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Tequila Diamonds ( new Dipsomancer spell)

Piss diamonds.

Did you know that diamonds can be made from tequila? Neither did Tennessee Jim, ramblin’ boozehound. A drunken fellow barfly told him one day, and he thought that seemed like a great idea, so he took a swig of tequila from Al Capone’s hip flask, whipped up some random magic, and let ‘er rip. A few seconds later, his body purged all the alcohol in his system through his bladder, mixed with miniscule diamonds. After he recovered from the gallstone-esque pain, he worked out a better way. This is his spell.

Tequila Diamonds

Cost: 1 significant charge. Using this spell violates taboo.

Effect: You can only use this spell if you’ve been drinking tequila. You instantly void all the booze in your body in a stream of alcoholic vomit. Mixed with the vomit is a stream of tiny diamonds, their amount and value dependent on how much tequila you’ve consumed, how well you rolled, and the whim of the GM. This deals one die of damage to you and instantly sobers you up.

You can also use this spell on anyone else who’s been drinking tequila, with the same effect (although they can resist on a matched Body roll, or a success on some sort of Hold Your Liquor-like skill). You can choose to have the unlucky victim void their booze by vomit, taking one die of damage, or by urinating, taking damage as a minor blast.

6 thoughts on “Tequila Diamonds ( new Dipsomancer spell)

  1. vagina = fun! says:

    I like the idea, but to me it seems like it should be a ritual and not a formula spell.

    Also, with dipsomancy sigs are easy to get and diamonds are worth a lot of money. So this has the ability to turn minimal effort into lots of cash. I would increase the cost significantly (like 5 sigs) and cause it to do damage to the person equal to the sum of the dice on the dipsomancy check that produced the diamonds. (So you can tell how good your harvest is simply by the amount of blood in your vomit.)

  2. John Q. Mayhem says:

    The reason it costs so little is that it actually costs all your charges, and if you haven’t been drinking a LOT of tequila, you’re not going to be getting many diamonds. These diamonds are tiny, tiny, tiny, by the way-almost impossible to see, even worse when they’re lying in a pool of blood and vomit. These aren’t jewelry-quality diamonds. I see your point, though. I agree it would make a good ritual, if people could still make ’em.

  3. Insect King says:

    I think the diamonds value should correspond to the amount of sig charges laid in.

    One sig charge equals:

    1d in $ value X 10, if he can get a fence.

    1d in H2H damage from passing low grade synthetic diamonds.

    Yes, I think the dipso should pee those diamonds out.

  4. John Q. Mayhem says:

    I like that formula.

  5. Michael Keenan says:


  6. Galen says:

    Scientific facts have no place in a game of unknown armies – let them pee diamonds!


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