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Headline: Vial of Ronald Reagan’s Blood on Auction

No magical medicine cabinet would be complete without one. But is the benefit for the buyer, or the seller?

‘An on-line auction site is hoping to find out by selling a vial that it claims was used to draw President Ronald Reagan’s blood while he was recovering from the gunshot wound that nearly killed him in 1981. To top it off, the auction site says, “dried blood residue” is clearly visible inside the vial.

The unidentified man said he contacted the “Ronald Reagan National Library” … and was told that the National Archives would accept the vial but not pay for it. “Reagan when he was my Commander in Chief when I was in the ARMY from ’87-’91 and that I was a real fan of Reaganomics and felt that Pres. Reagan himself would rather see me sell it rather than donating it,” the man wrote on the PFC website.’

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