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Ms. Miller

Living on the edge, fighting occult crime by night.

Erica Miller is the very picture of the sort of people who make the world work. She lives alone in a decent house, has only a few close-ish friends, has no living family left and works a decent job as an excellent teacher at a public high school. Other than her fantastic performance record and generous charity work, not much is known about her in general, let alone her private life. Her students all seem to think of her as a decent, reliable and friendly sort, maybe a little weird, who manages to do a pretty good job teaching them. All of her students pass the exams at a level fairly above average for them. There have been a few wild rumors about her private life spread across the student body recently, most of them about her sex life or how she works a second job at a nightclub or as a drug dealer. No-one believes any of them, though.
Look a little closer at her, though, and signs of being clued-in to the OU strat to reveal themselves. Ms. Miller works out quite a lot at the gym, to the point of being kinda muscular. And she knows how to fight with both her bare hands and firearms real well. Some bizarre sigils and materials can be found on and in her purse and car. Look even closer and Miller’s hung around in the dirtier places of the OU, for God knows what reason.
The truth is, Ms. Miller is the last of a line of powerful ritualists and artifact collectors who used their resources as magickal vigillantes, hunting the worst of murderous and monsterous dukes. So far, she’s been able to keep her secret, even as she makes her weekly patrols of the city at night. Mind you, the duty has not nurtured her optimism and there is little doubt in Miller’s mind that one day she will be exposed, killed or worst. Still, she’s more than willing to pay that price if it means making a difference.

Ms. Miller
Troubled Teacher and Vigilante Ritualist

Personality: The dogged nice girl, always looking for a crisis to avert.
Obsession: Fighting through the daily grind for sake of doing good.
Rage Passion: Callous violence towards innocent people.
Fear Passion: (Helplessness) Failing to protect and serve her charges, be they her students or bystanders to her patrols.
Noble Passion: Keeping hope and faith alive.
Wound Points: 60

Body 60 (Slim and Toned)
Beat People Up 45%
Jump, Climb and Tumble 30%
Ride On ‘Til The Morning Sun 25%

Speed 55 (On The Ball)
Dodge 40%
Drive Gracefully 25%
Initative 40%
Sprinting 20%
Firearms 50%
Stealth 25%

Mind 75 (Brain Like A Steel Trap)
Teaching Various Subjects 55%
Keep Eyes and Ears Open 30%
Authentic Thaumaturgery 70%
Streetwise 25%
Occult Knowledge 20%
Security Measures 20%
Speak German 25%
Remember Things 25%

Soul 60 (Tuned In)
Acting 50%
Convince, Bargain, Inspire and Stand Out 30%
Sense Motive 25%

Madness Meters:
Violence 5H/2F
Unnatural 3H/2F
Self 1H/1F
Isolation 0H/1F
Helplessness 2H/1F

When out ‘on patrol’, Ms. Miller usually packs two small .38 revolvers, both hidden and unregistered, and wears all black clothing that covers her up as much as possible. Several knives are also kept on person, just in case. She keeps pretty much all of this stuff in a good hiding spot, away from any trace of her ‘normal life’ (and the police, of course…), usually in a different spot than last time. There’s a few minor artifacts Ms. Miller keeps squirreled away in her car at all times for emergencies, with Ms. Miller taking one or two along on a single patrol.
She has a legally registered 9mm semi-automatic at home. Thanks to some special prepartions, her house’s standard home security devices have quite a few elaborate (and sometimes magickal) traps complimenting them, one at each entrance and another at each major window in her house. Only Ms. Miller knows how to disable without needing to roll. GMs can use their imaginations for these (hint: either give Ms. Miller the proper rituals for creating them, make them artifacts she has acquired or just the mundane products of Ms. Miller’s hard work).

Ms. Miller knows quite a few rituals, some of which are detailed below. Ms. Miller specifically has memorized Plague of Hiccups, Infectious Wisdom (below), The Sudden Burden (below), Protection Glyph (below), Poison Ward and two other minor rituals of GM’s choice (any charging rituals are probably out of the picture, maybe). Her (numerous) unmemorized rituals are all in their original paper forms as well as copied onto several word documents that she keeps on 2 flash drives, her laptop’s hardrive and a few hidden floppy disks. These rituals usually allow her to dispose of evidence and heal her injuries that she occassionally sustains in the course of her vigillante work.


Infectious Wisdom
Cost: 6 minor charges
Effect: A number of people targeted by this ritual, up to half your Soul stat, learn the lesson you wish to impart to them extremely well and can remember the skills and knowledge much more easily than normal. In game terms, the next roll related to the subject matter of the lesson the student makes gets a +10% shift and any student who recieves ritualised lessons on the same subject for a significant amount of time (like, say, 48 hours worth of lessons in total) gets a free instant +1% improvement towards a single skill related to the subject matter. If the subject could cover more than one skill the student has, then the student can only pick one of those skills to be improved this time.
Ritual Actions: At least 5 minutes before each lesson begins, eat a granny-smith apple (core not included) and drink three mouthfuls of tapwater out of a tin cup that’s been marked with a sigil. The caster must then write his or her name backwards in his/her native language on the underside of his/her left arm. Each student to be targeted by the ritual has to then wish the caster of the ritual either a good morning, a good evening or a good afternoon, depending on the time (and yes, it has to be right), while standing and looking directly at the caster. If no students do this, the ritual fails and the students gain no magickal benefit from the lesson, but if at least one student does so then the ritual can be given a chance to succeed. Memorizing this ritual costs 4 EXP.

The Sudden Burden
Cost: 3 minor charges
Effect: The target suddenly feels aches in his/her muscles, short of breath and tired when he/she next tries anything psychically taxing in an significant way. The target’s next Speed or Body stat or skill roll has a minimum rol of 10 and also suffers a -10% shift.
Ritual Actions: The caster must be completely uninjured (at maximum wound point capacity) and the target in plain sight (normal viewing distance with the unaided eye) of the caster for this ritual to work. The caster must draw a round ball on a sheet of paper with a pen while chanting the same six words in Middle English. After the ball is drawn, the caster must crumple the paper into a ball and devour it whole. If the caster feels like fire and ice just ran over his veins after eating the paper, the ritual succeeded. Memorizing this ritual costs 2 EXP.

Protection Glyph
Cost: 3 minor charges
Effect: You may treat your ritual casting roll as a successful dodge roll for this round and the next. Or you may instead confer this benefit to an ally. Any attacks that are ‘dodged’ due to this benefit appear to bounce off a invisible forcefield — well, invisible until you hit it, then it shimmers blue for a moment (this is probably worth a low-level Unnatural check).
Ritual Actions: Make a weird hand sign while chanting loudly a verse or sentence from a well-known holy or occult book (the bible, the koran, the torah, the I Ching, whatever) repeatedly and with your eyes shut. Memorizing this ritual costs 2 EXP.

Using Miss Miller
Whetever Ms. Miller is a trustworthy and helpfull ally or dangerous and unexpected enemy to the PCs depends on what kind of activites they partake in and what kind of ethics they live by.
Obviously, the double life angle makes both kinds of interactions much more interesting. If the PCs make contact with her, accidentally or otherwise, they risk intruding upon her normal work as a respected public school teacher and well-known pillar of the community. And that, of course, carries with it all kinds of danger they can’t deal with by violence. Assuming they can deal with it at all.
On the other hand, her help would be quite useful, considering what kind of resources and expertise she brings to the table. Even if such help would rendered on a strictly quid-pro-quo basis.

3 thoughts on “Ms. Miller

  1. MessiahDave says:

    I like her! It’s good to see someone exploiting the potential of Thaumaturges to be basically normal, decent people.

  2. Michael Keenan says:

    Interesting trivia: not only are you the first to comment, MessiahDave, but while I was first reading your comment, I was informed that my grandmother just passed away.

  3. Wellbutrin says:

    I like many things about this character. A duke struggling to maintain a normal, sane day-job while engaged in weirder activities by night is nicely consistent with the themes of UA. Even better is the fact that she could be a nemesis as easily as an ally — that helps to maintain the sense of a morally-ambiguous world where heroes and villains are seldom clearly demarcated.

    And, though grossly belated, my condolences on the loss of your grandmother.


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