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Turning and turning in the widening gyre.

Dizziness Penalty: Each round you spend spinning rapidly gives you a cumulative -5% dizziness penalty. This usually goes away quickly: any time you spend a round gaining your bearings, you lose -5% of this penalty. If you’re stay in motion (fighting, driving a car around turns, etc.), the dizziness penalty doesn’t go away. Some situations may build up a dizziness penalty more slowly than just spinning around. If you have a skill like Incredible Balance, you can make a check on that skill (or General Athletics with a -20% shift if you don’t have a skill like that) to ignore your dizziness penalty for one round. When your Dizziness Penalty exceeds your Speed, you fall down unless you make a balance check.

Generate a minor charge: Gain a -5% dizziness penalty. You can’t spend charges and gain charges in the same round.

Generate a significant charge: Same as the minor charge, but you must do so in a historically significant location that you have ritually consecrated. The consecration ritual must take at least an hour, and must symbolically mark the place as sacred and special to you. You can only have one such sacred spot at a time, and if someone marks it for themselves (or harvests Cliomancy charges, or anything else), it loses its sacred status until you reconsecrate it.

Generate a major charge: So far, no gyromancer has generated a major charge.

Taboo: When your dizziness penalty reaches 0, you lose all charges.

Additional Taboo: Keep track of every skill that you use in conjunction with Gyromancy — to generate charges, to enhance the skill, or anything else related to Gyromancy. (Mark them with a check mark on your character sheet or something.) If you fail on any of those skills, you “spin out of balance” — you lose all charges, and you can’t regain any charges for 24 hours.

Symbolic Tension: Like a gyroscope, a Gyromancer is most stable when it’s rapidly spinning.

Blast: A Gyromancer releases some of his built-up angular momentum in the form of a whirlwind that spins out toward the target. This can be Dodged, even at a distance, but will knock away anything that the target is carrying or has loosely attached to their person.

Random Domain: Controlled motion. A Gyromancer’s actions may seem erratic or out of control, but so long as a Gyromancer is moving, her motions are uncannily accurate.

Charging Tips: Find and dedicate a historically accurate location to act as your temple for significant charges. Either way, though, you’ll be charging at one minor charge a round and using them when you need them.

Starting Charges: None.

Minor Formulas

Eight Drunken Fairy Step
1 minor charge
Your motions looks clumsy and stumbling, but somehow always lucky. You can use your Dodge skill (without dizziness penalty) against anything you might dodge, without taking an action to do so. Lasts until you lose your dizziness penalty.

Dust Devil
1 minor charge
This is the Gyromancy minor blast. It does damage equal to the sum of the dice roll.

Greatest of Ease
2 minor charges
You can perform a single feat of perfect balance, such as walking across a telephone wire. If used while falling or crashing, you take half damage. Lasts until the action is complete, up to five minutes.

Like A Record Baby
3 minor charges
This makes someone else dizzy. For three rounds, someone else gains your dizziness penalty. You still have the penalty as well.

Eternal Momentum
4 minor charges
Spin a small hand-held object on a flat surface — a top, a coin, a jack, a gyroscope, or anything else that spins evenly. While it’s still spinning, whisper to it “Keep spinning while ______” where X is a really simple positive statement. If it’s not true, the top will fall immediately. Otherwise, it will keep spinning while the condition is true, in defiance with the laws of physics — it will stop spinning only when the condition ends, when someone stops it, or when you use this formula again. Some reasonable examples: “Keep spinning while my wife is safe.” “Keep spinning while someone is watching me.”

Significant Formulas

1 significant charge
This is the Gyromancy significant blast. It does damage equal to the result of the dice roll.

Gyroscopic Stability
1 significant charge
The turn after you use this formula, start spinning in place as usual to gain charges. So long as you keep spinning, you can’t be moved from the spot where you’re spinning, and firearms damage does only melee damage to you.

2 significant charges
You become a whirlwind of perfect action. You can act twice each round (as if you had the skill Do Two Things At Once 100%), and you can use your Gyromancy skill in place of any skill related to graceful motion — this definitely includes most combat skills. All of your actions have tremendous flourish, sweeping circular motion, and tremendous, almost inhuman balance. You can’t use any further Gyromancy formulas while this formula is in effect, and you must spend 1 minor charge per round keeping this formula going — if you don’t have the charges to spend, the effect ends.

I’ll Stop the World
3 significant charges
You disappear from existence in a flash of silver spiraling light. You can still perceive what’s going on around you as if you were present, but you are invisible and cannot affect or be affected by the world until you end this ability. You don’t age, go hungry, or get tired while you’re disappeared. You can only use this within your sacred grounds, and if the area is destroyed or loses its sacred status, you die. Lasts until you decide to come back.

Eye of the Storm
5 significant charges
Summons a huge tornado or hurricane to the spot where the dance was performed. This formula either enlarges and moves an existing storm, or makes a new one. This formula requires an hour-long ecstatic dance to perform, and can take up to three days to fully manifest. The results vary depending on local geography, but they’re going to be big.

What You’ve Heard

Word is this school was started when a practitioner of whirling Sufi meditation moved from Turkey to work at the New York City Ballet. Long sleepless hours and obsessive intensity led her to open herself to spiritual insight and awakening. She tried to teach disciples her school of knowledge, and immediately started making enemies in the local Occult Underground.

3 thoughts on “Gyromancy

  1. TedPro says:

    Inspired by my friends Matt and Jen, who suggested it as a school.

    It’s kinda similar to Dipsomancy in that it’s got the easy-come, easy-go style, and significant charges require finding a thing (or in this case place) of historic significance.

    Formulas are cheap and very useful, but the second taboo should balance this out: once you fail in any skill, you’re very vulnerable.

    Furthermore, most practitioners will find themselves avoiding using their bests skills in front of witnesses, to avoid hitting taboo, which can be a pretty heavy drawback. You miss one Dodge and you’re screwed for a day.

    I typically assume that in most fights, a Gyromancer will spend the first few rounds of combat spinning before they start acting, which seems like a suitably ridiculous plan.

    Some concepts for this school: ballet dancer, martial artist, Sufi mystic, acrobat, extreme sports junkie.

  2. waitingforgodzi says:

    What a marvellously goofy obsession. I’m not totally sure what sorts of locations would work for gaining sig charges, but the image that’s stuck in my head is of a dervish who’s claimed the teacup ride at Disneyland. That guy has created the following formula spell.

    Axis Mundi
    1 significant charge
    As far as anybody else is concerned, you are exactly where you should be, at the center of the universe. Nobody will be surprised or upset that you are where you are, whirling around like a lunatic. This effect lasts until your dizziness penalty reaches 0.

  3. TedPro says:

    waitingforgodzi, I love it!


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