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Just a few artsy girls out for some good old ultraviolence. Co-created by Deathsong.

The end of the rave scene hit 101 hard. Some soldiered on, some started cabaret acts, some tried infiltrating Cirque du Soleil, and some just packed up their glowsticks and went home.

And there were some who figured if people wouldn’t come to the show, they’d bring the show to the people.

Though Horrorshow was started by an Oneriomancer calling herself Saint, it soon fell under the influence of a 101 hanger-on named Lottie, a crazy, charismatic girl with big plans. Unfortunately, she also happened to be channeling the Dark Stalker, and her idea of impromptu performance art was rather sinister.

Horrorshow’s method is simple. They knock on your door, gain entrance to your house, subdue you, and give you a little show. This little show consists of nightmarish, Lovecraftian hallucinations (courtesy of the ex-101 crowd), the melting of flesh (courtesy of Lottie’s boyfriend Messiah) and good old physical and psychological torture (courtesy of Lottie.) Most people are left insane by this process, and some die from fear. Even if you do survive with your mind partially intact, someone else in your house will be murdered in front of you as Lottie’s part of the performance.

Horrorshow’s members are all female (except for Messiah) and all under 30. If a stylish young girl knocks on your door, begging to use the phone to report an accident, it’s best to draw the bolts.

The founding members of Horrorshow are:

Lottie, Wicked Young Lady

Lottie is a teenage serial killer. She wasn’t molested as a child, her family was religious but not fanatical, and her town was no worse than any other small suburb. What turned her bad seemed to be a combination of simple boredom and a taste for fear.

She started out small, doing things like taking away the warning signs around thin ice and smiling to herself when a group of children drowned, then went on to spreading fires in the slums and eventually outright murder. The fear she took from the town excited her, and she was thrilled to think of how much peace of mind she could kill along with a body.

Lottie sees herself as a mixture of Beethoven and the Angel of Death, and her followers mostly as pawns. Messiah gives her a good time and she sometimes lets him think he’s in charge, but if he ever started to bore her, she’d cut him up without a second thought.

Personality: Pisces. Mad, manic and mercurial.
Obsession: Scaring people to death. That look on their faces as sheer terror stops their heart is better than an orgasm.
Rage: Psychiatrists. They call people crazy when they show any sign of being interesting.
Fear: (Isolation) Solitary confinement. Being all alone, with no one to hurt or scare, is the only part of jail that Lottie’s afraid of.
Noble: Animals. She’ll kill them on occasion, but people who would actually torture one are just plain psychos.
Body: 55 (Just a Kid)
General Athletics 30%, Struggle 40%
Speed: 70 (Quick With A Knife)
Dodge 30%, Sprint 30%, Initiative 35%, Torture 35%, Knives 40%
Mind: 50 (Passed Her Classes)
General Education 20%, Notice 30%, Conceal 30%
Soul: 65 (Strangely Fascinating)
Charm 30%, Lying 30%, Avatar: Dark Stalker 55%, Leadership 35%
Violence 10H/1F
Unnatural 4H/2F
Helplessness 0H/1F
Isolation 0H/1F
Self 1H/0F

Messiah, Horrorshow’s Only Male

Messiah (as Lottie called him) was the sort of kid who stole all the libraries’s anatomy textbooks (a shame, since he didn’t have the brains to be a doctor), took apart his sister’s dolls (after removing their clothing, of course) and cut himself during class in order to make people scream. If he hadn’t met Lottie, he might have eventually been put in jail for raping and mutilating prostitutes- as it was, she gave him something much more fun to do with his life.

Horrorshow gives the quiet, deeply disturbed Messiah everything he could ever ask for; sex, violence, dismemberment, and someone to give him direction in his life. Because the girls call him by such a flattering name and sleep with him constantly, he presumes to be the leader of Horrorshow. Despite this, he’s still utterly devoted to Lottie, and assumes she must feel the same way about him.

Personality: Scorpio. Serious, obsessive, and deeply unsettling.
Obsession: (Epideromancy) The beauty of the flesh. Sometimes it looks good on a pretty girl, but often it’d look even better when melted in delightful ways.
Rage: People who make fun of his nickname.
Fear: (Self) Being betrayed by someone he thought he had control over.
Noble: Lottie. Who can say why, but he seems to actually care for her.
Body: 70 (Coldly Handsome)
Good Looking 40%, General Athletics 30%, Struggle 30%, Take Pain 35%
Speed: 70 (Now You See Him, Now You Don’t)
Dodge 30%, Drive 20%, Initiative 35%, Clean Kill 30%, Firearms 20%
Mind: 40 (A Bit Childish)
General Education 20%, Notice 20%, Conceal 45%
Soul: 60 (Eerily Intense)
Charm 20%, Lying 20%, Magick: Epideromancy 50%, Intimidate 35%
Violence 7H/0F
Unnatural 2H/0F
Helplessness 0H/0F
Isolation 2H/0F
Self 1H/2F

Saint, In It For The Art

She didn’t mean for it to turn out like this, but truthfully, she’s not too sorry it did. When Saint was leading Horrorshow, they weren’t going anywhere; just a bunch of girls dressed in victorian frocks throwing stones through windows and tossing a little mojo at the angry guy who came out to yell at them. Lottie changed all that, of course, and while Saint is sometimes a little antsy around blood, she appreciates the chance to perform.

Saint is something of a nightmare fetishist, in love with everything erotic and grotesque. Horrorshow gives her the chance to be a lot closer and more personal with her audience, forcing them to appreciate the illusions she creates. She’s even convinced herself that, on some level, they’re better off for it.

Personality: Aquarius. Inventive, erratic and eccentric.
Obsession: (Oneriomancy) Magickal performance art. Or homicidal art, call it what you will.
Rage: Boring, middle class life and the people who are satisfied with it.
Fear: (Violence) The Sleepers. They did some nasty stuff to her 101 friends, and she wants to be ready if they catch up with Horrorshow.
Noble: People who survive the performances with their minds intact- their minds have been opened and they should be cherished.
Body: 45 (Skinny)
General Athletics 20%, Struggle 20%, Pretty 35%
Speed: 55 (Fast Enough)
Dodge 30%, Drive 30%, Initiative 27%, Dance 30%
Mind: 65 (Gifted)
General Education 35%, Notice 30%, Conceal 30%, Clean Getaway 25%
Soul: 75 (Otherworldly)
Charm 40%, Lying 20%, Magick: Oneriomancy 60%, Seduce 30%
Violence 1H/1F
Unnatural 5H/1F
Helplessness 0H/0F
Isolation 0H/0F
Self 2H/1F

(Special thanks to Deathsong for the idea and Nick Cave for his song The Curse of Milhaven, which inspired Lottie.)

One thought on “Horrorshow

  1. Requiem_Jeer says:

    These guys give me a willies. Yeesh.

    It would be an excellent adventure hook.


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