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The Book of Random Ideas

This book knows all! Or maybe not…

There has been a notebook floatin’ around the Underground. Just a regular, run-of-the-mill spiral-bound notebook. But it turns out that lots of adepts and dukes have all contributed to the book. Mostly just insane little rumors that usually contradict the previous. Well, I got my friend’s cabal’s leader got a hold of it, right? They all got to keep it for a week, and my bud coppied some of the shit in it.
———————————————————————— Never crack open a Jade Egg. Just DON’T.

The Freak is actually Dick Cheney right now. The question is, where is the real Cheney at?

Some boozehound found remnants of the wine found in Jimmy Hendrix’s stomach when he was found dead. The fucker is making his whole town buzz around, just for shits and giggles.

The Comte is working at a Hot Topic in New Jersey somewhere. I heard if you touch his nipple ring, you’ll get some big-time mojo.
That was about all he got to send me before someone or something got him. His whole small intestine was shoved into his eye socket.

7 thoughts on “The Book of Random Ideas

  1. Sage of Darkness says:

    You just know someone will crack a jade egg for the hell of it, and move on to other stones if they survive.

  2. dedhed says:

    Could be worse, they could be looking for the things that lay the eggs.

  3. dedhed says:

    If anyone wants me to put the actual book into the artifacts page as an actual item, I’ll be glad to do so.

  4. Sage of Darkness says:

    😀 Oh, please! My PCs are raiding a library soon!

  5. dedhed says:

    Alright then. I’ll write it up in the afternoon, hopefully.

  6. Ars Mysteriorum says:

    Thanks for your work, dedhed!

  7. Sir Cabhán says:

    I would love to see such a book. You can raid my UA pdf at for UK rumours if you like. No reason why this book can’t travel over the pond and back in this day and age…


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