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The believers of the all mighty ogrelord Shrek.

Nicknames: Brogres

Shrekomancers are people who obtain powers through Shrek and his all green mightiness. They tend to dress as Shrek some times, wear green a lot, make a lot of Shrek analogies, and they have an extreme fetish for Shrek. Any one caught not obeying Shrek and seeking to destroy Farquaad are drek, to the Brogre’s.

Minor Charge: Go out and show your interest in Shrek to the public, ask everyone if they like Shrek or not. You must do this for one hour. Fight with anyone who does not like Shrek. Killing some one who works for Farquaad gives you one extra minor charge. Eating onions out in public and acting like Shrek will give you another minor charge.

Significant Charge: Watch a Shrek movies for three hours. Sexually relieving, eating onions, and hanging out with at least three other people will give you an extra charge.

Major Charge: Their is three ways of getting a major charge. All extremely difficult to do. The first and easiest way, is to force 1,000 people to watch one of the Shrek movies, while sacrificing them to the ogrelord Shrek. Second, is to hack in to the Shrekchan lounge, located here: “” and share the login information to the other brogres on shrekchan. The third, and most difficult, is to destroy Farquaad. By destroying Farquaad, you gain two major charges.

Taboo: Brogres can not disobey the ogrelord. They are always on a quest to destroy the agents of Farquaad, and letting an agent of Farquaad live is a major offense. You lose all charges by letting an Agent of Farquaad go, not eating onion products at least twice a day, and disobeying Shrek.

Blast Style: A shrekomancer clenches his fist, and a great green hand launches at his foe, doing massive damage to the stomach, face, or groin.

-Minor formula:

Get Ogre It! – 1 minor charge
By shouting “Get Ogre It!”, an onion is shoved in to the mouth of a visible target chosen. He or she may not speak for one hour, and the onion can not be removed from the mouth until the hour is up.

Onion Sight – 1 minor charge
Pick one visible target, you know if they like or dislike Shrek. One extra charge, and you can figure out if they are an agent of Farquaad.

You Have Layers Too! – 1 minor charge
A visible target that you have chosen is filled with incredible guilt, and becomes a believer in the all mighty ogrelord Shrek. It only works on those who dislike Shrek. To do this to an agent of Farquaad, you must spend and extra charge.

Fiona!? – 2 minor charges
Any visible target chosen is turned in to the ogre form of fiona for one hour. By spending two more minor charges, Shrek appears and brutally rapes the target for one hour.

Shrek Blast – 2 minor charges
Read the blast description.

Onion Grenade – 3 minor charges
If you are carrying an onion, you may use this spell to transform that onion in to a grenade. When thrown, the onion will give off an incredible stench that only ogre’s and brogre’s can resist. One extra charge will let it explode and cause massive damage to your opponent(s).

Shrek’s Might – 5 minor charges
You transform in to Shrek for any fight. Your strength is doubled, and you can do massive damage to your opponent. Show no mercy!

-Significant formula:

Epic Onion Sight – 1 significant charge
In a 100ft radius, automatically discover any people and their location of any farquaad agents or Shrek Dislikers.

Layers of Meteors – 3 significant charges
Onion grenades are dropped in a visible 20ft radius for five minutes. They all explode at the end, or knock out any one in the radius.

Onion Army – 5 significant charges
An army of ogres riding onion horses attack any enemies in a one mile radius. Five more charges makes sure they are all dead. That, or a giant battleship appears from the sky, while Shrek is piloting, and is launching onion grenades at all your enemies in a one mile radius. One extra charge makes the grenades explode.

-Major Effects: Spending two charges transforms you to Shrek permanently. Spending one charge will make Shrek appear to rape and murder any farquaad agents and Shrek dislikers in the area, and kill your enemies. Shrek will appear on a fire breathing dragon.

8 thoughts on “Shrekomancy

  1. chriswalt says:

    My first time, will make adjustments on a later date.

  2. chriswalt says:

    My first time, will make adjustments on a later date.

  3. chriswalt says:

    My first time, will make adjustments on a later date.

  4. Wellbutrin says:

    As a spoof of the more absurd adept schools, this is rather funny, although the joke drags on a bit longer than it deserves.

    As an adept school for use in gameplay… well, that’s moot, as you couldn’t possibly have been serious about this.

  5. RogueAffinite says:

    What in the name of St. Germain is this?

  6. sdfds68 says:


    Overpowered. Nerf it all, cut out the rapes (doesn’t hold with the movies) and get a paradox and symbolic tension. Then, it might work.

    Then again, include this warning clause at the beginning: “THIS SCHOOL IS RIDICULOUS! REJECTION BY GM ACCEPTABLE”

  7. TedPro says:

    What is this I don’t even

  8. shrekenjoyer says:



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