy who likes to help the less fortunate.

V(H1 F2) U(H1) H(H1) S(H3 F2)

Kyle Morgan, The New Kid (Age: 16)
Summary: Kyle is still pretty new to this. Until about a year ago he was just another punk kid from the suburbs. No girlfriend, no buddies, no life. Then his parents got a visit from this massive guy called Ben, claiming that he was Kyle’s brother and that Kyle was the result of an affair with some rich businessman. It wasn’t to hard to see that Kyle looked a hell of a lot more like Ben than his dad and it didn’t help that things had already been tense before that. Kyle’s father confronted his mother in a fight that resulted with him in jail and her in the ground. DNA testing got Ben custody, and from that day on Kyle was owned by the Organ Boys.

Kyle isn’t really much use at anything and he knows it. This makes him inclined to do anything that’s asked of him to see if he can finally find his niche. Typical assignments for him are low-risk tailing and infiltration.

Kyle is a member of the Organ Boy’s out of desperate desire for a family. Even one as crazy as the Morgans.

Personality: Kyle is a fairly average teenager run through a gauntlet of emotional tragedy only to find a host of weirdness on the other side. Considering things, he’s come out all right.
Obsession: Kyle does not yet have an obsession.

Body 50 (Kid)
Gen. Athletics 15% Struggle 15% Survive On Fast-Food 30% Stay Up Late 25%
Speed 40 (Distracted)
Dodge 25% Drive 5% Initiative 20% Video Games 30%
Mind 50 (Average)
Conceal 20% Gen. Education 15% Notice 30% Trivia 35%
Soul 60 (Resilient)
Innocent Kid (Charm) 30% Lie 30% Suppress 45%

Suppress allows Kyle to bull through emotional hardship that would make lesser souls pause. This includes delaying the effects of a failed stress check until he’s safely out of troubles reach (at which point he freaks out as normal).

Fear: (Isolation) Kyle’s terrified of being betrayed by his new family. Nuts as they are they’re all he has left.
Rage: Bringing up his previous parents is a sure way to make Kyle blow his lid.
Noble: A couple of the Morgans (Ben, Tracy, and Nap especially) have gone out of their way to make Kyle feel welcome, and he’s not going to let them down.

V(F1) U(H1) H(H2) I(F1)

Ritual: Elixir of Immortality
Power: Minor (if you’re wondering why consider the drawbacks)
Cost: 8 minor charges
Effect: Brew a highly addictive potion from human organs that expands your lifespan by three months (or nine if the organs come from a blood relative). It also grants a phenomenal sensation of vitality permanence and life. Unfortunately drinking the elixir causes the consumer to become incredibly addicted to eating human organs – in elixir form or no.

This addiction is in fact a magical survival instinct built into the ritual. Its use is to warn the user that their stolen month is running out (even if they still have many natural years left to live). This is just like the impairment rules for Uppers (including the paranoia and rage) except that the effects take place when the addicted party goes without elixir or organs after they come within a week of their finishing their month. Note that even when the addiction is not driving them the imbiber of the elixir still finds the taste of human innards exquisitely delectable.

Effects also include a near uncontainable desire to consume human innards. In the final hours before their borrowed time wears out the crazed addict turns into a frothing monster incapable of any thought other than their hunger. Even after the month finishes wears out they remain in this state, though significant mental help might begin to calm them down.

It should be noted that it is possible to assuage the addiction with animal intestines should one need to lie low for a while. This is pretty much like an alcoholic switching over to Near-Beer though.

Ritual Action: Harvest the organs of a recently dead human being. Distill them into a muddy brown elixir over the course of a month using a Frankenstein’s lab worth of obscure alchemical equipment (all of which is detailed heavily in the ledger). Drink.

The Organ Boy’s Goals And Modus Operandi:

The Organ Boy’s goals are fairly simple. Keep their father alive and happy by taking peoples insides in a manner unlikely to get them all caught and killed. To accomplish this they have two essential strategies. Donations and fieldwork.

Donations are the organs they receive through pawns who themselves may or may no have gotten the organs through bloody murder. The pawns are either controlled through money or blackmail (or both), and never know what their “product” is going to (most are led to assume illegal out of country transplants). Gram Morgan personally maintains a complex network of these pawns, which include funeral home owners, organized crime, and a couple of shady doctors (who are one of the sources of the “kidney thieves” urban legend). Gram also oversees several shell biological research companies companies that receive organs whose original owners donated to science.

The next strategy is fieldwork, which is much more rare these days. The Organ Boys here about some scumbag that the world could do without and they track him down. Great pains and consideration are taken before even considering a hit. The Organ Boy’s attempt to uncover everything there is to know about the target. They go through his trash, rifle through his mail (not opening it), hack his email account, etc. Rarely they might even send in Wally to talk with the target or his associates, or Jack to break into their house.

If they determine a hit is feasible then Gram and Rich immediately go to work creating plausible alibis for each Morgan involved. The ideal ambush spot is decided upon after a review of the targets daily schedule and local area, and a date is set. What happens next largely depends on the circumstances.
Ben is both highly visible and memorable, so unless things go down in a highly isolated location he doesn’t involve himself (if he is involved then he goes with Morgy and Nap). Morgy and Nap arm themselves with whatever weapons are appropriate (often truncheons or silenced handguns). Gram and Rich wait in a nearby van with Zack at the wheel, where they listen in on the police radio coordinate their brothers (Each of whom are wearing a small microphone in their ear).

The target is then lured into an isolated place. Most often this is set up by Wally before hand, in a manner that would make it unlikely for the target to tell others. An offer to sell them drugs or unlicensed guns for example. Of course when the target arrives Nap and Morgy will be waiting for him. Their primary concern is that they don’t scream and draw unwanted attention. Depending on the target run they might just leap out with weapons going for a quick knockout, or they might try to intimidate the target into the van (after ensuring that he’s not armed of course).

However they get their hands on the target, they then drive them off to a predetermined location where Desmond waits for them. There Morgy executes them under Desmond’s direction. Desmond then removes and stores the desired organs and disposes of the corpse. The van is filled with its new cargo and driven to a special warehouse to await Arthur Morgan’s pleasure.

Of course sometimes things don’t go so smoothly. The below combat guide is designed for such circumstances. The Significant Combatants are the ones designed for combat, and for their own reasons they tend to leap into it with a relish. The Minor Combatants can be used as backup in a pinch, but that’s not their job and they prefer to keep it that way. The Non-Combatants avoid conflict if at all possible.

Combat Guide To The Organ Boys:

Significant Combatants (Big Ben/Morgy/Napoleon)
Struggle 40%
Gen. Athletics 30%
Dodge 25%
Firearms 40%
Initiative 40%
(Big Ben’s Obsession Skill is Struggle, Morgy’s and Nap’s is Firearms.)

Minor Combatants: (Zack, Jack, Desmond, Wally)
Struggle 30%
Gen. Athletics 25%
Dodge 25%
Firearms 30%
Initiative 30%

Non-Combatants (Arthur, Kyle, Tracy, Gram, Rich)
Struggle 15%
Gen. Athletics 15%
Dodge 25%
Firearms 20% (Arthur/Gram only)
Initiative 20%

Quick RP Guide To The Organ Boys :

Arthur – An addicted mastermind, father of the Organ Boys.
Ben – A loud and boisterous man with a canny mind and unshakable loyalty.
Gram – A quiet man full of common sense.
Desmond – A horribly morbid unlicensed doctor.
Wally – A people person, he acts like whomever it takes to connect with people.
Jack – A prankster and a trickster of the first degree.
Rich – A shy intelligent introvert who is easily excitable.
Zack – A twitchy impatient man.
Morgan – A stone cold killer.
Napoleon – A driven wise cracking bastard.
Tracy – An agreeable loafer.
Kyle – A troubled teenager.

Plot Hooks:

The PCs somehow disrupt one of the Organ Boy’s organ better suppliers, and are told they need to make up for the lost product themselves within a week. Either with their own bodies or someone else’s. (This is the route I took with my players. Eventually they got a shady Adept to promise them a full set of organs and woke up the next morning to find a kidnapped eight-year-old girl on their door. Fun times.)

Arthur Morgan hears about Proxy rituals and begins relentlessly pursuing one.

The Boy’s plan something big and unpleasant to celebrate Arthur’s 200th b-day, and the PCs somehow get caught in the middle of it.

The PCs are pursuing a completely unrelated trail of corporate corruption when they stumble onto Arthur Morgan’s name. A little more research reveals hints of something unnatural going on.

One of your PCs or GMCs turns out to be the twelfth Morgan. They’re approached by their brothers in a purely mundane fashion at first but as they’re drawn deeper into their knew family it becomes apparent that something’s not right.

11 thoughts on “The Organ Boys

  1. Momus says:

    Wow … this was originally supposed to be about three pages, but at last count it was near sixteen …

    Anyway if you got this far thanks for reading! Questions? Comments? Criticism? All welcome.

  2. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    I like that it’s a twist on the typical “horrible cannibal family” trope. That, except one of the sons and the father himself, they’re mostly just people who don’t want to be eaten and have had some pressure applied to them.

    It’s a great path to take it. Good power-level for a late-street-level campaign (one just getting powerful enough to maybe start taking on World level play)

  3. pedant says:

    Is this the time to say that I not only want you babies, but I want to eat them?

    I could and may well actually use this in a game. I think it would really need a Street-level group of people new to Unknown Armies to get the most out of it though.

    I really do like the general approach and detail put into this. It is really, really good. Wow

  4. Momus says:

    Thanks to both of you, it’s always great to know that people are reading.

    On a side note this was originally used for a “Street-level group of people new to Unknown Armies.” It was the first thing I threw at my PCs after Bill in Three Persons. They never took them down, but they did manage to survive (:

  5. Mattias says:

    Richard Morgans rage stimulus probably needs to be changed, Denise is threatened, but he has done nothing about it, doesn’t suggest angry to me. How about swapping fear and rage, might give his father a nasty shock when he comes for the organs.

    But seriously, this is a very cahrming bunch of people, and I can see them both as NPC:s and PC:s. Beautiful and well done! My nominee for best of UA 2008!

  6. Momus says:

    Wow, that’s high praise. Thank you.

    You might be right about Rich’s rage stimulus, though as clarification, the way I imagined it was as a response to Denise being more directly and immediately threatened. Someone pointing a gun at her would do it, someone who might harm her (however horribly) at a future point wouldn’t.

  7. Mattias says:

    I was thinking of it from a PC point of view. Some of my PC:s would claim flipflops for pretty much everything Rich did for Arthur (to keep from getting eaten) and for denise (to keep her safe). As a NPC, this is not a problem. You did miss his obsession skill though. But, really really good work. If you feel the need to embellish on it, 30 lines on the resources of old man Morgan and his organization, 5 lines on how he maintains himself as a legal entity after 200 years and a few lines on enemies, friendly relationships so on, if you please!

  8. Momus says:

    Sure, why not …

    Riches obsession skill is General Education.

    Resources: I can’t really think of much to say here. Though he’s no Alex Abel by any stretch of the imagination, Arthur does have an upper class income. Definitely a “have” and not a “have not” (even if much of his funds goes into the bribes for his pawns and upkeep for his mostly jobless sons). Thus if it’s necessary he can probably procure it, though it should be noted that 180 or so years as a businessmen has made him frugal as hell where he can get away with it.

    Question Of Legality: As a legal entity, Arthur Morgan has died twice (Arthur is his third name. He was born Barnabus then switched to David and then to Arthur). Both times he took care to pick out the most gullible of his current sons and act for months in advance as if they were his favorite. Then he found some pretense to close his various businesses, turning all his resources into easily transportable cash. After that he faked his death (helped by his actual favorite sons) and left every thing to the gullible son.

    As soon as the son had collected their inheritances he would reappear, eat them, take on their identity, and then move the whole family somewhere he wouldn’t be recognized and started over. The actual Arthur Morgan actually died mid-WWII.

  9. Momus says:

    Friends: Technically speaking Arthur doesn’t really have any true friends. He’s famously reclusive, only appearing at social functions when he has a deal to make or an ally to gain. He does have many allies pawns and dupes however. These are almost entirely managed by Gram, who Arthur has put perhaps a little to much faith in.

    Besides the Organ Boys, mundane business contacts, and pawns used for organ acquisition, most of Arthurs followers are mundanes who a) have no idea who they work for, and b) are in a position to help him should things ever go south. These usually serve him from a double incentive of blackmail and money. Ideal pawns corrupt cops, media figures, politicians, and the heads of local communities. He only has a few of each, but they’re enough. It’s also a fairly simple matter for Gram to get in touch with a few legbreakers willing to take his money.

    Rich sees to it that these dupes can’t find them electronically while Gram works to keep them from finding out through old fashioned investigation. Occasionally Gram will send them trivial tasks that Arthur has nothing to gain from, just keep them in the dark.

    Finally Arthur has a number on speed dial on his cell phone. Any time he feels the need he can call this number and activate a pre-paid contract on any Organ Boys life.

    Enemies: Most of Arthur’s enemies are either of the mundane business related variety, or have no idea who it is they’re looking for. Those few of the latter are relations of those that the Organ Boys snatched and dissected. It should be emphasized that they are very rare, because the Organ Boys take care to only take those who will not be missed, and when they do it’s because the target is such a genuine scumbag that they can’t resist, in which case the target is unlikely to have someone willing to seek vengeance. Of course there are a few exceptions.

  10. Mattias says:


    The guys at the UA mailinlist wants to indeed do a “best of UA” on this. Go subscribe and say hi and ok already!

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