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Cover Art For The Next Book!

Artist Ken Meyer Jr. has posted his excellent cover painting for the next Unknown Armies book. Break Today is a Mak Attax sourcebook coming in April. Check out that sweet cover! And here’s some info about the book:

Break Today
The Mak Attax Sourcebook
April 2003, 144pp
By Greg Stolze with Chad Underkoffler
Cover Art by Ken Meyer Jr.


Hey, consumer — have some fries with your universal transcendance! The bizarre occult conspiracy known as Mak Attax wants to upsize your soul, one fast-food burger at a time, until we all go dancing out the doorways of the luminous clown’s thousands of mystically aligned restaurants and into a bold new future of magickal enlightenment. The men and women of Mak Attax are dreamers, cranks, agitators, crackpots, idealists, saboteurs, poseurs, fanatics, and everything in between. The rest of the Occult Underground thinks they’re either complete losers or the most dangerous threat the world has ever faced. But no matter what the Maks hang tough, wash their hands regularly, and serve up a value meal of mojo their way. Contents include: The Mak Attax Story – Major GMCs – Assorted Crews – New Artifacts – New Rituals – New Archetypes – Four New Magick Schools: Anagram Gematria, Plutophagy, Herpemancy, and Geomancy – Rules for Familiars – Scenario Hooks – And 100% Pure Canola Oil.

4 thoughts on “Cover Art For The Next Book!

  1. TTRedfield says:

    This was on the Atlas Games Dispatch:

    Tuesday, March 25, 2003

    Break Today, the Mak Attax sourcebook for Unknown Armies, is off to the printer today!
    posted by John Nephew at 1:03 PM

  2. Uriah says:

    (with a sweaty wad of bills in hand) But When, dear god, does it ship?

  3. John Tynes says:

    I don’t know yet, but it should be any day in the next couple weeks.

  4. Absevepoise says:

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