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Fresh batch of rumors, straight from the OU

Know why dukes hate anime conventions?

People with aura vision, symbolsight, and similar abilities shun anime and fantasy conventions; all the symbols, costumes, and odd dress people wear throw them off something fierce. Conversely, monstrous creatures congregate to these places. This, of course, is why the Religious Right act against anime and fantasy-the boys on top may be a lot more clued in than you’d think!

Every year around Halloween, Wal-Mart starts selling a gaudy ghosts-and-skeletons window kit that is a supreme protection against magic, if you set it up exactly according to the instructions. Only downside is, your house becomes a magnet for every prankster within a few miles.

After World War II, a cabal of European Jews managed to bind Hitler’s ghost and get it renounced; he now has a permanent position as an advisor to the Knesset.

There’s a man in China who’s been renounced at least a half-dozen times. Word is, a group of Chinese sorcerers are manipulating him into ascending as, well, something or other. Thing is, even if he was willing at first, he’s not now, and he’s trying to get out.

The Invincible Hammer-Wheel exists. He lives in the woods in Michigan.

Every lake monster sighting since 1870 or so has been the work of a British cabal. They’re building up loci of belief in these things around the world in a specific pattern to an unknown purpose. I think they want to wake Leviathan.

An ecoterrorist duke has snagged a variant copy of Bounty of the Leviathan that conjures up a ferocious big cat; he’s been popping the first half of the ritual off all over North and Central America. The Sleepers are furious but an Alphamancer True King of Hunters has been secretly tracking him and killing the creatures he releases. No word on what the exact effect is, but he’s gotta be getting some serious juice off of that!

A crazy German living in Miami has figured out a way to channel those with a reputation for nastiness through a variation of Iconomancy. He’s currently in the hospital after a wicked fight with a standard Iconomancer; they were both channelling Che Guevara, one as a charismatic leader of men, the other as a dirty Commie executioner.

A friend of the German sold some of his stuff on EBay to help post bail for him; his journal documenting his experiences and discoveries was tucked into a (quite nice) backpack that went for $15; Infamyancy (as it’s become known) is spreading.

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