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Accident Slivers

If it can crash, it will.

Cost: 8 significant charges.

Ritual: This will only work on a moonless night. Find a street lantern. Any one will do. Take out its light somehow; smash it out with a bat, cut the wiring, shoot it out… it doesn’t matter how. Then get in your car, have a copy of “The Lighthouse’s Tale” by Nickel Creek playing in a loop, and time it so you can crash into that same street lamp when the player’s timer for the musical track is exactly at a count of 2:51. Take one scrap of metal from the car and one scrap of metal from the lantern. Tie them together with bandages from a first-aid kit that was stored in your car for over 48 hours, put the bundle into a bowl filled with water from an ocean and let them sit in there overnight. Season with some drops of your own blood for added whammy.

Effect: If you put this product into a vehicle–whether it’s a car, a plane, or a nautical vehicle like a ship–it will crash, burn, sink–whatever–in the most possibly horrible way, around 2-3 hours later (some people claim that it’s exactly 2 hours and 51 minutes after first departure once the product was inserted into the vehicle, but the amount of blood dosed in the ritual can speed it up or slow it down).

4 thoughts on “Accident Slivers

  1. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    The cost of this is about right. Well done.

    Hard to pull off (a 1 second window of opportunity per car) and a pretty high mojo cost (the 8 charges).

  2. Wratts says:

    A demon told me of this ritual, and that with exactly 99 drops of your blood, the vehicle would basically self-destruct the moment it starts. I know, I know. You’re thinking it right now. Yes, demons are filthy liars, and we shouldn’t believe them, yadda yadda yadda. But you know, there was that incident a few months ago, when some biker dude got blown to smithereens the moment he revved up his Harley’s engine. There were countless witnesses outside the bar who backed it up. And the cops had no clue how it happened, chalking it up to a freak accident. So your guess is as good as mine…

  3. Wratts says:

    The stuff about the blood affecting the ritual’s effect is nonsense. The real trick is the amount of times you have to let the song play repetitively in loop before you crash the car. However, I wouldn’t recommend it, because just hearing the bloody song once already makes my ears bleed and is worse than death.

  4. MCLowell says:

    I like it.


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