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The Autobahn Bop Mix

Cassette tape full of speed!

The Autobahn Bop Mix was made by Max Schenk, a German Entropomancer who juiced up by taking risks by pissing people off by pretending to be something he isn’t (specifically, a National Socialist, quite hazardous in Germany). Skirting so close to Personamancy and Irascimancy, he isn’t the most stable cat. He made the Autobahn Bop Mix for the pure pleasure of driving really really fast.

The Mix itself is a simple cassete tape; on the front is a strip of ragged masking tape that reads “Autobahn Bop Mix by Max.” Played in a cassette player outside of a car, it’s just a (slightly scratchy) mix tape of various fast metal songs, heavy on Rammstein and Manowar (“Benzin” and “Wheels of Fire” are the first two songs).

To activate the Mix, insert it into a car’s cassette player and turn the volume all the way up. Until the Mix is done (about 30 minutes), your car’s top speed will be increased by about 10% and you will be unable to drive in a safe, defensive manner (-20% shift to Driving unless you’re barreling along like a maniac, GM’s call). On the plus side, if you get into a wreck, you GM has to discard the top two dice he rolls. While you’re driving a car with the Mix on, you can’t get Entropomancer charges for crazy driving, but like I said, Max made it for fun, not profit.

The effect ends if you turn the volume down, fast forward or rewind.

Variants: Max’s original Autobahn Bop Mix was stolen, so he took a lot of risks and spent a lot of juice to make a couple new ones. These tapes have an extra song at the end: Rammstein’s “Links-2-3-4.” This song was made, basically, to prove that even though they were angry Germans they weren’t Nazis. This is basically opposite to the way Max works; on these Mix tapes, the song is drowned out by a loop of crowds shouting “Sieg Heil!” at Nazi rallies, symbolically tying the tapes to Max. If anyone other than Max uses one of these puppies, when he gets to the last track he has to make a Driving check at a -30% shift or wreck.

One thought on “The Autobahn Bop Mix

  1. Darc Discordia says:

    I like this. Any artifact making use of Rammstein is alright in my book.


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