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Celebrity Clonelord

What does Christopher Lee do when he’s not plotting to rule the world?

Now, first of all, everyone knows the Screen Actor’s Guild has been the single most powerful force behind American politics ever since the Freemasnons got hung out to dry back in the early 80s.

Arnold and Jesse hired some fanboy to bring the Predator to life, used it as an invisible hitman, and now they’re both Governors.

In The Two Towers, Christopher Lee has a massive underground factory that produces an army of orcs.
In Star Wars Episode Two, Christopher Lee has a massive underground factory that produces an army of droids.

Good things come in threes, right?

5 thoughts on “Celebrity Clonelord

  1. Mattias says:

    Yes, but in both cases it was episode 2. So maybe in the next world?

  2. stange_person says:

    America is the new world.

  3. Mattias says:

    that is a common mistake. America was the new world for a while, but has been growing less progressive and more conservative, and has lately (witness Bush) shown signs of senility. Australia would be a better candidate, except it really only exists on the fringes of a huge and positively ancient desert world. I think the trick with new worlds is that they have to be genuinely new.

    Were I of the cyberpunk persuasion I would now triumfantly point to the internet as the new world, but that is really rather silly. No, Lee needs to make a new world somehow, but would then be assured of ruling it – at least for a while.

    Question is, of course, how he would go about it? There are some rituals out there that are supposed to do something like that.

  4. Wratts says:

    Well, there’s the Neitherspace, the overlap in between reality and the many Otherspaces.

    What’s so silly about the internet? It’s the new wild west, laws are kinda shaky there and it’s a brave new world where new concepts are tried out and tested every day.

    An army of webspiders which monitor everything and everybody and trojan there way into every connected system?

    Better start making flags of the new Emperor Lee.

  5. Grimlock says:

    If the internet is the new world, then Anonymous is Lee’s army, and we’re all royally screwed.


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