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Anna Palmer: The Girl Anachronism

Based off of a The Dresden Dolls song of the same name. Behold the world’s worst accident.

“… And I’ve got some issues to work through. There I go again: pretending to be you. Make believing that I have a soul beneath the surface. Trying to convince you; it was accidentally on purpose.”

Now, let’s be clear. Not every baby that’s removed early ends up with wack quirk powers…

There’s a lot of theories by the clued in as to just what she is. A Flying Woman, Fool, Crypt (to those who even know about them), Bodybag, Sterno, Thespian, batshit, possessed, faking… the list goes on. Anyone with their votes on Personamancer or infested with Demons has the right direction, but still isn’t anywhere near the truth. See, when little Anna had to be removed a bit early, her body came out alright, but her soul stayed in her mother until the date of the pregnancy was supposed to end, at which point it was ejected, and it took its natural residence. So, with the once soulless body’s mind developing a few days ahead of the spirit, this lead to a large degree of physical dissociation. Mentally, Anna felt out of place. Spiritually, having bonded to her mother’s spirit like a cancerous growth, she always felt a great loss, not being a part of her. As such, she developed the irritating tenancy of behaving similarly to the most magnetic person in the room. As a kid, this was usually her mother or the teacher, but this did have some disastrous effects, on occasion. Now, the truth of her ability is that she’s not imitating anyone, she’s actually becoming them. Her soul unconsciously imprints off the most spiritually in-tune person nearby. Now, had she just led a normal life with normal people, she might have gotten by. She would have been regarded as a weak willed eccentric.

Unfortunately, one day she walked past a Personamancer who was getting off on pretending to be a homeless panhandler, and some of the crazy ended up rubbing off on her. Specifically, the part about there not being a real her, since identity was mutable. Maybe she would have ended up as a dangerous or dead Thesbian, but she ended up imprinting an Entropomancer’s tendency to endanger his own life on a whim, among other bits and pieces. All of this has culminated in strange and confused woman whose mother is just barely able to contain through meds and care.

Childish, always seeking attention, but intelligent and manipulative. Deep down, though, she knows she needs to work to get herself back on track.

Noble Passion: The pursuit of one’s dreams.
Fear Passion: That it really is her fault that her life is such a wreck. (Self)
Rage Passion: Someone hurting her mother in any way.

Body: 45 (Frail)
Scratch and Pull (Struggle): 15
General Athletics: 20
Resist Restraints: 40
The Red In Her Eyes, The Knots in Her Hair (Distracting Physique): 20
Speed: 60 (Spastic)
Pretending That She’ll Fall (Dodge): 30
Dents In Her Car (Driving): 15
Initiative: 30
Mind: 60 (Beyond Her Years)
Knows Things She Shouldn’t (General Education): 30
Hiding Things From Her Mother (Conceal): 40
The Details (Notice): 30
Soul: 40 (In Over Her Head)
Trying To Convince You (Charm): 40
Make Up Ten Excuses (Lying): 40
Pretending To Be You: 40

Madness Meters:
V 0/-0
U 3/-0
H 0/-1
I 1/-1
S 0/-2

-As a baseline for her personality and actions, she tends to make a lot of excuses for her behavior. She finds breaking and mangling things to be a great stress relief, and tends to fiddle with (and possibly dismantle) whatever she’s holding when put under pressure. If no such object is available, she tends to twist her long hair with her fingers. If she feels particularly ignored, she’ll often attempt to make trouble. In small degrees, this manifests as minor shaking or a mood swing, but in extreme cases she’ll voluntarily break down or get up on a chair to “retrieve something”, and “accidentally” drop it.

-Resist Restraints is her skill for getting out of pins, binds, ropes, etc, which she will liberally use if someone attempts to grab her.

-Her soul skill “Pretending To Be You” is a bit of a doozy. Simply, whenever she encounters someone with a Soul of 60+, and they have the highest Soul stat in the room, she instinctively starts behaving like him or her. Not only that, but her Obsession is temporarily changed to match the one being mimicked, and her Just Like You skill is treated as that Obsession skill. If they don’t have an Obsession (like most normal people), she instead adapts one of their passions at random. Unfortunately, she ends up keeping a trace of every Obsession she copies. What carries over is up to the GM, but it’s usually no more than a sentence which provides a guiding principle. A martial artist’s might be “Not exercising every day leads to failure.” or “My body is a deadly weapon.” A used car salesman might imprint the idea that she “Can convince you to buy anything.” or that “People are so weak-willed in the face of a good offer.” A magick skill tends to imprint the rationale behind the behavior much more often than the power behind it, like a Plutomancer’s assertion that “The value of money is in the having, not the spending.”, or a Skinner’s thoughts that “At least cutting gives them control over something.” This will lead her to become even more of a wreck, as PCs attempt to investigate her and she slowly imprints off all of them.

The key guiding phrases in her head are “There is no real ‘me’.” and “Risk is it’s own reward.” Anything else is up to the GM.

One thought on “Anna Palmer: The Girl Anachronism

  1. Darc Discordia says:

    This is a pretty clever character concept. I like it.


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