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Poppy Z. Brite blog emtry

Writer Poppy Z. Brite found what appear to be a crown and a gunburied in his New Orleans garden.

So, we have a famous horror writer planting foxgloves in his New Orleans garden. While digging, he* turns up a gun and what may be a piece of a crown.

Theories, anyone?

*Poppy Z. Brite is genetically and physiologically female, but self-identifies as male. I respect this choice with my pronoun.

2 thoughts on “Poppy Z. Brite blog emtry

  1. The King of Grantham says:

    That crown/gear looks like it could well have been some piece of garden kitsch, like a stylized metal sun or a border for a plant bed.

    I have a strong suspicion that gun was used to shoot somebody.

  2. Ludomancer says:

    Oh sure, King, you’re right in the real world. But I was hoping for musings on a symbolic battle between Archetypes or something.


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