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Old Man Withers

If it wasn’t for you meddling kids!

Old Man Withers wasn’t always old. Yeah, facetious maybe, but it bears remembering. As a kid, Sam Withers was molested by a neighbor of his family’s, an old actor who had a lot of costumes and stuff around his house that he used to lure young Sam in. After the first time, Sam spent a lot of his young life hiding…physically, yes, but more important mentally. Sam kept his heart, mind and soul locked up tight behind a mask, and wore the actor’s masks and costumes while being abused. Needless to say, he ended up a pretty screwed up little kid.

When he was a teen, Sam ran away. He drifted from town to town, taking on a new persona with every move. Eventually, he ended up in an acting troupe, then made it big in New York, New York. One Pluto’s Curse from an irate Plutomancer later, and Sam was penniless and wandering.

Now, Sam drifts again from town to town, setting up crazy get-rich schemes with his skill at prop-making and costume-building. Only trouble is, the last four or so scams of the now-Old Man Withers have been busted by a punk young cabal of hippies and crazies that seem to track Sam around and love nothing more than busting up his plans. Well, Sam is fed up being the loser-and he’s been the loser for a long, long time. He’s almost finished with a new mask, now-a perfect costume made from the paraphenalia of a murderer named Penknife Pete, a god-like mask of the Dark Stalker…and Old Man Withers is NOT going to be thwarted again!

Sam Withers

Frustrated Personamancer

Personality: Cranky, greedy, and old.

Obsession: Costumes props. Sam is focused on the paraphenalia of the stage making things seem more real than reality.

Rage: Having his plans frustrated.

Fear: Discovery (Helplessness). Sam dreads having his secrets revealed.

Noble: Abused kids.

Body 45 (Shriveled)

Struggle 45%

Still Athletic 40%

Speed 60 (Spry Ol’ Coot)

Dodge 30%

Driving 30%

Initiative 30%

Mind 60 (Mad Schemes!)

Conceal 50%

General Education 20%

Make Costumes 70%

Notice 45%

Soul 65 (Driven)

Avatar: The Loser 55% (Thanks, URNOVI!)

Charm 15%*

Lying 50%*

Magick: Personamancy 55%

*Thanks to the first Loser channel, Old Man Withers can flip-flop these when attempting to evoke pity.

Sam Withers practices an oddball form of Personamancy. He gets a minor charge from spending an hour making his costumes and props and practicing in front of a mirror. Sigs are from putting on an hour-long appearance as one of his monsters; he must be observed at some point during the hour by random passers-by. To get a major, he’d probably have to set up his act in a famous locale like the White House (basically, any significant Cliomancy site) and fool people into thinking it was haunted. The only formula spells he knows are Here’s My ID (used to set himself up at his chosen site), Visage of Terror (usable only when someone else removes one of his masks), and the various Mask rituals; he tends to burn off most of his juice in random magick used to make his costumes and props better.

Sam has, at any given moment, several large trunks full of stage gear and costuming accessories, a few dollars at most, and a half-dozen minor charges. His Loser avatar powers are all that’s kept him afloat after all his reversals. He has almost finished a Mask of the God for the Dark Stalker, which he plans to use to go after those goddamned hippies. When he puts it one, he will likely go utterly, homicidally mad. At this point, he doesn’t really care.

4 thoughts on “Old Man Withers

  1. John Q. Mayhem says:

    Yeah, it’s a mix-up of all the Scooby-Doo villains, just for the heck of it. Any ideas what Mystery, Inc’d be?

  2. John Q. Mayhem says:

    Also, that Make Costume should be 40%.

  3. Mattias says:

    Nice! One minor piece of ruleslawyering, the obsession should be related to magic. Since this is obviously an NPC, it doesn’t matter, but for player characters it really does.

    (I had the misfortune of allowing two kleptomancers to have “steal things” as their obsession. simultaneously. They racked up a crazy amount of charges in a very, very short time)

    Other than that it would make for a good one-nighter adventure

  4. John Q. Mayhem says:

    His obsession is linked to his magic. He’s a Personamancer who makes costumes instead of masks 🙂

    Yeah, I’d love to run a Mystery, Inc. UA one-shot. Heheheh…


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