When cutting gets serious: a real-life significant skinner…
If you ever need to clarify to a player the difference between minor and significant Epideromantic charging…
Tell him to think of a typical self-cutter, and say that’s a minor charge.
Then show him this and say that’s a sig.
Rest of the article here.
Dude. Ow.
Almost guaranteed to make a player think twice about what level of charge he wants, I think.
Visual aids are always so helpful. Thanks
That’s a Violence rank 1 madness check!
Is it like asking to join an organization in the OU?
At second glance, I could read a “look how much I’ve been charging up. Take me into your ranks or I’ll try waking the Sleeping Tiger” in between the lines.
Rad. Thanks for the visual aids; most sig-charge-worthy wounds I found weren’t self-inflicted.
Would this
be a sig?