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Frederick Brown, Sleeper Executioner

A professional killer.

Frederick Brown is an incredibly bland man. White, middle-aged, wife and two kids, white picket fence around a house in the suburbs, no real hobbies. And like many incredibly bland people in the Occult Underground, he’s ridiculously dangerous.

Fred is an assassin for the Sleepers. Possibly the best assassin the Sleepers have. His wife and kids think he works 9 to 5 in an office and goes out on business trips from time to time. In reality he trains 9 to 5 and goes out to kill someone from time to time.

Fred has made a deliberate effort to erase his past, and since there are a lot of Cliomancers among the Sleepers he’s done a pretty good job of it. Nobody but nobody remembers his childhood as the son of an adept, or the fact that he was raised to follow the path of the Executioner as his mother’s loyal servant. Nobody remembers him killing his mother and joining her worst enemies to spite her memory. Nobody remembers the burning anger that once fuelled his quest to destroy the weird and the freakish. He doesn’t even remember any of that himself; as far as he knows, he popped into existence fifteen years ago full of good-natured murderousness.

To maximize security, Fred almost never actually sees anyone else in the Sleepers. He gets his kill orders in the mail, and his bosses find out when he’s done his job by reading the newspapers. There are authentication codes in the kill letters, but honestly if anyone found out about the system they could probably hijack it with a bit of effort.

Personality: Polite, normal, boring. That’s what he aspires to be.
Obsession: (Avatar: The Executioner) Building a more perfect world by removing problematic people.
Wound Points: 55

Rage Stimulus: Being physically injured. It offends him on a personal level.
Fear Stimulus: (Helplessness) Losing his family, especially by having them learn what he does.
Noble Stimulus: Normal middle-class people. He sees them as the human ideal.

Body 55 (In shape)
Struggle 55%, General Athletics 30%
Speed 75 (Impeccably precise)
Firearms 72%, Drive 15%, Dodge 15%, Initiative 40%, Sneak Around 40%
Mind 55 (Methodical)
General Education 20%, Notice 30%, Conceal 40%, Plan Assassination 40%
Soul 75 (Seems harmless)
Avatar: The Executioner 75%, Lie 55%, Charm 30%

Violence 8H 1F
Unnatural 3H 2F
Helplessness 1H 1F
Isolation 2H 0F
Self 4H 3F

Note: Fred was built according to the rules for a Cosmic-level starting character. He has more stress notches than normal, though.

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