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A minor school spawned from OCD tendencies, it’s all about staying clean and making the world cleaner.

They’re always there. You knew it as a child, germs and contamination waiting to get in. Waiting to fill your body with toxins and death. You wore a mask as a kid, and you always carried a little bottle of alcohol gel in your pocket. Rubber gloves helped you cope with it, but it never removed the real problem, just cover it up and make it a little more bearable

And then one day, maybe you had run out of alcohol gel, maybe you just had a mental breakdown because the world would never be clean enough, you realized you could clean. With your own two hands you could banish the germs and contamination from the world, but you had to touch them to kill them. You were in a war no one else could understand.

Name: Eluomancy

Nicknames: Neat Freaks, Maids, Butlers, Janitors, Quicker-Picker-Uppers.

Symbolic Tension: You seek to cleanse the world, but in your mission of purity, even you become tainted and soiled.

Generate a Minor Charge: Clean or fix something with only you own bare hands for two hours, putting gloves on or putting anything between you and an object you are cleaning or fixing ups the charge time by an hour or more, depending on the chemicals you are dealing with. Any work that doesn’t leave you dirty or sweaty does not count for charges, you must exert effort.

There are no significant or major charges for this path

Taboo: Your mission allows for no compromises; your aim is to make your world a cleaner and purer place to be. “Your” world counts as any place that you spend a significant amount of time–your home, your work area, your typical hangouts, and similar spaces. In your world, you may leave no mess unattended, even if you are in a situation where time or stealth is critical, without losing all your charges. A sink full of dishes or a hamper full of laundry must be taken care of, just as bloodstains, vomit, or tracked kitty litter must be; this also includes pets and people in your space. Additionally, the Eluomancer must never leave a space messier than they found it–this makes things like breaking into or searching a home a royal pain, (though the homeowner is likely to be taken aback by finding their home tidied up after being robbed) and eating at a restaurant an exercise in absurdity.

Blast: This school lacks a blast.

Charging Tips: The sky is the limit; this school can easily gain a couple of minor charges a day with only a little effort.

Random Magick: Cleaning the world on a physical level, the people, things, animals and places around you and yourself. Pollution and germs are your mortal enemies, and you’ll defeat them one microbe at a time. The mind is the domain for the church, and your body is hardly a temple, but cleanliness is more important than godliness and you’re a warrior summoned to fight for it.

Starting Charges: 4

Minor Formulas:

Clean the Air:
Cost: 1 Minor charge

Those foul smells are a thing of the past; the air now smells pleasantly scrubbed with a faint hint of pine that seems to linger for a few hours. Any toxins or foul odors are removed for the space of one normal room length. If the toxin or smoke is coming from a container that is still active, the spell must be recast to deal with the next influx of chemicals. Spell lasts the number of rounds equal to the ones-place of their magic roll for that spell.

Minty Fresh:
Cost: 1 minor charge

Effect: A very localized Fresh As A Daisy (described latter) spell, any one body part is completely cleaned of oils, dead skin cells and germs. It could work like a very through hand washing or like brushing yours or someone else’s teeth. Say goodbye to your co-workers’ halitosis and germ covered fingers, this spell has about the same effect as a full dental regimen or a spa treatment on any one area of the body; teeth are nicely scrubbed and flossed, and the target’s breath is as fresh as though they had swished and gargled with mouthwash, hands are scrubbed and exfoliated and feel pleasantly clean. Leaves a faint, pleasant smell lingering on the target for about an hour after use (smell/flavor decided by casters preference), and gives the target a +10% shift on Charm rolls for that time, though they suffer a -10% shift to Lying rolls.

Clean Nose:
Cost: 2 Minor Charges

For the space of a single encounter, it’s like you are a model citizen. Any bad reputation, rumors the other people may know about you, or bad things you have done to them are completely forgotten. After you leave, the mental haze that caused them to forget will lift and they will realize they have been had. This could either up your negative reputation with them, or simply leave them very confused as to how they managed to forget they were mad at you.

Please note, if this spell is cast and the murder weapon is still in your hand, it will not work. Likewise it will not work if you get pulled over for speeding or something similar, the crime or slight must be preexisting.

Doing the Laundry:
Cost: 2 Minor charges

Works for two regular laundry baskets full of laundry per casting. All clothes are suddenly freshly washed, folded, ironed, or hung up and taken care of to the full extent of the fabrics needs. They also smell very faintly of flowers.

Cost: 2 charges per Gallon/pound

Cleans water and food of any contamination known or unknown (should not be used on cheeses or any food that requires use of bacteria). Caster must be able to touch the item that needs cleaning.

Wipe it Away:
Cost: 3 Minor charges

An area of six by six feet and all things within it is made so clean its molecules sparkle. Finger prints vanish, dirt, dust, poisons are all wiped away as though they never were. This does not work on living beings, and makes anyone standing within it feel majorly uncomfortable. It has been described as “Thousands of microscopic scrub brushes are attacking me from all directions” and is not advised for use on anyone you like for very long. Any organic being held under the spell needs to make a Helplessness check at a -2 and take 1 d-10 worth of damage for every 5 minutes they remain inside. Organic creatures are inherently dirty, this spell will literally scrub flesh from bone if left on someone too long, though luckily it doesn’t move. This spells duration depends on how dirty the objects in the radius of the spell are. It will continue until everything is clean.

Fresh as a Daisy:
Cost: 3 Minor Charges

Has the same effect as a very thorough shower, oils are removed from skin and hair, clothes suddenly feel freshly washed, dead skin cells are compactly removed and any germs are washed away, your teeth feel pleasantly scrubbed and you feel completely refreshed and awake. Also eliminates any side effects of sleep deprivation or hangovers. You feel as though you got a comfortable, completely restful night of sleep followed by your full morning routine.

Fix It:
Cost: 3 minor charges/varied

You can restore any item/location to a state in which you have seen it before. A broken window becomes fixed, a door that has been kicked in is repaired, any trace of yourself you may have left behind is gone, papers are returned to their placement before you pawed through them. Please note this returns anything you cleaned to a dirty state and you cannot gain charges for cleaning the same thing and then reversing it. Though it can still cause you to taboo out if you leave a mess.

Clean it up:
Cost: 3 Minor Charges

Any identifying marks are removed from one object, dents, dings, signatures; obvious clues to an items origin are scrubbed away without damaging the object. The object must be held in the adept’s hands for the duration of the spell and they must know of the marks to remove them. You can’t remove an invisible watermark that you have no idea is there, for example. But an obvious scratch on the side of a bracelet could easily be removed.

Clean Your Room:
Cost: 3 Minor Charges

A room is returned to an ordered state, shoes return to the closet, clothes return to where they go and trash finds its way to a trashcan. The room appears freshly vacuumed. Only works inside.

Healing Hands:
Cost: 4 charges or GMs discretion due to severity of condition.

You remove one infection/disease/virus/bacteria from someone’s body permanently. Stomach virus or swine flu, it doesn’t matter; it is gone, completely cleansed from your system and purged from the body. (Most people find it preferable to cast this spell with a bathroom on hand, or a shower available, as the purging tends to be quick and to the point, whatever route it takes.) This does not mean in the case of something infectious you can never catch it again, but it removes it from your system until such a time as you are exposed to it again, and means that your system has developed antibodies to it; the spell affects your immune system, causing it to become supernaturally quick, tough, and effective at taking down these intruders, though it unfortunately can do nothing against diseases working with your own body or immune system, such as cancer, AIDS, or Lupus. This can also be used to keep a fresh injury from becoming infected and works externally much the same way as peroxide.

Clean you out:
Cost: 4 minor charges for surface level whatever your body may be working on at the time, 12 for deeply entrenched gunk.

This spell completely removes toxins from your system. Smokers will have to build up their tolerance again, druggies completely have anything they might be on cleaned from their system, your liver and kidneys get a nice flush of all buildup, blood vessels are flushed of any clogs or cholesterol build up. Anything that might currently be in your system is completely removed, organs returned to the state they should have been in all along. You might find yourself coughing more due to pollution as well. This will not stop you from continuing your bad habits, of course, it just means that the next cigarette will feel like your first and that next drink will probably knock you on your ass. (Though recipients might also want to have this spell cast in a bathroom, as the contamination will leave the body via whichever method is most readily available, and that can quickly get messy.)

Get it off:
Cost: The amount spent on the curse plus a flat rate of four. (Count each sig as 15 minors)

Cleans away any lingering magical effects on your person. Annoying, painful or malignant magical issues end as though their time limits have expired. The caster must know that the effect is in play to end it. It counts as a success for prying astral entities off of the target, but that there’s absolutely nothing stopping them from latching right back on, or onto the caster, or whatever.

What you’ve heard

There’s a man in Chicago who has become mighty popular with the local Boozehounds. Seems he can fix their livers for the proper price. Might be worth looking into, if you have the need.

And down in the Bible Belt, there are rumors of a Neat Freak some people are calling The Teetotaler. He’s going around tabooing Boozehounds, Narquis, and Fleshworkers alike–insisting that they respect themselves and their bodies, and exist as naturally and purely as the Lord intended them to. He’s well protected by the church community he’s insinuated himself into, but the minute anyone gets him alone, there’s probably going to be a bloodstain so big even he’d have trouble cleaning it up.

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One thought on “Eluomancy

  1. Darc Discordia says:

    I like this. Reminds me of Hannelore from Questionable Content, and it’s a pretty neat idea for a school.


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