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Order of the Eternal Flame (or: I sold my soul to an AI, and all I got was this lousy campaign)

Like many people lately, I’ve been playing around with ChatGPT. First, I asked it for poetry about love of cheesecake, in the styles of both Edgar Allen Poe and William Shakespeare. These were surprisingly good, especially the Shakespeare sonnet, although it was not in iambic pentameter.

So then I thought, let’s try something a little harder. What about a Dungeons & Dragons module based on the Tao Te Ching? It did even better with that one. I actually kinda want to play it. So I went with something more challenging still. As you’ll see, this is very sandbox-y for a RPG module, but it does certainly have enough seeds to create an interesting global-level campaign. I gave it as little new information about UA as possible, and kept it to what’s freely Google searchable.

Me: Write me an Unknown Armies module exploring the meaning of the Tunguska event, the Roswell crash, the Bermuda triangle, the missing tribes of Israel, Atlantis, and time travel.

ChatGPT: Unknown Armies is a role-playing game that deals with the occult, the supernatural, and the paranormal. The Tunguska event, the Roswell crash, the Bermuda Triangle, the missing tribes of Israel, Atlantis, and time travel are all mysterious and unexplained events or phenomena that have long captivated the imagination and sparked numerous theories and speculations.

In this module, the players take on the roles of investigators trying to uncover the truth behind these phenomena. They will have to delve into the murky world of the occult, confront powerful and dangerous forces, and navigate complex webs of intrigue and deception.

The Tunguska event occurred in 1908, when a massive explosion occurred in the Russian wilderness. The cause of the explosion has never been definitively established, and theories range from a meteor impact to an alien spacecraft crashing to the release of a massive amount of psychic energy. The players must investigate the site of the explosion and gather evidence to try to determine what really happened.

The Roswell crash occurred in 1947, when an unidentified flying object crashed in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico. The United States military initially claimed that it was a weather balloon, but many people believe that it was actually an alien spacecraft. The players must investigate the crash site and try to uncover the truth behind the incident.

The Bermuda Triangle is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where ships and planes have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The players must investigate the area and try to determine what is causing these disappearances.

The missing tribes of Israel are a group of Jews who disappeared from the historical record after the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem in 586 BC. Many theories have been proposed to explain their disappearance, including the belief that they were taken into exile by the Babylonians or that they migrated to other parts of the world. The players must investigate the history of the missing tribes and try to determine what really happened to them.

Atlantis is a legendary island nation that was said to have sunk beneath the waves of the ocean. Many theories have been proposed about the location and fate of Atlantis, but it has never been definitively proven to have existed. The players must investigate the legend of Atlantis and try to determine if there is any truth to it.

Time travel is the hypothetical ability to travel through time and visit different periods in the past or future. Many theories have been proposed about how time travel might be possible, but it has never been proven to be possible. The players must investigate the possibility of time travel and try to determine if it is a real possibility.

As the players investigate these phenomena, they will encounter a variety of characters, including occultists, scientists, conspiracy theorists, and government agents, all of whom have their own agendas and secrets. They will have to use all of their skills and resources to unravel the mysteries and discover the truth behind these enigmatic events.

Me: I already know all of those things. What I want you to tell me is this: how exactly are all these events connected, causally, within the story of your module?

ChatGPT: In my proposed module for Unknown Armies, the connection between the Tunguska event, the Roswell crash, the Bermuda Triangle, the missing tribes of Israel, Atlantis, and time travel is that they are all mysteries that the players must investigate. These events are not necessarily causally connected in the traditional sense, but they all represent unexplained phenomena that the players must try to understand and explain.

That being said, it is up to the game master to decide how to incorporate these events into the story and how to connect them in a meaningful way. There are many possible approaches that could be taken. For example, the game master could decide that all of these events are connected by some underlying supernatural or paranormal force that the players must confront. Alternatively, the game master could decide that these events are unrelated and that the players must investigate each one separately, trying to uncover the truth behind each mystery.

Ultimately, the way that these events are connected and the role that they play in the story will depend on the creative vision of the game master and the direction that they want to take the game in. The module that I have outlined provides a framework for exploring these mysteries and allows the game master to decide how to incorporate them into the story in a way that makes sense for their game.

Me: I think you are misunderstanding how a role-playing game module works. It absolutely must instruct the game master as to what the main plot of the story is, and how to know when you have reached the beginning, middle, and end. If the game master wants to decide for themselves how these events are connected, then they don’t need a module at all. Tell me a plausible story about how these events might be related, in a world different from our own.

ChatGPT: In this alternate world, the Tunguska event, the Roswell crash, the Bermuda Triangle, the missing tribes of Israel, Atlantis, and time travel are all connected by a powerful and ancient organization known as the Order of the Eternal Flame. The Order is a secret society that has existed for millennia, dedicated to uncovering and manipulating the secrets of the universe for their own gain.

The Order believes that the key to unlocking the ultimate power and knowledge of the universe lies in understanding the mysteries of these events. They have spent centuries investigating and experimenting with these phenomena, seeking to uncover their secrets and harness their power.

The players are drawn into this web of intrigue when they are recruited by the Order to help them uncover the truth behind these mysteries. As they delve deeper into the world of the Order, they will discover that the organization is far more powerful and dangerous than they could have ever imagined, and that they are at the center of a struggle that could determine the fate of the world.

The players will have to navigate complex and often conflicting agendas as they try to unravel the secrets of the Order and the mysteries that it is seeking to solve. They will have to confront powerful and dangerous enemies, including other members of the Order who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

As they progress through the story, the players will discover that the Order is not just interested in understanding these mysteries, but in using them to achieve world domination. They will have to decide whether to join forces with the Order or oppose them as they try to prevent the organization from achieving its nefarious goals.

In the end, the players will have to confront the leaders of the Order and decide whether to try to stop them or join them in their quest for ultimate power. The outcome of this final confrontation will determine the fate of the world and the secrets of the mysteries that the players have been investigating.

Me: Excellent. Well done. Now, please tell me more about the history of the Order of the Eternal Flame.

ChatGPT: The Order of the Eternal Flame is a secret society that has existed for millennia, dedicated to uncovering and manipulating the secrets of the universe for their own gain. The Order is made up of powerful and influential individuals from all walks of life, including scientists, politicians, business leaders, and academics.

The Order was founded in ancient times by a group of mystics who believed that they had discovered the key to unlocking the ultimate power and knowledge of the universe. These mystics believed that by understanding and harnessing the mysteries of the universe, they could achieve unimaginable power and influence.

Over the centuries, the Order has accumulated a vast wealth of knowledge and resources as it has pursued its goals. It has devoted itself to investigating and experimenting with a wide range of phenomena, including the occult, the supernatural, and the paranormal. The Order has also developed a network of agents and operatives who carry out its agendas around the world.

Despite its vast resources and influence, the Order has always been shrouded in secrecy. It has gone to great lengths to keep its activities hidden from the public and to protect its secrets from those who might try to use them against it. The Order is highly paranoid and secretive, and it trusts only its most trusted and loyal members.

The Order is driven by a single-minded pursuit of power and knowledge, and it will stop at nothing to achieve its goals. It is willing to go to great lengths to achieve its ends, including manipulating people, orchestrating events, and even committing acts of violence. The Order is a formidable and dangerous force, and those who cross it do so at their own risk.

Me: How is the Order different from other major factions in Unknown Armies, such as the New Inquisition or the Sleepers?

ChatGPT: In the world of Unknown Armies, the Order of the Eternal Flame is one of several major factions that vie for power and influence. Each of these factions has its own goals, methods, and beliefs, and they often come into conflict with one another as they pursue their agendas.

The Order is different from the other major factions in several key ways. First, it is the oldest and most powerful of the factions, with a vast network of resources and influence. It has been around for centuries and has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and resources as it has pursued its goals.

Second, the Order is focused on uncovering and manipulating the secrets of the universe, particularly those related to the occult, the supernatural, and the paranormal. It is dedicated to understanding and harnessing the mysteries of the universe in order to achieve ultimate power and knowledge.

In contrast, the New Inquisition is a modern organization that is dedicated to fighting the occult and the supernatural. It is a militant and fanatical group that seeks to stamp out any form of magic or spirituality that it perceives as a threat to society. The Sleepers, on the other hand, are a secret society that seeks to preserve the balance of power and prevent any one group from gaining too much influence.

Finally, the Order is highly secretive and paranoid, and it trusts only its most trusted and loyal members. It is willing to go to great lengths to protect its secrets and its agendas, and it is a formidable and dangerous force to be reckoned with. In contrast, the New Inquisition and the Sleepers are more open and transparent in their operations, and they are less secretive about their agendas and goals.

Me: Your descriptions of the New Inquisition and the Sleepers are not accurate. The New Inquisition is the personal project of an eccentric billionaire who wants an army of magical servants and employees. It has no interest in stamping out magic or spirituality. The Sleepers have nothing to do with preserving a balance of power, either. Their goal is to keep the existence of the supernatural a secret from non-magical people. To me, your Order of the Eternal Flame sounds a lot like the New Inquisition, just older.

ChatGPT: I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous descriptions of the New Inquisition and the Sleepers. You are correct that the New Inquisition is the personal project of an eccentric billionaire who wants to create an army of magical servants and employees, and that it has no interest in stamping out magic or spirituality. The Sleepers, on the other hand, are a secret society that seeks to keep the existence of the supernatural a secret from non-magical people.

You are also correct that the Order of the Eternal Flame that I described in my previous response is similar to the New Inquisition in some ways. Both organizations are dedicated to understanding and manipulating the secrets of the universe, and both are willing to go to great lengths to achieve their goals. However, the Order is much older and more powerful than the New Inquisition, and it has a much broader focus. It is not just interested in creating magical servants, but in understanding and harnessing the mysteries of the universe in order to achieve ultimate power and knowledge.

I hope this clears up any confusion and provides a more accurate and nuanced understanding of these factions. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Me: I should have been more clear. The eccentric billionaire in charge of the New Inquisition is interested in accumulating as much magical power as possible, in order to dominate the world. So it sounds to me like he might have been a member of the Order at one time, but eventually decided to steal their idea and make his own more violent knock-off with his own funding.

ChatGPT: It is certainly possible that the eccentric billionaire who heads the New Inquisition was once a member of the Order of the Eternal Flame and that he decided to break away and start his own organization with a more aggressive and focused agenda.

In this scenario, the billionaire might have become disillusioned with the Order and its methods, or he might have felt that he could achieve his goals more effectively on his own. Alternatively, he might have been kicked out of the Order or have left of his own accord, and he might have decided to use his wealth and resources to start his own organization to pursue his goals.

As the leader of the New Inquisition, the billionaire would be driven by a desire for power and a belief that magic and the supernatural are the key to achieving it. He would be willing to go to great lengths to accumulate magical power and to dominate the world, and he would be willing to use violence and other aggressive tactics to achieve his goals.

At the same time, the Order of the Eternal Flame would continue to operate in secret, pursuing its own agendas and goals. The two organizations would be in conflict with one another, as they both seek to understand and manipulate the secrets of the universe and achieve ultimate power. This conflict could serve as the backdrop for a compelling and dramatic story in the world of Unknown Armies.

Me: What are some other organizations that have come into conflict with the Order of the Eternal Flame, over the past 2000 years, and why did that happen?

ChatGPT: As a secret society that has existed for millennia, the Order of the Eternal Flame has inevitably come into conflict with a wide range of organizations over the years. Here are a few examples of organizations that might have come into conflict with the Order, and some possible reasons why:

  • The Church: The Church has often been a major rival of the Order, as it has sought to stamp out any form of magic or spirituality that it perceives as a threat to its own power and influence. The Order and the Church might have come into conflict as the Order has sought to uncover and manipulate the secrets of the universe, and the Church has sought to suppress these secrets in the name of its own agendas.
  • Secret Societies: There are many other secret societies in the world of Unknown Armies, and some of these might have come into conflict with the Order as they pursue their own agendas. For example, the Sleepers might have opposed the Order’s efforts to uncover and manipulate the secrets of the universe, as they seek to keep the existence of the supernatural a secret from non-magical people.
  • Governments: Governments have often been wary of the Order and its agendas, and they might have come into conflict with the organization as they seek to protect their own interests and agendas. For example, a government might have opposed the Order’s efforts to manipulate world events or to achieve world domination, and it might have worked to thwart the Order’s plans.
  • Other Factions: The Order might have also come into conflict with other factions in the world of Unknown Armies, such as the New Inquisition or other groups that seek to dominate the world through magic or the supernatural. These conflicts might have arisen as the different factions have competed for resources, power, or influence, or as they have had conflicting agendas and goals.

Ultimately, the reasons for conflict between the Order and other organizations would depend on the specific circumstances and agendas of each group. The conflicts could be driven by power struggles, competing agendas, or simply the desire to protect one’s own interests.

Me: Please tell me about some of the Order’s past successes and failures, and how they affected the Order’s strategy.

ChatGPT: As a secret society that has existed for millennia, the Order of the Eternal Flame has had many successes and failures over the years as it has pursued its agendas and goals. Here are a few examples of the Order’s past successes and failures, and how they might have affected the organization’s strategy:

  • Success: The Order has had many successes throughout its history, as it has uncovered and manipulated the secrets of the universe. One of the Order’s greatest successes was the discovery of a powerful magical artifact that gave the organization unparalleled access to magical energy. This success allowed the Order to achieve many of its goals and to become one of the most powerful and influential organizations in the world.
  • Failure: Despite its many successes, the Order has also had its share of failures. One of its most significant failures was the failure to find the lost city of Atlantis, despite many centuries of searching. This failure was a major setback for the Order, and it caused the organization to reevaluate its strategies and priorities.

In both cases, the Order’s successes and failures would have had a significant impact on the organization’s strategy. The Order would have learned from its failures and adapted its tactics and approaches in order to achieve its goals more effectively. Similarly, the Order would have leveraged its successes to further its agendas and to gain even more power and influence.

Ultimately, the Order’s past successes and failures would have shaped the organization’s approach to achieving its goals and would have influenced its tactics and strategies as it pursued its agendas in the present.

Me: Please be specific about how the Order changed its strategies and priorities, due to their failure to find Atlantis.

ChatGPT: The Order of the Eternal Flame has existed for millennia and has devoted itself to uncovering and manipulating the secrets of the universe. One of its primary goals has always been to find the lost city of Atlantis, which is believed to hold immense knowledge and power.

Despite many centuries of searching, the Order has never been able to locate Atlantis. This failure has been a major setback for the organization, and it has caused the Order to reevaluate its strategies and priorities.

In response to this failure, the Order might have decided to shift its focus to other areas of study, such as the occult, the supernatural, or the paranormal, in an effort to uncover new sources of knowledge and power. The Order might also have decided to invest more resources in research and development, in an effort to develop new technologies and techniques that could help it to achieve its goals more effectively.

At the same time, the Order might have also decided to focus more on building alliances and partnerships with other organizations, in order to share resources and expertise and to increase its influence and power. The Order might have also decided to become more secretive and paranoid, in an effort to protect itself from those who might try to use its secrets against it.

Overall, the failure to find Atlantis would have caused the Order to reassess its priorities and strategies, and it would have prompted the organization to adapt and evolve in order to achieve its goals more effectively.

Me: Please name some prominent figures in the Order today, and their duties within the organization.

ChatGPT: It is difficult to provide specific information about the current members of the Order of the Eternal Flame, as the organization is highly secretive and paranoid, and it trusts only its most trusted and loyal members. That being said, it is likely that the Order is made up of a wide range of powerful and influential individuals from all walks of life, including scientists, politicians, business leaders, and academics.

It is also likely that the Order has a hierarchy of leadership and that certain members have specific duties and responsibilities within the organization. For example, some prominent figures in the Order might be responsible for overseeing the organization’s research and development efforts, while others might be responsible for managing its finances or its relations with other organizations.

Other prominent figures in the Order might be responsible for carrying out the organization’s agendas and goals, either through direct action or through more subtle means such as manipulation and propaganda. These individuals might be responsible for recruiting new members, organizing missions and operations, and carrying out the Order’s plans.

Overall, the duties and responsibilities of prominent figures in the Order would depend on their position within the organization and their specific areas of expertise. The Order would likely have a diverse range of leaders and specialists, all working towards the common goal of uncovering and manipulating the secrets of the universe in order to achieve ultimate power and knowledge.

Me: Remember, we are collaborating on a role-playing game module here. I was not asking you for an in-character explanation. I was asking you for some NPCs that the game master can use. Please generate some NPCs who hold important positions within the Order, and tell me what their main interests and motivations are. Some of them should be in conflict with each other.

ChatGPT: Sure, here are a few NPCs who hold important positions within the Order of the Eternal Flame, along with their main interests and motivations:

  • Dr. Marcus Reed: Dr. Reed is the head of the Order’s research and development division, and he is obsessed with unlocking the secrets of the universe. He is a brilliant scientist and a skilled manipulator, and he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Dr. Reed is motivated by a desire for power and knowledge, and he believes that the Order is the key to unlocking the ultimate secrets of the universe.
  • Agent Elena Hernandez: Agent Hernandez is a top operative for the Order, responsible for carrying out the organization’s agendas and goals around the world. She is a skilled fighter and a master of disguise, and she is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her objectives. Agent Hernandez is motivated by loyalty to the Order and a desire to serve the organization to the best of her ability.
  • Professor Samantha Williams: Professor Williams is a respected academic and a leading expert in ancient history. She is a member of the Order’s inner council and is responsible for overseeing the organization’s efforts to uncover the secrets of the past. Professor Williams is motivated by a desire to understand the mysteries of the universe and to use her knowledge to benefit

Me: Okay. Now make me some NPCs who are members of the order, but secretly they are working against the goals of the Order from within. They could be acting on their own, or they could be spies from another organization. Tell me about who they are and what they want.

ChatGPT: Sure, here are a few NPCs who are members of the Order of the Eternal Flame, but who secretly work against the organization’s goals from within:

  • Agent James Thompson: Agent Thompson is a member of the Order’s intelligence division, and he is responsible for gathering information on the organization’s enemies and rivals. However, Agent Thompson is secretly working against the Order, as he is actually a double agent working for the New Inquisition. He is motivated by a desire to bring down the Order and to prove his worth to his superiors in the New Inquisition.
  • Dr. Rachel Kim: Dr. Kim is a leading researcher in the Order’s paranormal division, and she is responsible for investigating and experimenting with the supernatural. However, Dr. Kim is secretly working against the Order, as she believes that the organization’s pursuit of power and knowledge is corrupt and dangerous. She is motivated by a desire to expose the Order’s secrets and to bring about its downfall.
  • Professor Michael Turner: Professor Turner is a respected member of the Order’s inner council, and he is responsible for advising the organization’s leadership on strategic matters. However, Professor Turner is secretly working against the Order, as he is actually a sleeper agent working for a rival secret society. He is motivated by a desire to bring about the Order’s downfall and to establish his own organization as the dominant force in the world.

Overall, these NPCs would be motivated by a variety of factors, including a desire for power, a belief that the Order is corrupt or dangerous, or a sense of loyalty to another organization. They would work against the Order from within, using their positions of trust and influence to undermine the organization’s agendas and goals.

Me: What is the significance of the name “Order of the Sacred Flame”? Why was it chosen?

ChatGPT: The name “Order of the Eternal Flame” suggests a group that is dedicated to preserving and promoting a certain set of values or ideals, and that is committed to maintaining a certain level of continuity or continuity over time.

The use of the word “eternal” in the name suggests a group that is timeless or eternal in nature, and that is not subject to the same limitations and constraints as other organizations. This might be a reference to the group’s focus on the occult, the supernatural, or the paranormal, as these areas of study are often associated with ideas of eternity and infinity.

The use of the word “flame” in the name suggests a group that is passionate, powerful, and transformative in nature. Flames are often associated with ideas of passion, energy, and transformation, and the use of this word might suggest that the group is dedicated to creating change and bringing about new beginnings.

Overall, the name “Order of the Eternal Flame” suggests a group that is dedicated to preserving and promoting timeless ideals, and that is committed to using its passion and power to bring about transformative change in the world. The choice of this name might reflect the group’s goals and values, and it might be intended to convey a sense of mystery and intrigue to those who encounter it.

Me: What kinds of transformative change does the Order seek to promote in the world, other than its own power and understanding?

ChatGPT: It is difficult to say exactly what kinds of transformative change the Order of the Eternal Flame seeks to promote in the world, as the organization is highly secretive and its goals and agendas are not publicly known.

However, based on the information provided in previous responses, it is likely that the Order is focused on using its knowledge and power to achieve its own goals, rather than seeking to promote specific changes in the world at large. The Order is likely motivated by a desire for ultimate power and knowledge, and it might be willing to go to great lengths to achieve these goals.

That being said, it is possible that the Order’s efforts to uncover and manipulate the secrets of the universe could have unintended consequences for the world at large. For example, the Order’s experiments and manipulations might cause unintended changes in the world, or they might have unintended consequences for the people and organizations around them.

Overall, it is difficult to say exactly what kinds of transformative change the Order seeks to promote in the world, as the organization’s goals and agendas are not publicly known. However, it is likely that the Order’s primary focus is on achieving its own goals, rather than promoting specific changes in the world at large.

Please say more about the Order’s cosmology and philosophy. Are they Hermetic? Neo-Platonic? Secular Humanist? Or something else entirely?

ChatGPT: An error occurred. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at

(This error recurred, no matter what follow-up questions I asked. I guess the AI was done collaborating with me, for now. Overall, working with a chatbot that understands context this well has been really interesting. If you end up using the Order of the Eternal Flame in one of your games, let me know how it works out.)

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