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Rumors on the Internets

The adepts you find on Internet forums share just as many rumors with each other as adepts everywhere else. Some are true, some are false…

If I told you how many people on the roleplaying servers in MMOs were Personamancers using those servers as an all-you-can-eat mystical mojo buffet…well, let’s just say that there are at least three games with guilds that only accept them as members.

It’s possible for an Iconomancer to channel a fictional character! But only some characters: whatever setting the character is from needs to still be getting new stories set after the character’s death. Which is why the guy who found out how sold the secret to both DC and Marvel. That’s why they keep killing off major superheroes; they need an Iconomancer to channel the character, and who better to reveal the icon’s deepest, darkest secrets or ensure the icon’s death? And that’s also why they never stay dead; it keeps the Iconomancers under control.

The stereotype of video game players all being unwashed, fat neckbearded virgins exists because someone’s using it in an attempt to ascend as the Hermit.

The existence of steampunk is a Mechanomancer plot. Gives them a cover, lets them use magick among normal folk without being found out. Don’t trust anyone with goggles, I say. Or do you really think they do nothing?

There’s a group of Chinese Infomancers out there who figured out a way to share charges so long as no single member gets the credit for generating it. Every time the news freaks out about Chinese hackers, those Infomancers get stronger.

If you want to know the real reason Firefly was cancelled, read up on the roles sun gods played in ancient mythologies. There’s a reason it was a character played by someone named Adam who got stabbed, after all, and it’s not just because he looked better in red.

The Enigma machine made Alan Turing not just the most powerful Western Cryptomancer, but the single most powerful adept ever to live. And every German secret it spat out only made him stronger. That’s why the Eastern school had him killed off.

If you own a Kindle and carry it with you at all times, no Bibliomancer can ever use magick against you. It’s the antithesis of everything they believe, after all.

Eight bits to a byte. Eight’s a lucky number in China, and that’s where all our gadgets come from. Spiders spin webs, and they have eight legs. Face it: the Internet is a living thing, and it thinks in base eight. Makes you wonder who was really behind Pluto getting kicked out of the planet club, doesn’t it?

The Internet is not, in fact, for porn. That’s a Naked Goddess meme. The more that people make the joke, the stronger her followers become. Which is fine if you’re one of them, I suppose, but not so much for the rest of us.

You know those people who think wireless signals are killing them, so they fled to that tiny little village in West Virginia that sprung up around a radio telescope? A good chunk of them are Urbanomancers. Well, they were, anyway.

It’s not steampunk you should be worried about. It’s zombies. There’s a butcher out there trying to build up some sort of crazy ritual that depends on everyone expecting the zombie apocalypse to be real, I just know it.

2 thoughts on “Rumors on the Internets

  1. Psychopomp says:

    I like it!

  2. Psychopomp says:

    The rumors were one of my favorite things about the UA manuals.


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