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Mellimancy (3e)

Adaptation of TedPro’s Mellimancy for 3e

Honey is powerful. It is ancient and modern and vital. During the late summer and early fall, honey is a staple crop in many parts of the world. This sweet and sticky gift from the bee population is both a delicious food and a potent source of magick.
Beet, cane and corn sugars may have largely replaced honey in the West, but much of the world still knows honey as the primary source of sweetness. Honey prolongs life, brings joy and preserves food. Some ancient cultures used honey in embalming procedures. In many folklores, it’s the appropriate offering to the gods, and to the dead. The gods may have ambrosia, but mankind has honey.
Mellimancy may be a minor school, but can still pack a lot of punch. The bees work magic in their honeycombs, and you take the waxy sweetness and refine the magick further to make food, medicine, and beauty.

Ω: 1

Domain: Superficial improvement; Mellimancy can’t actually solve problems, only make them sweeter. Also industry, organization and cooperation.

Minor Charge: Spend three hours preparing food, drink or medicine which includes honey. Alternately, be stung by bees enough to sustain three Wound Points.

Taboo: You must never speak ill of anyone, nor say anything unkind. Your actions can be as harmful as you like, but your demeanor must always be sweet.

Starting Charges: 8 Minor

Honeyed Words
Cost: 1 minor
If you have the taste of honey on your tongue, cast this spell and you can flip-flop your next Lie check.

Honey Jar
Cost: 1 minor
To cast this ancient love spell, you need something symbolically connected to the target, such as a lock of hair or small personal possession. Put the symbol into a honey-filled jar, cast the spell, and for a number of minutes equal to the casting roll, the target will fall in love with you. The actual type of love they feel is determined by their sexual orientation and pre-existing relationship with you. The victim is not compelled to obey you in any way, but in general will try their best to please and help you. If you talk them into something contrary to their core beliefs, they suffer a Self check when the effect ends, and may seek revenge.

Cost: 1 minor
This spell imbues a drink containing honey (mead, lemonade, tea, whatever) with mystical properties, making an elixir of health. It affects anyone who drinks it, but the benefits don’t take effect immediately – you must drink the elixir every day for a week before you get any results. The elixir doubles natural healing rates, alleviates chronic health conditions, and grants a +5% bonus to Fitness checks. If not taken daily, the benefits go away and any chronic health conditions return.

Name Your Poison
Cost: 1 minor
This spell changes a dish or drink containing honey so that the flavor will be extremely pleasant, with no strange tastes. Any poisons or toxins will be undetectable, but have full effect. Of course, you could also just use it to make a nice meal.

Sweeten the Deal
Cost: 1+ minor
This spell affects a group of people, at a cost of a charge per person. All of the targets must consume the same dish (or drink) containing honey together. For a number of hours equal to the ones die of the casting roll, if any of the subjects intentionally try to harm one of the other subjects, they suffer a Self-4 check. You can be one of the subjects, if you wish, and you don’t have to affect everyone at the table.

The Sweetest Thing
Cost: 1 minor
To cast this spell, you must be wearing a floral or honey scent of some kind. For or a number of minutes equal to the casting roll, you gain +20% on Connect checks.

Waggle Dance
Cost: 1 minor
Step through the figure-eight pattern that bees use to communicate distance and direction, and gain a Hunch for your next Notice check. If you cast this spell while watching someone else, you can instead get a Hunch for their Notice check.

Cost: 2 minor
This spell enables you to effortlessly coordinate your efforts with others. Choose one of your mundane Identities and cast this spell. For a number of hours equal to the ones die of the casting roll, that Identity gains the Cooperative feature. When helping someone else in a way that aligns with the Identity’s substituted Ability(s), you may add or subtract exactly 10% from their result.

Protective Gear
Cost: 2 minor
Cast this spell on yourself or a target and the next toxin that enters your body is instantly transmuted into a sting dose of apitoxin (bee venom). This enables you to chug botulinum toxin and have no more reaction than if you’d been stung by a bee. If you spend an additional charge, you can either cast the spell reflexively (in response to an unexpected poisoning) or when you already have toxins in your system. Some adepts use this spell to instantly sober up, or to seriously piss off Dispsomancers. If you cast this spell on someone who is allergic to bees, they suffer damage equal to the ones die of the casting, and probably start scrambling for their EpiPen.

Royal Jelly
Cost: 2 minor
Smear some royal jelly on an object and for a number of minutes equal to the casting roll, it becomes better in some indefinable way. It seems newer, shinier, more desirable, a step above what it was before, even though it hasn’t actually changed in any way. When the object is used in the usual manner, it gains +10% to its function. If cast on a person, the spell grants +10% to Fitness checks if the jelly is massaged into muscles, or +10% to Status if applied to the face.

Cost: 2 minor
Cast this spell on an object up to the size of briefcase, and it’s like the object has been subject to an industrial-level adhesive. Mechanisms will lock up tight, and will need to be soaked in a solvent and thoroughly cleaned before they will function again. Cast on a person, the spell makes them annoyingly tacky, imposing a 10% Difficulty (i.e., rolls of 2 – 10 simply fail) on all physical actions, as every little thing sticks to them.

Sweet Dreams
Cost: 2 minor
Light a beeswax candle and breath in the smoke until you feel light-headed. You will enter a dream-like state for a number of minutes equal to the ones die of the casting result, during which you will dream something that provides insight into a problem or answers a question that is plaguing you.

A Thousand Lances
Cost: 2 minor
This spell assails a victim with a myriad of bee stings, causing damage equal to the sum of the casting roll and an Unnatural-5 check. If the victim is actually allergic to bees (and doesn’t have an EpiPen handy), then they suffer damage equal to the casting roll.

Blue Honey
Cost: 3 minor
This changes a teaspoonful of honey into a potent hallucinogen. Anyone who eats it will start tripping balls, and remain in that state for a number of minutes equal to the casting roll. The victim experiences euphoria, and their world seems like a rich, beautiful, colorful wonderland. While in this state, they gain the ability to perceive auras (revealing the presence of magick and Statosphere influence), and any stress check they’d have to make is delayed until the effect wears off.

Queen of the Hive
Cost: 4 minor
This spell enables you to summon and/or control a swarm of bees. The bees must already be present within a number of miles equal to the tens digit of your Mellimancy, and will arrive (via synchronicity) in a number of minutes equal to the ones die of the casting roll. If there are no bees within range, or if it’s winter and the bees are dormant, the spell fails. However, if there is a corpse (human or animal) within your line of sight when the spell is cast, the bees simply manifest from within the corpse via bugonia (witnessing this provokes an Unnatural-2 check).
You retain control over the summoned swarm for a number of minutes equal to the casting roll, but only while they remain within your sight (otherwise they go back to doing their own thing). Anyone that is attacked by the bees incurs a Helplesness-2 check, a 10% penalty to their actions while trying to fend them off, and if stung, suffers damage equal to the tens die of the casting roll.

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