Because I now have a pro site for my writing, plus I am not sure if the old links are still good or broken, I am resubmitting these documents here…
Here is the link to the new downloads page for my RPG stuff, including my Unknown Armies: Post-Modern Britain and the various crib sheets I have been hosting for Vrylakos.
I don’t like where you casually just threw in a major ritual, something that does not exist, but to make it even worse you had a Cliomancer have it, shrugged off the fact that Cliomancer majors are HARD TO GET, and had this ‘major ritual’, things of myth and legend, only stave off old age for three years. It’s ridiculous!
Oh yeah, almost forgot, that cliomancers can use their major charges to MAKE THEMSELVES YOUNG! Dugan Forscythe did it for a long time.