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Order of the Final Truth

The most subversive conspiracy of all. (GMs only.)

Every day we hear of monsters in human skins, walking amongst us, using their private moments to indulge in the most wicked of evils. Sometimes, it’s Satanists, eating infants for Lucifer. Other times, degenerate orgies of rape and sadism. Or maybe just a loose collection of crooked businessmen, plotting clinical oppression for the sake of the bottom line.

That’s what dukes and the few ‘privilidged’ ignorant mundanes who hear about The Order of the Final Truth are told they’re all about; the generic LAWLZ, SO EVUL!!1! Illumanti crap that’s been heavily debunked by any sane, rational skeptic, right up to the FBI themselves, since god-knows-when.

Of course, in the Occult Underground, where the laws of reality get pissed on (sometimes even literally — don’t ask), such rumors die hard. Perhaps because they’re not rumors. Perhaps.

NOTE: It is extremely important that ONLY GMs look at the following information. I MEAN IT, players should just stop right now and click off. Right now. Seriously.

The reality, however, is far more complicated, just as it was designed. That’s right, designed. You see, as far as pretty much any investigator into the cult OR ‘normal’ member of the cult knows, The Order really IS some big, powerful, international organisation of depraved, devil-worshipping pyschopaths who do generally horrible things in order to pay tribute to dark powers and so on.

The supposed structure of the cult is a smattering of individual ‘cells’ across major cities of many countries who report to some sort of inner circle of the cult’s most evil and powerful international members who, in turn, report to the various cosmic horrors hoping to start up man’s descent into total sin and bathe in the blood of innocents on Judgement Day, blah blah blah…

The international inner circle has their top minions supervising each cell and recruiting every day of the year, with little contact between other city cells and the inner circle itself. Layers upon layers of agents obscure the inner circle from the slightest bit of exposure, of course.

Naturally, the members of each cell are all serial killers, mob bosses, politicans, businessmen, media moguls and other prime servants of menace and corruption who get together once in a while to enagage in the dark rituals.

All of this is almost a complete fraud. Oh, sure, there are ‘members’ of the Order who are certainly evil and depraved enough to worship supposed dark powers, not to mention the oppertunistic faithless who are simply there to brown-nose for the sake of maybe getting a deal on those ‘evil miracles’ everyone’s talking about. There are, in other words, people who join and have joined The Order because they believe in Satan and want to pull a Faust. Or maybe they were ordinary evil folk who, one day, got scared into the faith by a sudden display of Lucifer’s powers.

Ignorant dupes, the lot of them.

The Order’s true purpose is known only to the inner circle, although those outside them with enough information may get a slight clue if they dig deep. You see, if you somehow manage to get a view of the Order’s big picture, an impossible task for those without at least decade’s worth of indepth and exhaustive research into the cult’s (highly secretive) activities and movements, you suddenly notice a pattern.

The average recruit into the Order has, at most, five years before he’s either killed in an accident, murdered in a mugging or robbery gone wrong, suicides, gets arrested and jailed, disappears, get bankrupted and reduced to a cardboard box on the street or some combination of the above. The agents of the inner circle, of course, seem relatively immune to this, except for the ones recruited in the actual city by the cell in the first place.

This is no coincidence.

You see, the darkest secret of the inner circle of The Order of the Final Truth is that there are no devils to be worshipped, no dark powers to be bargained with and no member of the Order is meant to become a powerful servant of fiends. Oh, sure, the inner circle and its own hand-picked agents know about the supernatural and a good lot of them are avatars and adepts, capable of magical effects. But not one of them believes in devil-worshipping or corrupting the world.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

Rather, the true leaders of The Order are crusaders for justice, peace, love and integrity. They promote these values by systematically cleansing the world of evil men and women, their fraud of a cult being the perfect vehicle to do so.

Each recruit into the city cells of the Order is, in fact, being set up for a fall. Using the ruse as leverage, the true members of The Order can go about learning the inimate details of their evil deeds and go about subtly undoing them. With enough time and effort, The Order learns the marked man’s personal information and secrets, which they can then leak out to the public in the way that would be the most destructive to his evil deeds. Assassination, frame-ups and other final measures are eventually used to neutralize the threat for good. All the while, the magical con men use a careful mixture of drugs, magick and stage tricks to fool the would-be Satanist into thinking he’s part of the real deal. The fact very few people even think Satantic cults even exist in any actual form, let alone that the slim possibility that anyone would admit to being a member of one (even if they thought they really were), combined with the slow, professional abilities of the true Order’s adherents means the cult is never exposed as the trap it is.

Thanks to the actions of the true Order, seven serial killers and five major pedophile rings have been taken down internationally over the course of the last two months. Its Los Angeles cell seems to be onto at least three actors responsible for the wanton murders of a hooker.

It is only a matter of time, now…

3 thoughts on “Order of the Final Truth

  1. Zompire says:

    You Know what I heard as well? I Heard that The Buddah (the fake one of course) and Alex Abel are both on the Pay roll of these guys to keep there big “bad” secret alive. The Freak recently got out of bed with them and Dirk Allen recons he got the guys together on a bindge drinking session. That what I heard at least, could all be Bull

  2. John Q. Mayhem says:

    I dig these guys. Great idea!

  3. Mishima says:

    “That’s what dukes and the few ‘privilidged’ ignorant mundanes who hear about The Order of the Final Truth are told they’re all about; the generic LAWLZ, SO EVUL!!1! Illumanti crap that’s been heavily debunked by any sane, rational skeptic, right up to the FBI themselves, since god-knows-when.”

    Well there’s a lot more to the world than you’re suggesting old boy. A terribly old order of people hold the reigns and NEVER let go. As Jim said: “Maybe you like being pushed around”.

    Anyway, I hope you’re right. Still, good idea!



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