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Venerable Hanz, Zen Annihilomancer

An anomaly amongst the Sternos of California Venerable Hanz appears to have found the middle way of Annihilomancy.

Some time ago Hanz came over from Germany to partisipate in the Zen Buddhist community of San Francisco. Few people know what his life was like before he became a zen monk, and Hanz hasn’t found it necessary to pass said information on to his lay folk. What the community knows of Hanz’s life before he took his vows was that he was a Student of Languages in Germany, that he’s distant from his family there, and that he paid for his degree by doing a stint in the German Army. Beyond this his community knows him as a compassionate priest with a wry sense of humour and a well known reputation for practicality and whimsy.

What they don’t know is that Hanz is an Annihilomancer and that he’s acctually personally responsible for the significant success of the San Fransisco Zen Center’s drug rehabilitation program as Hanz uses the acts of benevolent destruction practiced by his community to help addicts experience the nessecary revelation to kick the habit while he destroys their old stagnating life to make a better one.

How Hanz came to become an Annihilomancer is considered to be one of the great mysteries of the San Francisco Occult Underground. Not because they don’t know, but because few believe Hanz when he explains it to them that he discovered the principle through a moment of Satori and it all fell into place from there. Unlike many of the Sternos that walk the Californian underground Hanz is not a Nihilist. Where most Sternos want to destroy the world because it sucks, Hanz wishes to destroy the obstacles to truth in the universe to compassionately assist all beings to achieve their Buddha Nature. Unfortunately the sincerity and sereneness of Hanz’s mission had an unfortunate habit of pissing off other Annihilomancers, who quickly discovered that compassionate action and ass-kicking are not mutually exclusive.

After carving a niche in the local occult underground and fending off anyone who assumed that he and his community would make for easy marks, Hanz has opened up his services of Benevolent Self Destruction to the underground. Some Adepts, Avatars, and general players in the underground have taken him up on his offer. They frequently leave his care with their lives unrecognizable from when they entered, but for some reason it makes them feel better.

Hanz is a medium sized man in his forties, he shaves his head and wears the traditional robes of the Soto school of Zen most of the time.

Personality: Zen Buddhism is your life, you have taken the middle road since you took your vows and have not regreted it at all. You are incredibly practical with a streak of whimsy when there is nothing on the line or if you think it will help people get your point. Just because you’ve devoted yourself to doctrines of non-attatchment doesn’t mean you don’t like your MP3 player.
Obsession: Your Bodhisattva Vow, you’ve sworn to not achieve nirvana until all the world manifests it’s Buddha Nature.
Wound Points: 50

Rage: Deliberate Maliciousness, evil from ignorance is one thing, but witnessing someone knowingly perform a pointless malicious act pisses you off.
Fear: Mind affecting Magics, you don’t like the idea that you could be reprogramed.
Noble: Helping others, given a chance to make a real difference in someone’s life and you’ll take it.

Body: 65 (Surprizingly Fit)
Speed: 50 (Zen and the Art of…)
Mind: 70 (Knowing more that you’d expect)
Soul: 80 (Bodhisattva)

Body: Gardening 35% ,General Athletics 35%, Martial Arts (Struggle) 55%
Speed: Knowing where to be when (Dodge) 45%, Driving 15%, No-Mind Reaction(Initative) 30%, Military Training (Firearms) 20%, Catching Butterflies 35%
Mind: University Degree (General Education) 45%, Constantly Observing (Notice) 55%, Conceal 15%, English 35%, French 25%, Spanish 25%, Japanese 35%, Zen-Mind (Thinking Lateraly) 50%, Zen Art 35%, First Aid 25%
Soul: Annihilomancy 70% , Delightful Old Roshi (Charm) 35%, Lying 25%, Meditation 50%, State of Zen 50%

State of Zen: using this skill Hanz can Intuit certain truths of a situation by momentarily meditating.

Madness Meter:

Violence: 2 Hardened >< 0 Failed Unnatural: 4 Hardened >< 0 Failed Helplessness: 1 Hardened >< 0 Failed Isolation: 2 Hardened >< 1 Failed Self: 0 Hardened >< 1 Failed

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