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The Mask Wearer

A Personamancy off shoot, New Orleans style….

You would have been a damn good personamancer had you not had such a large fixation with masks. Masks are a core part or personamancy but to them it is still a tool. Too you a mask is your face, an extension of you. A mask is who you are and you are the mask. You are a Mask Wearer, born and bred in New Orleans. Masks are a common place in the city around Halloween and Mardi Gras you know this power and you have harnessed it, even if you have to kill a few pesky personamancers in the process. You live through the eyes of your mask and all they see is the face you want them too.

Generate a minor charge: Ritually prepare a mask with a particular formula spell. For each hour that you spend in ritual preparation you generate a minor charge towards that spell. No mask may be worn at this time.
The School does not generate significant or major charges.

Taboo: to ever be seen without some kind of mask on (sunglasses are a godsend to help prevent taboo). If one is forcefully removed from your face you must shield your exposed face until it is covered or all masks on your person lose their prepared spells. While not truly a taboo, is anyone sees you put on a mask then the spell does not go into effect, just lays dormant.

Blast: this school has no blast….yet

Symbolic tension: you pretend to be others to improve yourself

Random Domain imitation and borrowing others ability

Charging Tips with enough time and masks you can gain a wide variety of skill enhancements

Starting charges You have no starting charges

Minor Formulas

Skills of the masked man
2 minor charges
This is the core spell of the Mask Wearers. A Masks Wearer takes a well known mask such as a plague doctor mask, a bloody hockey mask, or even a black strip of cloth and through a ritual imbues the mask with a skill bonus related to the properties of the mask. While worn the mask confers a +10% skill bonus (+15% if wearing a matching costume) to one skill chosen at casting. The effects of the spell last for a number of hours equal to the 10’s place of the casting dice. The time begins once the mask is put on. The effects end if the mask is removed prematurely.
Example: Aspen, a Mask Wearer knows some people are after her so she buys and prepares a mask similar to the Lone Ranger’s. At the moment of casting she chooses the Lone Ranger’s skill with pistols. She succeeds with a 37. Later that day she is cornered by a thug and retreats behind a dumpster to put on the mask. Once on she had a +10% bonus to her pistol skill that lasts for 3 hours.

The Death Mask
6 minor charges
The troupe of Mask Wearers have resurrected an old tradition of making death masks. Their spin on the tradition is that they use the masks to pry into the mind of someone recently dead. The mask must be made on the face of a recently dead individual. The mask is cast out of plaster and then decorated to look like the deceased individual. Once the mask is put on the caster rolls. If the spell is successful the caster may ask the storyteller a number of questions equal to the tens place of the casting roll. The Gm then answers the questions as if the dead person was answering them truthfully. If the mask is removed or all of the questions used the mask cracks and is useless.

Mask of Stolen Skills
8 minor charges
This is an enhanced version of the Skills of the Masked Man spell. This spell creates a mask with a permanent skill bonus. The mask may be taken on and off without losing effect, but if someone sees you take it on or off the mask looses all power. Also a Mask Wearer may only have three such masks at one time. If a new one is created one of the three current one looses effect.

Faces in the Crowd
10 minor charges

*The Mask Wearer school does not have a blast but this is the closest they have at the moment. The current Mask Wearers do believe that if the school becomes strong enough this could become a blast. But at the moment it is not.*

This spell is one that many New Orleans Personamancers strongly fear. The spell is cast upon a plain white mask that covers the casters entire face. When the caster wears the mask and looks into the eyes of a target the spell is cast. The target of the spell must immediately take a helplessness check with rank equal to the number of mask that the victim can see in their immediate area. For every 2 additional minor charges spent the duration of the spell is increased by 1 hour. If there are more than 10 mask present, they over flow into a second check.
Example: Aspen The Mask Wearer cast this spell on Jake during a Halloween party. There are 25 masked people present so Jake has to take 2 rank 10 helplessness checks and a rank 5 helplessness check due to the masks coming alive and harassing him. (unnatural and self checks may be appropriate as well)

The Eyes of the Death Mask
15 minor charges
This is a new version of the Death Mask spell. The spell requires you to make a death mask of a living person who must remain unconscious or “dead” while the mask is being made. Once the mask is created the caster may put it on and look through the eyes of who the mask was made from. The effects last for 10 seconds and may be only used once per day. If the victim looks into a mirror or reflective surface while caster is wearing the mask the spell is broken, the mask cracks, and the caster takes a rank 10 self and helplessness check.

What you here : There are three dukes in New Orleans who created this school during Mardi Gras. At first they were a minor nescience but as of late they have been wreaking havoc in the underground. Rumor is two sleepers tried to take them out but they were caught and only one was allowed to live. She is apparently in an asylum mumbling about how the eyes are watching.

4 thoughts on “The Mask Wearer

  1. offiox says:


    Here’s a nifty one off the top of my head.

    Mardi Gras
    5 minor charges, plus 1 per mask crafted

    First you prepare several masks, as many as you like. Then you get people to wear them. You can then activate the spell. This causes people to act totally uninhibited for as long as they wear the mask, as though thier mask of respectability and decorum has been replaced by one of anonymity. This does not mean they will go out to loot, rape and kill, but if they get the impulse to do so, they will just do it without thinking. They will not think to take off the mask, though it can be taken off by someone else. When this happens they take a check against any violent acts they commited when wearing the mask, and a severe helplessness and self check.

    Maybe a Mask Wearer is trying to figure out a way to influence the acts of the revellers, making this almost like a blast if it can be directed against a particular person. This seems like it might require a significant, though.

  2. Maljra says:

    Thanks, I’m glad you like it. I plan to throw them in if my PC’s ever end up In New Orleans.

  3. Neville Yale Cronten says:

    I could easily see this becoming a major school again OR… OR is a weird school in that while it is USUALLY a minor school, when the public’s mindset is in the right place (such as during Halloween or Mardi Gras) it temporarily becomes a normal school.

  4. Maljra says:

    I was going over this school again and decided to add one addendum to the taboo

    :being seen by another member of the school does not violate taboo.

    Also here is another fun spell

    Divine Facade
    14 minor charges (+3 per each avatar after the first)

    The spell requires a mask to be crafted from wood taken from a tree cut down in cemetery. Once the mask has been hand carved the face of an avatar needs to be “procured”. The face of the avatar must be removed in one peace. The removal of the face cannot be witnessed by anyone other then members of this school.

    Once the face has been removed and cured to prevent rotting. After this is done the face is mounted on the wooden mask. After which time the mask must be submerged in at least one pint of blood of three avatars who no longer draw breath, each a member of a different path. After 14 hours the mask is ready.

    Effectively the mask, when worn allows you to perceive avatars. So when worn you will be able to identify people following the path of any avatar whose blood the mask has been bathed in as long as their avatar score is lower then that of the one whose blood it was bathed in.

    Example: Aspen has delicately crafted A Divine facade from the face of a rival two faced man. She bathed the mask in his blood (avatar rating 46%), the blood of a pesky chronicler who was following her around asking too many questions (avatar rating 35%), and a warrior she double crossed (avatar rating 66%). Once prepared she can don the mask and will be able to tell if anyone follows those paths with a rating equal too or less than the ratings given above.

    Another avatar’s blood can be added to the mask by bathing it in 3 pints of blood for three hours. The masks effects are permanent, assuming you do not violate taboo.

    One Draw back with this spell is that you appear to others as the avatar in question who’s face makes up the mask, and are susceptible to the manipulations of the ascended avatar, as any other follower of the path is.


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