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Christian Group Directs “Spiritual Warfare” Against Pagan Goddess

Extremist reaction or war amongst archetypes? You decide.

The New Apostolic Reformation, a neo-Pentecostal Christian movement with strong ties to GOP Presidential candidate Rick Perry, plans to “lay siege” for 40 days on Washington D.C. to change the District of Columbia into the District of Christ and eliminate compromise in our government. Events to take place in each state in turn, Minnesota’s date is October 21st. Pagans organizing to counter the malefic magic.

Read the rest here .

2 thoughts on “Christian Group Directs “Spiritual Warfare” Against Pagan Goddess

  1. Spoonbridge says:

    Definitely scary, but great grist for my Twin Cities UA campaign. I doubt the New Apostolic Reformation would be in on the occult underground, but are they being manipulated? By who? And what happens with the locals when they come to town?

  2. LiquidXlr8 says:

    I’ve used religious groups in my games a lot, westboro (sp?) Is my usual inspiration for fanatics, but I like this more subtle approach. This could easily spin into a major ritual or charge for the right duke. Out the lucky duke.


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