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Avatar of the Good Samaritan

Good Samaritans are loosely based on the biblical parable:

The Good Samaritan is the guardian and protector of the traveller. The tow truck driver that shows up just the minute you get a flat, The Doctor that happens to be walking by when you get hit by a bus, The Woodsman who saves Red Riding Hood from the wolf.

Samaritans often have an area or domain that they ward over, although some travel the world looking for those that need the most dire assistance.

Possible Masks: The Woodsman (red riding hood), Cooter (dukes of hazard), Grandpa (lost boys)

Taboo: The Samaritan must always offer assistance travelers who require aid of any sort, EVEN IF THEY ARE ENEMIES, unless he is currently assisting someone with a greater need, and stopping to address the lesser need would put the greater need in danger or jeopardy of failure. The Samaritans own needs or safety are never a factor. “Evening Ms. Olesson, Nancy here was just driving me to the hospital, she thinks I’m having a heart attack, but we saw you had a blowout, and I insisted we stop and help!”

Channels: 1-50%

Samaritans can always identify each other on sight.

The Samaritan is instinctively aware of any traveler ( defined as someone who is in transit from one “intended destination” to another) that is in need of assistance along their path, be they lost, broken down, or in physical danger, within a radius of double his Avatar Skill in Miles. Please note, at this power level if the traveler has reached their intended destination, and finds that Grandma is actually a Wolf, the Samaritan is unaware.

51% – 70%

“the right tool for the job” – by collecting a critical mass of tool and potentially useful items, and thru a healthy bit of psychic premonition, The Samaritan has a good probability to have the tool needed to assist the traveler onhand. “not sure why, but I just happened to have brought along my 10 ton jack” “attacked by werewolves, good thing I bought these silver bullets at an auction this morning” If the Samaritan needs to “scrounge around” for a tool or useful item with a value of under $2000, a successful Avatar roll will produce that item.

The Samaritan can detect obstacles or danger to travelers bonded to the Samaritan regardless of distance or whether the traveler is at their intended destination _as long as the traveler intends or desires to leave_. An abused child that still loves their family would not show up on the radar, although one that intends to run away once they can escape, would.

Likewise, someone surprised at home and KO’d by a bad guy would not be a “blip” until (unless) they woke up and desired to escape.

Also, a Samaritan that is tied to an area begins to develop a very intimate perspective of the area he protects.. He knows thru instinct and experience who is an outsider, and who is a native, and also who is prone to be caught by ( or to cause) obstacles and danger. This allows the Samaritan to flip-flop any “streetwise” or “local knowledge” skill.


At this level, the Samaritan can detect danger or obstacles to any _intended travelers_ within range, as they can with people they are bonded to above.

Although the Samaritan cannot actually teleport, his powers at this level have an affect on time, space, and probability, allowing the Samaritan to “happen to be around the corner” of any danger or obstacle presented to a traveler that he can detect.. The primary manifestation is most likely a psychic premonition or coincidence that puts the Samaritan in the travelers path, but if the traveler eludes the Samaritan, unnatural speed and luck will allow the Samaritan to catch up and attempt multiple intercepts, as strange traffic patterns emerge, trees fall, 100 car trains pass, etc, to facilitate the interception.

The Samaritan begins to be in tune with the more metaphysical aspects of the “traveler”. As well as assuring safety and offering assistance overcoming physical obstacles, the Samaritan can often provide perspective to right the travelers ‘spiritual path’ or pressing problem as well. This comes in the form of unique insight or clues to the travelers current conundrum, granting a +10% and the ability to flip-flop Hunches rolls that are used to benefit the traveler.

“Your talking about that new guy in town? well I was giving him a tow the other day and I overheard him on his cellphone….”

91% +

At the ultimate level of enlightenment, The Samaritan can assist another Avatar upon their spiritual path. He can loan another Avatar up to 10 % points of his own Avatar skill, for the duration of that Avatar’s journey to their intended goal. (note, goal, not destination) If that Avatar abandons the goal that the Samaritan loaned the points for FOR ANY REASON, then the points are lost forever.. If the goal is achieved, the points return to the Samaritan.

2 thoughts on “Avatar of the Good Samaritan

  1. Anon says:

    Always remember to choose the category. You should either re-submit this or ask Mr. Tynes to give this a proper classification.

  2. rasDNA says:

    I thought I had.. I’ll resubmit.


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