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Audiomancy Revised

A non-broken version of my music based adept school


Nicknames: Beatfreaks, Earwigs, noiseboys

In Their Own Words:
It’s all about the rhythm of life. The primal beat that keeps us all moving, and that we all make with every action we take. Each of us knows a little of it, some more than others. Those with talent, with a gift, try to mimic that rhythm, this is what we call “music”. Each song is different, imperfect, but carries a part of that perfect rhythm of all things.
By listening to these imperfect parts we can learn more about the True Music, and in so become more perfect ourselves.

Minor Charges: Spend an hour listening to music you haven’t heard before.
Significant Charge: Spend an hour listening to a type music you haven’t listened to before, either new genre or a new instrument.
Major Charge: Hear a completely new type of music. This could be a completely new genre of music, but must be significantly different than any present genre. For example metal was a significant break from rhythm and blues, but hair, speed any other metal are not significant breaks from metal.
An instrument only count as new if it produces sound in a completely new way. So The first stringed instrument would have generated a charge, but then no other. Also ANYTHING that is played by hitting something with a stick is a precussion instrument.
The audiomancer must listen to this music at least 3 hours a day for 111 days to absorb the charge. If another earwig starts listening during this time, the charge may be lost to both.

Taboo: Every moment you can’t hear the rhythm of life you fall further out of beat. Every five minutes a Beatfreak goes without hearing music they lose a minor charge. If they have no minor charges, a significant charge is broken down and one of the ten minors is lost.
A Earwig can avoid this by singing or playing an instrument, but simply humming or clapping a beat is not enough. The earwig must be able to hear this music, so electric instruments must be plugged in and turned on and headphones are fine.
The quality of music does not matter for this taboo, but the volume does. (in game terms, this should be a penalty to all Notice check related to hearing of at least~5.)

Paradox: The principle of Musicology is being in tune with the world around you, but they must be constantly distracted from the real world by the music they hear.

Random Magic Domain: Rhythms and harmonies. The arrangements and timing of events.
Blast Style: An intense burst of noise directly to the targets ears. This in not just a loud noise, but a horrible collection of pitches and rapid fire rhythm.

Beat Box
This is the Musicology minor blast. In addition to the normal damage the target must make a body check with a minimum role equal to the magic roll or be deafened for a number of combat rounds equal to the sum of the magic roll.

Moody Blues
2 minor
Everyone, including the caster, who can hear the song the caster is currently listening to has their mood change to match the song. (Listening to same performance or playing of a record of only, not everyone in the world who hears the song) This last until the song ends, whether or not a person can hear it for the whole duration. Looping won’t extend the spell.
(ie Johnny Cash will make you sad, the Flaming Lips with make you happy)

Ghostly Noises
1 minor
The phantom static and sounds of tapping distracts all targets of this spell. The sounds are always indistinct, fading in and out of hearing with no obvious source, but they are distracting enough imposes a -10 penalty on all Notice checks.
If the victims realize they are the only ones who hear this they suffer no ill effect (a ringing isn’t that weird), but the sounds cannot be ignored.
This can effect a number of targets equal to the tens place of the casters magic skill, and lasts for a number of minutes equal to the magic roll.

Melt into the rhythm
4 minor
The any sound made bye the Beat freak is lost in the buzz of background noise of the area. No matter how load she gets sound will always cover it.
This spell bends the levels of the sound but it can’t break them, and others will notice if things the general noise levels change if the users aren’t careful.
The caster can chose to extend the benefits of this spell her allies (but no more than the tens digit of her magic skill), so long as they remain within 20 meters.
The subjects of this spell can hear each other clearly, but no one else can understand anything they say.
This spell last a number of minutes equal to the sum of the magic roll.

2 minor
The caster sends a message through the language of song. The caster names himself (any name is fine), name the target (descriptions are fine, but they must refer to a specific person), and plays a song.
The dedication ripples out, and seeking anyone who can play the song for the target, and continues to present itself until it is heard by the intended recipient.
The caster can also attach a message explaining the dedication by spending an addition 3 minor charge. The message must be shorter than the sum of the magic roll in words.

Significant Formula:

3 significant
This is the Audiomancy major blast. The biorhythms of the targets are thrown into chaos. The heart pounds and stops as the lungs heave and collapse. This last only a few seconds but the effect on the body is devastating, in addition to the damage they must make a body check with minimum damage roll or be stunned for one round.
If the caster is touching the target and both are listening to the same music this only cost 1 charge.

Mute Button
1 sig
The caster makes a person unable to speak or sing for 1 minute. This has no affect on other forms of noise making

In The Grove
1 significant
Like “God Looks Out for the Drunks” and similar spells, this lets the caster use their audiomancy skill instead of any other skill roll. However if used for an extended skill check, the action cannot last longer than the current song the caster is listening to, and this cannot be cast while the caster is not listening to music.

Cosmic Dissonance
2 sig
The audiomancer destroys a group’s cohesion and unity for 24 hours. All members of the group suffer a -30 shift to all checks that involve working together. Moreover if one member of the group is the proxy of another, they cannot use proxy abilities for the duration, and any group tilts are unusable for the duration.
This spell can affect a maximum number of people equal to the tens place of the casters magic skill

Haunting Melody
4 sig
This is a more powerful version of “Ghostly Noises”. This spell only effects one person, but the sounds are now more complex, forming into a half heard melody that haunts the subject constantly. The penalty to Notice increases to -20 as their psyche is worn down.
Trying to locate where the song is coming from or what the song is or block out the noise is futile and each attempt can cause Helplessness check. The knowledge that this song is song is not heard by others is more damaging and causes an Isolation check. Lastly the unearthly nature of the song itself will eventually cause an Unnatural check.
The rank and frequency of these tests vary depending on the nature and actions of the target, but worsen the longer the music is heard. The total of the ranks of all checks made must be less than the duration in hours, and no check may have a rank higher than the tens digit of the magic roll.
This spell last a number of hours equal to the sum of the magic roll.

Half Time
1 sig
For the next 6 hour every action within the immediate vicinity of the caster (including those of the caster) take twice as long to perform. Nothing is physically slowed down, but every action is delayed by some ‘coincidence”.

Major Effects:
Have the entire world hear and be moved by a song, permanently silence a group of people,
What you hear: Some audiomancers know the reverse of some of these formula (double time, universal harmony, counterrythme) but very few know both.

8 thoughts on “Audiomancy Revised

  1. dedhed says:

    Very cool.

  2. Michael Keenan says:

    Might I suggest a Significant formula spell?

    Up Tempo
    Cost: Variable Significant charges (at least one)
    Effect: For each Significant charge used in the spell, the caster’s Speed stat is increased by 20 and any skill related to agility or reflexes gets a +10% shift. This effects lasts for a number of minutes equal to ten times the sum of the magick roll.

    Yay or nay?

  3. Antagonish says:

    Ah, very nice, looks like you’ve worked all the kinks out.

    A thought on the “new instrument” method of Major Charge gathering, can an ambitious earwig use an already established object that was not formerly considered an instrument?

    For instance, loading a submachinegun in various grains and types of ammunition, using the report’s subtle shifts to create music with your bursts.

    As far as I know, there are no current instruments that create sound via explosive chemical reaction, and it’s a suitably obsessive thing to do.

  4. PRIMER says:

    if you can find a way to make music with a gun, and listen to it for over 3 months, then sure you earn a Major charge.
    Just hope no one else gets wise to your idea while your at it.
    Up Tempo is a neat idea, but at variable cost could become very broken. How bout base cost 2 sig, then each boost cost more and more. 2 for the first, then 4 and so on.

  5. PRIMER says:

    How much is music worth?
    What is a reasonable amount of “unlistened to music” for an Audiomancer to start with?

  6. Allistorum says:

    @For instance, loading a submachinegun in various grains and types of ammunition, using the report’s subtle shifts to create music with your bursts.@


    Seems Serpento used this idea.

  7. The King of Grantham says:

    Thanks for doing the work on this, I’m probably going to grab a lot of this school for my own purposes but replace the charging/taboo to an exclusive rather than inclusive focus. Mine will be based around rigid adherence to one genre of music, with a poisonous genre they can’t stand to hear. If you’d be OK with it, once I’ve got something I might post it as an addendum to your work, a sort of alternate branch of Audiomancy in the same way Cryptomancy is split.

  8. The King of Grantham says:

    Oh, and Antagonish? I’m afraid the 1812 Overture’s cannons would rule out guns as a new musical instrument.


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