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A minor sub-school of Narco Alchemy that uses the mixing of alcoholic cocktails to change the drinkers state of mind.

Known as Mixologists

This minor sub-school of N-A deals with the mixing of alcoholic beverages. Through the methods of mixing an otherwise ordinary cocktail, they can amplify and curtail the various effects of alcohol on a person. This means they can tailor the nature of a persons drunken state, perhaps making them talkative to extract information, or giving them a vicious hangover, or no hangover at all, or making them friendly, sleepy, horny, surly, and so on. They can’t induce a state that is not recognised to come from normal consumption of alcohol.

The height of a Mixologists art is in the D-Cell, a mix that imbues a person with a minor charge, one that they can use in any way they want, if they know how. It will give a Dipsomancer a major charge if they drink it.

The effect of the cocktails produced by a Mixologist is not removed by consuming alcohol from another source, but it is diluted. So if, for example, a drinker had four cocktails tailored to leave no hangover, and then went on to have ten more beers, they would get drunk from all the drinks, but only suffer from the ten beers, and so on with the other effects. A cocktail made by a Mixologist only has it’s special effects if it is consumed that day (or night). If it is stored overnight in another container, it no longer has any odd properties.

Most commonly a Mixologist is a N-A who started to apply his art downward, towards simpler products with fewer legal barriers to overcome, and more social acceptance. Rarely, a highly skilled bartender will build up an idea of how to do this, and, in at least one case, go on to full blown narco-alchemy.

Since this is quite a minor school there is no easily recognised taboo or charging scheme. The requirement is that the Mixologist is involved in every part of mixing the drink, from leaving the bottle to the mouth of the drinker. They can’t delegate tasks to others, even cutting lemons.

In game terms, each unit of alcohol allows a 5% shift in areas related to drunkeness. So the drinker may get a -5% to resisting seduction skills, or an additional 5% shift towards falling unconscious, or to be unaffected by the negative effects of alcohol as described in the rulebook. Or all of these effects. For each 5% shift in any effect, you must roll against double your Narco Alchemy skill, so a skilled Narqui can always create these drinks.

6 thoughts on “Mixology

  1. Caesar Salad says:

    “The height of a Mixologists art is in the D-Cell, a mix that imbues a person with a minor charge, one that they can use in any way they want, if they know how. It will give a Dipsomancer a major charge if they drink it.”

    I’m sure you meant Significant, not Major.

    Otherwise, I kind of like the concept behind this.

  2. Mattias says:

    D-cell… I think it should give dipsos a minor charge, nothing more, because it’s just booze to them. In the immortal words of Arne Anka “En bärs är en bärs är en bärs” (translated: a brew is a brew is a brew)

  3. offiox says:

    Yeah, I meant Significant. We had houseruled a Minor/Major (same as significant)/Meta (same as major) system in my group, to keep all the m’s from the first edition, and I keep slipping up around normals ;-).

    The D-Cell is supposed to be a kind of Mak Attax thing, and it should take a while to mix, with expensive drinks in the recipe.

    One of the images in my head when I dreamed this up was a Mixologist/Dipsomancer double act, one the weaker, more normal guy who makes drinks, and the other the drunkard with the power. The Mixologist would keep the Dipsomancer out of trouble in normal society, and the Dipsomancer has the power to keep the Mixologist safe in the underground.

  4. Asarelah says:

    Would the consumption of a D-Cell drink violate the taboo of an adept who wasn’t a Dipsomancer, even if they didn’t know what it was? After all, it is using another means to charge up…

  5. offiox says:

    I’m thinking that if the Mixologist knew what kind of Adept he was giving the D-Cell to he could specially mix it for them, giving them a minor charge. If they just drink a D-Cell intended for normal people or another Adept, they would break taboo. But YMMV.

  6. Cobra's_fang says:

    Why do I have a feeling that a mixomancer and a dipsomancer might end up fighting a cold war on the rocks?


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