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Science and the Cthuluhu Mythos

Human perception shapes reality, the scientific community wants an objective reality.

So the scientific community, claim the universe is an objective reality with strict and immutable laws and humanity is irrelevant in the cosmos at large. Clearly, they have no idea what there talking about right? You wish. They know all about the occult underground and the nature of reality, and they hate it.

That’s were the cthuluhu mythos comes in, see they realized the power of gods, of archetypes and decided to make there own. A set of gods made by humanity to represent an objective reality where humanity is meaningless, that’s some powerful symbolic tension. And somehow they did it, they made four gods, Yog’sothoth represents that only position in time/space is relative, Azathoth represents that the universe is pointless and random, and Shub’Niggorath represents life as a meaningless urge to propagate consume and evolve. But i said four gods right? Yeah see they couldn’t do it while completely tearing out the idea of humanity having some higher purpose as they needed that concept to create the gods in the first place and that’s were nyarlathep comes in, the heart and soul of the outer gods represents sapience, not humanity of course but sapience……..

2 thoughts on “Science and the Cthuluhu Mythos

  1. John Q. Mayhem says:

    I like this idea.

  2. Grimlock says:

    So the LHC is just one big ritual. I wonder how many charges will it generate? And what would they do with them?


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